Chapter 313 The unspoken understanding!
"May I ask, uncle, what is your surname?"

Chen Xiao asked.

The man did not hesitate and immediately replied with a smile:

"Ran Hua, the rising Ran."

"It turns out to be Uncle Ran. Nice to meet you."

"What are you doing to be so polite? Please come to the house immediately."

Chen Xiao followed him into the house.

After sitting down, Qiao Zhong and Ran Hua continued to communicate.

As for the communication matter, it also made things difficult for Qiao Zhong.

For him, it was not a good thing in itself, but if he wanted to find a topic, he could only talk about the car crash.

However, Ran Hua didn't know whether it was because of his shortcomings in emotional intelligence or because he had his own little thoughts.

He actually kept saying thank you to Mr. Qiao for his help. If it hadn't been for Mr. Qiao, his family wouldn't have been able to build a new house.

Sitting aside, Chen Xiao could see the suppressed anger in Qiao Zhong's eyes.

Not long after, Chen Xiao's eyes fell on those children's clothes again.

In Madman Zhang's house, Chen Xiao also saw a lot of children's clothing.

However, many of those children's clothes can be seen as old clothes, while most of the clothes in Ran Hua's house are new.

"Young man, do you have children at home?" Ran Hua noticed Chen Xiao's gaze and asked.

Chen Xiao shook his head, and Ran Hua couldn't help but feel a little strange: "Then why do you keep looking at children's clothes? I thought you had children at home and liked those clothes."

"I have that plan, so I always think about what my future children will look like wearing beautiful and cute children's clothes."

"Haha, it's human nature! But the clothes from our small workshops are not worth much."

"As long as the clothes are comfortable to wear, more expensive clothes are not necessarily better. Sometimes consumers are used as leeks."

Ran Hua gave a thumbs up: "I agree with this. Ever since I entered the clothing industry, what I hate the most is those OEM clothes. They are simply killing consumers."

Chen Xiao smiled and did not answer the topic.

Seeing this, Qiao Zhong continued chatting with Ran Hua.

The conversation was very nutritious.

Qiao Zhong cast his eyes for help from time to time, but Chen Xiao seemed not to notice.

He wandered around Ran Hua's house minding his own business.


Qiao Zhong pretended to cough.

Chen Xiao turned around, no longer concealing his identity, and asked with a smile:
"Uncle Ran, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course you can, young man said."

"Well, do you know Zhang Cheng?"

"Zhang Cheng? Who is it?"

"That's Madman Zhang from Yingshan Village, Yumen Town."

"Oh, of course he knows him. Yumen Town is close to the county seat, and we live nearby. Madman Zhang is a celebrity." Ran Hua nodded repeatedly.

Chen Xiao smiled and then asked, "Do you know Jiao Guoxuan?"

"Hey...this person seems familiar."

Qiao Zhong said in a low voice: "The current boss of Shenghuang Textile."

"I don't know it, but I've heard this name before."

Chen Xiao explained: "He was the father of the girl who was sent to the hospital after crashing into your house."

"I remembered this, tell me where I heard it!"

"She's dead."

Chen Xiao said calmly, Ran Hua was stunned for a moment, and then realized: "Huh? Who died? That girl? Or her father!"

"Both of them are dead."

Ran Hua's eyes widened. Chen Xiao noticed the change in his expression.

Whether it was the eyes or the changes in facial expressions, Chen Xiao was paying attention.

However, there was nothing wrong with his facial expressions and eyes in Chen Xiao's opinion.

The topping case has actually been under control throughout Yangguan County, so the case has not been publicized.

Chen Xiao saw that Ran Hua's reaction was not too problematic, so he said: "Mr. Ran, I am from the police station. Their deaths have not been made public yet. I hope you can keep this secret."

"Oh...Okay, okay, I will definitely keep it a secret! But, did they die?" Ran Hua asked with shock on his face.

Chen Xiao just smiled slightly, and then winked at Qiao Zhong.

Qiao Zhong didn't want to act for a long time, so he quickly walked out when Chen Xiao signaled to leave.

After leaving Ran Hua's house, Chen Xiao and Qiao Zhong returned to the car.

The latter asked in confusion: "Mr. Chen, do you trust that Ran Hua so much? What if he tells the case and it has a bad impact!"

"I did it on purpose."


Qiao Zhong looked puzzled, but Chen Xiao had no intention of explaining.

In fact, he just wanted to use Ran Hua's mouth to publicize this case.

When some cases occur, controlling them can naturally prevent the spread of panic.

However, up to the present investigation of the topping case, Chen Xiao and Lin Xi both agree on something.

That is, the murderer's motive may not be a big deal, but this case is completely different from Jiang Anguang's murder because of a dog.

Jiang Anguang killed people entirely out of hatred.

In this case, the motive is most likely a trivial matter.

Furthermore, the scene showed that the murderer had very obvious characteristics.

For example, the method of committing the crime is clean, the body is arranged to present a special scene after the crime is committed, or to put it simply, it may be an art of killing.

All these characteristics made Chen Xiao feel that instead of hiding the case, it would be better to take a look at it directly.

If it is made public, will the murderer become restless?

Once he becomes agitated, the probability of revealing his flaws will increase.

As for whether he will commit another crime, it actually has nothing to do with whether the case is made public or not.

Judging from the method of committing the crime, Chen Xiao actually believed that Han Zai's judgment of the murderer was completely correct on one point.

The reason why Han Zai agreed to arrest Qiao Zhiyuan was that, in addition to the words he said and his grudge against Jiao Guoxuan, the more important point was that he had a criminal record!

The word "criminal record" on Qiao Zhiyuan is not just a simple attempted murder. The bigger reason is that he has been in a detention center.

Everyone in that kind of place has committed crimes.

Some people are honest and well-behaved in the face of discipline, and their sentences are commuted for meritorious service.

But when he turns around, who can guarantee that he doesn’t have other thoughts?
This is why Chen Xiao asked Lin Xi to focus part of his attention on Xiong Nan.

Because there is one thing that Chen Xiao, Han Zai, and Lin Xi don’t need to say clearly.

That is, for a murderer who can make such a special case, who dares to say that he is a novice?
Especially someone who can make the crime scene so clean and the corpses of the deceased so strangely placed. A brand-new pervert can't do it so exquisitely.

Chen Xiao, Lin Xi and Han Zai didn't need to say these words explicitly. All three of them could identify them at a glance.

At this moment, Chen Xiao didn't need to talk to Qiao Zhong.

After letting the latter return home, Chen Xiao went to the criminal police team.

Chen Xiao found the task force. Lin Xi did not go out, and she had already finished questioning Xiong Nan.

Now I am sitting in front of the whiteboard in my office, writing something with a marker.

Chen Xiao took a closer look and saw on the blackboard a timeline compiled by Lin Xi based on the current case information!

In this timeline, Lin Xi put one thing at the forefront.

"The death of Zhang Tongtong!"

 Generally, when there are only one or two updates in the morning, there will definitely be updates in the afternoon or evening, with a minimum of three updates!
(End of this chapter)

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