Chapter 312 Old things and old people
"He is my child, of course I understand!"

"A wise son is better than a father!"

A child is better than his parents. This is true in many cases.

After all, it has been passed down for so many years.

However, this sentence is not absolute.

Chen Xiao wasn't doubting Qiao Zhiyuan, he was actually making a try.

He wanted to try to intensify the conflict.

As a result of his intensification, Qiao Zhong's mood obviously fluctuated, and his words became much heavier.

"Consultant Chen, have you also determined in your heart that Jiao Guoxuan's son was killed by my family Zhiyuan!"

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't say that, then you ask me if I know him well enough?"

"Of course I ask some questions."

"But by asking this, aren't you implying that I don't understand my son! Moreover, he is a criminal with a criminal record, so he might not know what kind of murderous demon he is when there is no one behind him?!"

The more Qiao Zhong talked, the more excited he became.

Chen Xiao calmly replied: "But now everything points to him, unless he can prove that he does not have the time to commit the crime."

"How to prove it? We only found out later that night that he was in another house."

"How did you know?"

"The next day when I found out something happened, I went to find him immediately. I dragged him out of bed at that time!"

"So what? Who can prove whether he went to bed in the morning or last night?"

"I..." Qiao Zhong was speechless when asked.

Chen Xiao saw that his face was red and his neck was thick, so he stood up.

It's just that Qiao Zhong was angry, and when he saw Chen Xiao looking at him, he snorted and turned his head aside.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but laugh and said:

"Mr. Qiao, just after we exchanged a few words, you can't find anything to refute. Then have you ever thought about how you can help your children when they face the court trial in the future? "

Qiao Zhong's face darkened, and Chen Xiao continued:
"In front of a case like this, it doesn't matter what kind of relationships you have. And those people who have relationships with you, they acted very wisely at this time."

"Right now I need you to tell me clearly what kind of person you think Qiao Zhiyuan is. I don't want to hear good things, so you have to magnify Qiao Zhiyuan's shortcomings."

Despite his anger, Qiao Zhong still knew very well that he had to cooperate.

After calming down, Qiao Zhong also said: "Counselor Chen, I couldn't help myself just now."

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Do you know Xiong Nan?"

"Of course I know him. He and Zhiyuan were good friends in prison. They came out at about the same time. But we only came to my house for a meal and we never saw him again."

Speaking of Xiong Nan, Qiao Zhong looked confused and didn't know what Chen Xiao was asking this person for.

"That means you didn't know Xiong Nan before this?"

"Yes, I have never seen him before. In fact, I didn't really want to see anyone who had been in prison. It was just that Zhiyuan told me the reason why he was in prison and that he had been taken care of by Xiong Nan in the detention center. Invite people to your home to say thank you.”

Chen Xiao nodded: "Do you still remember Bai Xinghu? Has anything happened between him and Jiao Guoxuan?"

"Bai Xinghu? Orthopedic surgeon at Kangxin Hospital?"

As Bai Xinghu himself said, he and Qiao Zhong used to be very good friends.

But since Qiao Zhong fell into decline, the two have had very little contact.

So Qiao Zhong and Bai Xinghu are indeed very typical friends.

"That guy Bai Xinghu is not that good. At least I have seen him clearly. But if we say that he and Jiao Guoxuan don't have any intersection, they can only be regarded as acquaintances."

"Then when Qiao Zhiyuan threatened to kill Jiao Guoxuan's family..."

At this point, Chen Xiao's tone suddenly stopped.

"Not to mention Bai Xinghu, was there anyone present at the same time when Qiao Zhiyuan threatened to kill Jiao Guoxuan's family, and when Jiao Yan suffered fractures in the car accident? This matter is very important, and you have to remember it well." The power of bathing, Chen Xiao's memory was accurate to the old injury of Jiao Yan's broken elbow.

Chen Xiao did not forget the reminder that ability gave him.

This is also an advantage he can gain after coming into contact with this case.

Qiao Zhong thought about it seriously, but Chen Xiao suddenly said after a few seconds of silence:
"If I heard it correctly, the car in which Qiao Zhiyuan was driving with Jiao Yan hit the wall and caused the accident, right?"


"Whose wall did you hit?"

Qiao Zhong was stunned: "This... what does this have to do with the case?"

Chen Xiao glanced at him: "Forget it, take me directly to that house."

Qiao Zhong was puzzled, but he nodded when he saw Chen Xiao was so sure.

The two went out together. In order to save the trouble of giving directions, Chen Xiao asked Qiao Zhong to drive.

More than ten minutes later, Qiao Zhong pointed to a house in front of him and said: "This is the house that was hit at the time. I was the first to arrive at the scene after the accident. After arranging for Zhiyuan and Jiao Yan to go to the hospital, I immediately Talk to their family about compensation.”

Chen Xiao nodded: "Is the other party easy to talk to?"

"It's not difficult to talk. I guess I was confused at the time. I was sitting at home, and a car rushed into the house. It may be that I negotiated in time, and I gave them as much as they said."

"How much did you lose at that time?"

"The compensation was between 50,000 and 60,000 yuan, which was not a small amount of money at that time. The house he has now was later demolished and rebuilt. Not to mention half, at least a third of it was done by me for him."

"Then let's go in and take a look."

Qiao Zhong was actually reluctant.

Although I hit someone's wall, compensation is deserved.

But he felt that the compensation he received at that time was enough, so he didn't want to have any contact with people after all these years.

At Chen Xiao's suggestion, Qiao Zhong bit the bullet and knocked on the door.

When someone opened the door, Qiao Zhong asked: "Do I need to reveal your identity directly?"

"No need, those who are interested can tell who I am at a glance, and those who are not interested will not be anything special even if they know my identity."

After saying that, a middle-aged man came and opened the door.

Qiao Zhong smiled, while Chen Xiao immediately paid attention to the other person's face.

After the man opened the door, he seemed to have an impression of Qiao Zhong. Qiao Zhong also smiled and said hello: "Old brother, don't you remember me?"

"Are you Mr. Qiao from Shenghuang? The one who hit my wall back then?"

Qiao Zhong nodded repeatedly: "It's me, brother, I have a good memory!"

The other party didn't show any face, and said with a smile: "How could I forget this? Even now, people here sometimes still laugh at me for saying that I picked up a house for nothing."

The man said, and then asked: "Why did Mr. Qiao come suddenly today?"

Qiao Zhong replied: "I just happened to be passing by here. I remembered what happened back then, so I came to talk to you about the past."

"Then what are you waiting for? Come in quickly!" After the man finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at Chen Xiao: "Mr. Qiao, is this your driver? Young man, please come in quickly."

Chen Xiao did not explain.

But as soon as he entered the house, he found that there were a lot of clothes in the house.

Children's and adults', boxes upon boxes piled aside.

Qiao Zhong noticed Chen Xiao's gaze, so he took the initiative to ask: "Brother, why do you have so many clothes at home?"

The man looked at it and laughed and said: "It was not just to make some money, so I set up a clothing workshop two years ago to do small processing for the clothing factory! I was originally going to deliver goods, but I didn't expect you to come. No!"

"Does your workshop process a lot of children's clothing?"

"Yes, especially girls have the largest clothing list!"

"I see, can I ask...Uncle, what is your surname?"

(End of this chapter)

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