Chapter 306 The bloody suit!
Following Crazy Zhang, Chen Xiao came to a very old house.

The house was not locked at all, and incandescent lights hung in the main hall of the house.

The lights were dim, and even the main room could not be fully illuminated.

But Madman Zhang knew that Chen Xiao was following.

So he smiled and grabbed a handful of fried peanuts from a snakeskin bag.

It's just that the fried peanuts have already become moldy.

Madman Zhang put the peanuts on Chen Xiao's hand, and he also grabbed a handful and happily peeled them off to eat.

After the peanuts were finished, Madman Zhang made another gesture of holding hands, muttering something about taking his daughter to bed.

Chen Xiao watched him go to the room and lie on the dirty bed.

It's just that the smell in the room made even Chen Xiao feel uncomfortable, but Crazy Zhang started to snore within two minutes of lying down.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This wasn't the first time he encountered crazy people.

But Madman Zhang was the first real madman he encountered after he started on the road of criminal investigation.

Yang Ziping was just pretending, and if Madman Zhang in front of him was still pretending, Chen Xiao would feel that whenever he met a madman in the future, he would be suspicious first.

Seeing that Madman Zhang was already asleep, Chen Xiao endured the smell and entered the bedroom.

There are a lot of children's clothes in the room.

But Chen Xiao felt that those clothes were not worn by the same girl.

Chen Xiao picked up one of them and could smell the smell of washing powder on it without getting close to him.

This made Chen Xiao couldn't help but turn his head and look at Madman Zhang who was sleeping.

"He probably picked up such shabby clothes, but he washed them clean without even cleaning them himself."

"Hey...the death of a child is such a heavy blow to a father."

Chen Xiao was very emotional, but he quickly calmed down.

He quietly observed in this smelly bedroom.

It's just that Madman Zhang's bedroom is not complicated. Although there are a lot of messy things, there is actually nothing that makes Chen Xiao feel strange except the mess.

And when such thoughts came to his mind, Chen Xiao also asked himself, why did he think he could see strange things here?

Chen Xiao didn't understand and just watched quietly.

Not long after, Chen Xiao opened another shabby wardrobe.

The clothes placed inside were obviously not as clean as the children's clothes.

And you’ll be able to spot most of them that you probably haven’t worn in years.

Chen Xiao flipped through it casually, and then walked out of Crazy Zhang's bedroom.

Returning to the main room again, Chen Xiao stood for a while and then went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Chen Xiao discovered that Crazy Zhang actually cooked!

There were even a few dishes on the Eight Immortals table in the kitchen, although the dishes had already gone rancid and smelled bad.

But this made Chen Xiao once wonder whether Madman Zhang's madness was continuous or intermittent.

Chen Xiao opened the cupboard while thinking.

It's just that there are some empty spice bottles in the cupboard.

Those bottles made Chen Xiao think that the food on the table might have been cooked in plain water.

After closing the kitchen door, Chen Xiao was ready to leave the kitchen, or even Crazy Zhang's house.

Nothing that his eyes discovered resonated with the strange feeling in Chen Xiao's heart.

This is just the home of a father who suffered a mental breakdown due to the successive deaths of his daughter and relatives.

It's that simple.

But when Chen Xiao turned around and was about to walk out, his steps suddenly stopped. He turned around little by little and looked at the stove.

Frowning slightly, Chen Xiao finally turned back and sat on the small bench in front of the stove.

The inside of the stove must be pitch black.

Chen Xiao didn't bring a flashlight, so he could only use the light of his mobile phone screen to look inside.

Logically speaking, his behavior is unreasonable.

Who came to a madman's house and looked into his stove?

But when Chen Xiao's eyes saw the hole in the stove, he felt a faint resonance in his heart.

Chen Xiao stretched his arms and used the light of his mobile phone to extend into the stove little by little, and soon his eyes shrank instantly.

He... actually saw a piece of cloth inside that had not been completely burned!
The fabric is navy blue.

After Chen Xiao took it out, he could see it was a corner of the suit with the help of light.

The burned fabric was only half the size of a palm, but on the corner of the suit beneath the half palm, he actually saw blood stains!
The blood stains made Chen Xiao's heart skip a beat.

My mind also became extremely active.

"Whose suit is it?"

"Is it from Madman Zhang?"

"Or are they just like those children's clothes, picked up from outside?"

"Where's the blood on it?"

"Is it Madman Zhang's own? Or is it the owner of the suit's own? Or maybe someone else's blood was spattered on the owner of the suit."

"This piece of cloth was not burned because it was stuck in a corner of the stove. Judging from the surface of the cloth, it is clear that the suit is not old."

"Since it's not old, then the probability of Madman Zhang picking it up is very low!"

"So could this suit belong to Madman Zhang?"

In this short moment, countless questions popped up in Chen Xiao's mind.

But no matter what, Chen Xiao felt that he needed to take the blood-stained suit fabric to Zhong Tian for appraisal.

No... Yangguan County Bureau does not yet have the technology to quickly issue identification results.

Therefore, this piece of fabric must be sent back to Dongzhou as soon as possible so that the city can identify the results as quickly as possible.

Chen Xiao had an idea in mind, so he packed the cloth and got up and walked out of the kitchen.

But before leaving, Chen Xiao went to the bedroom again.

He thought it would be better to take Madman Zhang to the county bureau with him.

After all, if there was a problem with the blood stains, it would be best to control Crazy Zhang immediately.

However, when Chen Xiao returned to the bedroom again.

Chen Xiao's expression changed drastically!
On the dirty bed, there is no one anywhere at this moment!
Crazy Zhang disappeared while Chen Xiao was in the kitchen!
And Madman Zhang’s shoes were still on the ground.

He actually went out barefoot!

Chen Xiao immediately turned around to look for it. First he looked on the road. After there was no sign of Madman Zhang, he then ran to the latrine of the old house and the abandoned pig pen.

There is still no sign of Madman Zhang!

Such a discovery gave Chen Xiao a bad feeling in his heart.

He called Lin Xi immediately.

The latter asked in confusion: "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"Let's not talk about this. Madman Zhang stayed outside your house tonight, and then I found him and followed him back to his own home. In the stove of his home, I found a piece of bloody suit cloth."

"But when I was about to take Crazy Zhang to the criminal police team, he disappeared! So Xiaoxi, immediately organize the police to come to Yumen Town to find Crazy Zhang!"

 There are three more updates in the evening!
(End of this chapter)

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