I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 309 The difference between a madman and a fool!

Chapter 309 The difference between a madman and a fool!

Behind Chen Xiao, the phone's ringtone was still ringing.

But he calmed down for a while and then turned around and picked up the phone to answer it.

"Husband, why don't you answer the phone? Where are you now? Nothing happened?"

Lin Xi rarely encounters Chen Xiao not answering the phone anymore.

So as soon as the call was connected, her tone was particularly nervous.

Chen Xiao took a deep breath and replied: "It's nothing. I was just driving and saw something in the water, so I went to observe it first."

"There's something in the water? What?"

"It looks a bit like the Barbie doll's schoolbag carried by Madman Zhang. Now ask the Yangguan police to contact the salvage team."

As Chen Xiao said, Lin Xi on the other end of the phone fell silent for a while.

Two or three seconds later, Lin Xi responded with a hello, and then said seriously:

"You are waiting on the shore. I know your temperament and you definitely want to go into the water to find out, but... I don't allow you to know?"

Chen Xiao’s water properties are pretty good.

Going into the water seems to be no problem in the current weather.

It's just that in the middle of the night, the cold water in the river is most likely to cause cramps.

That's why Lin Xi reminded her first. After hearing this, Chen Xiao nodded and said, "You know, it's meaningless for me to go into the water after so long."

"Well, just wait for me, I'll be there soon."

Lin Xi said and hung up the phone.

Chen Xiao drove the car to the river bank. Fortunately, there were people living not far away, and fortunately there were several meters long bamboo poles for drying clothes at the door.

Borrowing a bamboo pole, Chen Xiao picked up the schoolbag.

The moment he saw the schoolbag at close range, Chen Xiao's heart sank to the bottom.

It was indeed the pink schoolbag that Madman Zhang carried on his back even when he slept.

Chen Xiao looked at the street lights around him.

He was a little lucky that he was driving close to the bridge. He was also lucky that when he turned his head, he could see the floating position of the school bag.

Otherwise, if someone else discovers this schoolbag, they probably won’t be able to connect it to Madman Zhang.

If you can only determine the location of your schoolbag, how can you determine the location of Madman Zhang?
And did he really fall into the water?
If it really fell into the water.

Did he fall by himself, or was it due to external forces?
Chen Xiao had many thoughts at that time.

But his ideas cannot be verified yet.

Even, sitting alone on the bank of a quiet river, he asked himself repeatedly:
Is Madman Zhang really related to the case?
No one can prove that the person he painted on Chen Xiao's car was Jiao Yue.

The reason why they thought it was Jiao Yue was just a trick of Chen Xiao and Lin Xi's thinking.

They connected it all on purpose. If analyzed rationally, it is still not possible to determine that Madman Zhang is related to all of this.

Not long after, Lin Xi came with Zou Hao, captain of the county bureau's criminal police team.

This was the first time Chen Xiao met Zou Hao. The latter also took the initiative to shake hands when he came in front of him:
"Consultant Chen, we finally met."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Let's talk later and let the salvage team do the work first."

"I understand. I told you on the way here. But this water area is a living water area. The water flow rate is not slow this season. I'm afraid it's not easy to find."

As Zou Hao spoke, Chen Xiao said seriously: "I just found the schoolbag that Madman Zhang often carries, but we can't confirm whether he fell into the water. However, Team Zou of the salvage team needs to remind them that we can't talk to them about these things first." , let them conduct it as normal salvage.”

"Of course, I will make arrangements first and talk about it later."

Zou Hao went to explain to the salvage team first.

Lin Xi stood beside Chen Xiao, frowning and saying:
"Chen Xiao, what do you think?"

"It's meaningless to think about whether he fell into the water now. We have to think about the following things in advance. There are only two situations. The disappearance of Madman Zhang is accidental. The second is that the disappearance of Madman Zhang is related to the case, because that case has not been investigated yet. I found the burned suit."

Lin Xi nodded silently, and Chen Xiao continued: "If it is accidental, then there is a 100% chance that Madman Zhang's body will emerge from the river, because this schoolbag is his life. But if Madman Zhang is found in the river, it cannot It’s 100 percent certain that it was accidental.”

"So, let's actually think about a question, why did Crazy Zhang have such a change? Why did he disappear when I went to the kitchen? The suit in the stove should have been burned in the consciousness of the person who burned it. , so the disappearance of Madman Zhang makes no sense at all! Unless..."

"Unless he's afraid of you!" Lin Xi caught Chen Xiao's words.

"Just like when Chen Xianzu was afraid of Han Zai, he pretended to die in order to avoid the other party's eyes. However, the situation now is different. It is not so much fear as it is to cover up."

Lin Xi hummed: "Things can't be too coincidental. Only when the coincidence is so terrifying that the results in front of you will happen. Otherwise, the disappearance of Madman Zhang will not be justified."

"Although someone may die again, the disappearance of Madman Zhang has made the topping case a lot clearer."

After saying that, Chen Xiao looked at Lin Xi, who replied: "The next thing I know is what to do. The most important thing is to determine whether the drop of blood on the suit belongs to the Jiao family. If it is, everything will be easy to handle." , just need to be around the rising madman."

Chen Xiao also nodded in agreement. Lin Xi had a wide range of thoughts and said:
"If it revolves around Crazy Zhang, then the people who are close to Crazy Zhang will have a huge connection. And the only person who is close to Crazy Zhang now is Xiong Nan, right? But, I still feel that many things are far-fetched."

"Since it seems far-fetched, don't think too much about it for the time being. Come on one by one first, and then verify one by one. This case is very confusing, and it is confusing. But the main reason for the confusion is that the murderer's motive is unclear. Not intense.”

When Lin Xi squinted and saw Zou Hao approaching, he said, "I have a very bold idea. Only when that idea is confirmed can everything be connected."

Chen Xiao was confused, and Zou Hao subconsciously asked: "Team Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Xi took a long breath: "Why do people call Zhang Cheng a madman? Instead of... a fool? A psychopath?"

Zou Hao frowned, but Chen Xiao's eyes lit up, and he gave a thumbs up: "I understand what you are thinking."

"What do you mean?" Zou Hao was confused.

Lin Xi replied: "Madmen are crazy, while fools are stupid and have low intelligence. But there are some madmen who are no different from fools in many cases. The only difference is that fools rarely have violent emotions, while madmen can be violent at any time. Become someone else!”

"No one has been with Madman Zhang 24 hours a day, so no one can be sure what kind of side Madman Zhang has when he is unknown to the public!"

Chen Xiao did not forget to add to Lin Xi's words: "So, Madman Zhang disappeared after a good night's sleep! Even though, he only slept for less than twenty minutes that night!"

(End of this chapter)

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