Chapter 305 When you stare into the abyss...

Lin Shanhu's words should have been what he wanted to say on the day Chen Xiao arrived.

It's just that Chen Xiao was busy, so he couldn't bear to speak out until now.

But these words were undoubtedly the inner words of Lin Shanhu, the old father-in-law, after seeing the changes in Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao was very moved, and he even felt a full sense of accomplishment.

In his previous life, he was very confused.

But now he clearly understands where a man's sense of achievement comes from.

From the love of his wife.

Approval from parents.

It also comes from the respect of many, many people.

The title "Consultant Chen" is already a brand name in the Dongzhou police community.

Chen Xiao smiled silly at Lin Shanhu:
"As long as you think what I'm doing is okay, that's fine!"

Lin Shanhu just nodded and said nothing more.

Between men, there is no need to say anything.

One movement, one look is enough.

"Since you're back tonight, let's have a good night's rest. And... you can do whatever you want. Don't worry too much about whether it will affect the creek."

"I know."

"Then I'll go and lie down on the bed. You have more daddy tonight, so I'm not much different."

After leaving these words, Lin Shanhu staggered back to the room.

That is to say, he was drunk right now, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to say the heartfelt words he just said.

Chen Xiao was sitting in the living room. Not long after, his mother and mother-in-law came back from outside.

After chatting with them for a while, Chen Xiao returned to Lin Xi's former boudoir.

But even if Lin Xi was not at home, Chen Xiao rarely slept in this room when Lin Xi was around.

The reason is none other than customs.

It is said that if a married daughter comes back, it will be bad for her parents' family if they live together.

Chen Xiao was worried about this.

Lying with peace of mind tonight, Chen Xiao couldn't help but observe this room that still maintained the style of Lin Xi's girlhood.

It's just that Lin Xi didn't chase stars when she was a girl, and she didn't have that much girlish heart.

The room is very simple, and the most things there are some inspirational notes that seem a bit middle-of-the-road nowadays.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but grin a little more every time he looked at a corner of his mouth.

Chen Xiao once laughed at Lin Xi because of those notes, but Lin Xi said that they were memories of her youth, and she would keep them even if they were silly.

Chen Xiao agrees with this statement.

Because many things from his youth were lost, and now he can’t help but feel regretful when he thinks about it.

Just looking at those notes, Chen Xiao was suddenly attracted by a sentence:

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you!
This sentence is familiar to Chen Xiao, or to many people in later generations.

Chen Xiao didn't know if those intellectuals had heard of this a long time ago, but he did know it for the first time because of a popular movie.

This sentence was originally a warning saying, meaning to keep people away from negative influences.

But since that movie became a hit, it has become a memorable line in detective movies.

Lin Xi's note contains this sentence, which is naturally a warning to himself to stay away from negative things and to always stay positive and sunny.

Now that Chen Xiao saw this note again, his thoughts became deep.

He whispered the words on the note softly, but his thoughts began to wander.

But slowly he got up from the bed and walked to the window. There were no lights on in the room, and the village was immersed in darkness at night.

Chen Xiao was staring into the darkness like an abyss at this moment.

He was wondering, could there be someone staring at him in the dark?
With this thought, Chen Xiao has been standing in front of the window.

But what made him extremely shocked was that his eyes suddenly saw a pair of feet behind his car!
Those feet made Chen Xiao's scalp jump, and then he shouted angrily: "Who!"

The person behind the car immediately turned his head.

In the darkness, only Chen Xiao's eyes could be so sharp.

But the people behind the car seemed not to hear it at all and still stayed behind the car.

Chen Xiao didn't care so much and jumped directly from the second floor window.

His current physical condition would not make him fall like Wang Dahe if he jumped out of the window, so after jumping out of the window, he immediately ran towards the back of the car.

However, the person standing next to the car turned out to be Madman Zhang!

When Madman Zhang saw Chen Xiao, he immediately said with a smile: "It's your car, it's yours!"

While laughing, saliva was flowing down the corners of his mouth.

Chen Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and frowned: "Why are you here?"

Madman Zhang did not respond to Chen Xiao, but continued to draw on the dusty car with his fingers.

He seems to be drawing a little girl.

The painting was very abstract, but after the painting was completed, Madman Zhang clapped his hands:

"Tongtong is here, Tongtong is back!"

As soon as Madman Zhang finished speaking, a gust of wind blew from behind.

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes, while Madman Zhang was still clapping his hands happily.

After more than ten seconds of silence, Chen Xiao dialed Xiong Nan's number.

"Hey, Officer Chen, are you okay?"

"Why did Madman Zhang leave your house?"

"After walking for a long time, he would come home every day, and then run out and wander around again in the morning."

"Well, that's okay. You can rest."

"Okay, but Officer Chen, why do you suddenly ask about him?"

"He hid behind my car at night. I almost thought he was someone with evil intentions."

Chen Xiao said angrily, and Xiong Nan also exclaimed, "How did he know where you live?"

"Maybe it's a coincidence. The place where I live is the only way for him to go home, and he happens to be there. When you came back in the evening, did you pay attention to my car?"

"Yes, I saw a strange car at the door, so I stopped and observed it. As soon as I stopped, Madman Zhang also stopped." As he said that, Xiong Nan seemed to have remembered something and followed:
"Oh, by the way, Madman Zhang has a very strong memory. He can often remember things he has seen once."

"It's not surprising. Maybe that's why he was admitted to a prestigious school back then."

Chen Xiao did not tell Xiong Nanduo. After hanging up the phone, Madman Zhang shrugged the schoolbag on his back and muttered as he walked away:

"Tongtong is back, daddy will take you home...home."

Crazy Zhang continued walking towards the main road next to him.

Chen Xiao looked at his figure and suddenly felt that Madman Zhang might not only have a good memory, but his eyesight must also be far beyond ordinary people.

Otherwise, it would be a fool's errand. Even if Lin Xi's family lived on the roadside, it would not be easy to identify the car parked at the door without the illumination of street lights.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaosheng wanted to visit Madman Zhang's house.

Chen Xiao no longer hesitated when he had his thoughts on his mind, and silently followed behind Madman Zhang.

The latter didn't care at all about Chen Xiao not far away and just went home.

From time to time, he would jump up and down, and even hum a children's song, as if his daughter was by his side!
 This chapter was originally scheduled for 7 o'clock, but I decided to post it after thinking about it. Ahem... Readers of the blessings in the previous chapter will definitely understand what I mean, but at first glance it seems that something is really wrong, so this chapter will be treated as an additional update from yesterday to make up for my mistakes!
(End of this chapter)

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