Chapter 308 On the water under the bridge!

"Could it be...Jiao Yue?"

Lin Xi said.

Chen Xiao's eyes hardened.

"Your association makes people's hearts tremble, but it is undeniable that it is really possible."

"I also thought of this little girl being depressed and autistic, and wasn't Yueyue the only little girl I met?"

Chen Xiao nodded slightly: "But if it's Yue Yue, then some things may become clear."

"Yeah, look at this girl's messy hair. Doesn't she look like a little girl who woke up?"

"Like, even though she has a ponytail, her ponytail is also messy."

Lin Xi's words undoubtedly increased the suspicion of Madman Zhang.

Chen Xiao took a deep breath and said, "Xiaoxi, go back to the police force first. I want to talk to Teacher Wang."

"What are you doing with him at this time?"

"Crazy Zhang is from their village, but Crazy Zhang has no relatives. I can only find out what happened to Crazy Zhang by looking for people who are often at home."

"I understand, let's go."

Lin Xi didn't say anything more and returned to the criminal police team first.

Chen Xiao then drove to Wang Dahe's house again.

Qin Qing still opened the door to the latter's home.

Looking at Chen Xiao who was visiting late at night, Qin Qing had worry on his face:

"Chen Xiao, why are you here so late? Nothing happened!"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Don't worry, Master. Something happened to Madman Zhang in the village. I'll come to the teacher to talk to him."

"Crazy Zhang? What's wrong with him!"

"I just couldn't find him. I was with him a few minutes ago, but I didn't expect that he couldn't be found in the middle of the night."

Chen Xiao gave a general explanation, and Qin Qing didn't ask any more questions. He greeted Chen Xiao in first, and then went to wake up Wang Dahe.

After the latter heard Chen Xiao explain clearly, he was not surprised at all:
"Everyone else is like that. Don't say how many minutes have passed. Even if someone doesn't pay attention, he might have run away."

Chen Xiao felt that what Wang Dahe said was reasonable.

However, the purpose of his coming here was not to ask Wang Dahe to help analyze Crazy Zhang, but about Crazy Zhang.

In Chen Xiao's previous inference, the murderer should have been involved in many scenes.

The quarrel scene between Qiao Zhiyuan and Jiao Guoxuan.

The car accident scene between Qiao Zhiyuan and Jiao Yan, the treatment scene, etc.

Wang Dahe went to Kangxin Hospital to find a psychiatrist.

Madman Zhang has also been crazy, and Madman Zhang is also a highly intellectual.

Perhaps after he fell ill in his heart, did he also seek help from outside forces?

"Teacher, I would like to ask Kangxin's psychiatrist whether he is always in Yangguan?"

"Yes, I heard that many people go to him for help when they have psychological problems, and many people have regained their lives."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Crazy Zhang is from the same village as you. Do you think Crazy Zhang has ever gone to find him?"

"I don't know about that. Crazy Zhang didn't go crazy when his daughter had an accident. It was the deaths of family members one after another after his daughter's accident that broke him down. It's only been a few years now."

Hear the words.

Chen Xiao thought of a possibility again. In a few years, would it be possible that when Jiao Yan entered Kangxin Hospital for treatment of a fractured elbow, Crazy Zhang was also receiving treatment from the psychiatrist in Kangxin Hospital?
However, Chen Xiao obviously could not find the answer to this question from Wang Dahe.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Xiao asked another thing:
"Teacher, do you know where Madman Zhang likes to hide?"

Wang Dahe shook his head: "I don't know this either, I might as well ask your wife."

Seeing that Wang Dahe was talking about himself, Qin Qing was stunned and replied: "That's right, your teacher often works out of town and knows far less about things at home than I do. But Madman Zhang's favorite place to go is the town. He often wanders around blindly. It’s just a walk around, there’s no fixed place.”

"Then Master, do you still remember the scene where his daughter was hit? Where was it?"

"The truck that was hit in the county was a sand truck. Because the surname Zhang is a minor surname in our village, most people in the village are surnamed Wang, so there were many people from Lao Wang's family at that time. They came back and said that the child was lower half of his body at that time. It’s all under the wheel.”

"What happened to the driver of the sand truck?"

"Hey, I was pushed to the ground and beaten by people from Lao Zhang's and Lao Wang's families, and the police almost couldn't pull them away. In the end, after a long period of mediation, the driver lost the money and spent a few years in jail. , I heard it’s coming out.”

"Does the driver have any relatives in our area? Can you be sure who he was working for at that time?"

Although the case did not show the characteristics of a vendetta.

But Chen Xiao still wanted to rule out this as much as possible. After all, something big did happen to Crazy Zhang.

Qin Qing thought for a while, and finally found a phone book, flipped through it, and said, "This is the phone number of the driver's aunt. I used to have a good relationship with her. I wonder if my family's number has changed."

With that said, Qin Qing helped Chen Xiao get in touch.

After calling three times, the call was finally answered.
The other party heard that it was the police who were asking about it, but he also bluntly told what happened to the driver and his current situation.

After hearing this, Qin Qing relayed it to Chen Xiao: "The driver has moved his family to the county. His aunt said that he used to work for a boss named Wu. After that incident, he is still living in confusion. "

Chen Xiao nodded slightly.

After learning this, Chen Xiao was still unable to connect everything.

However, he felt that he still needed to go to Kangxin Hospital again to see the famous psychiatrist.

After continuing to chat with Wang Dahe and Qin Qing, Chen Xiao saw that it was already very late and it was not good to disturb him anymore.

So after finding an excuse to leave Wang Dahe's house, Chen Xiao drove back to the county overnight and waited to go to Kangxin Hospital early tomorrow morning.

But before driving back to Lin’s house, Lin Shanhu called:

"Hey, Chen Xiao, why aren't you at home?"

"Something happened, and we are investigating the case outside now."

"That's it. Do I still have to open the door for you tonight?"

"No need, I'll go back to the county and be with the stream."

Lin Shanhu heard this and didn't ask any more questions, and quickly hung up the phone.

Chen Xiao put the phone aside and then drove along the main road to the county town.

It's not far from Lin's house to the county seat, only about ten kilometers.

There are big roads all the way, so the ten-kilometer journey doesn't take much time for Chen Xiao.

Within a few minutes, Chen Xiao drove to a bridge half way from the county seat.

That bridge is called Yumen Bridge.

The name of Yumen Town comes from this old bridge.

Chen Xiao was driving on the road when Lin Xi also called him.

Chen Xiao looked to the side, and when he was about to get his phone, his eyes saw something floating on the water under the bridge!
That thing made Chen Xiao subconsciously step on the brakes.

He immediately opened the car door and got out of the car. Chen Xiao didn't even have time to grab his phone. When he looked at the pink schoolbag floating on the lake, he felt his breathing begin to quicken!
 There will be an update tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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