I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 315 The cook solves the problem of the pig!

Chapter 315 The cook solves the problem of the pig!


Listening to Lin Xi's tone.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Did Lin Xi think of something else?

Chen Xiao was surprised that Lin Xi didn't reply immediately, but started thinking.

When she was thinking, no one interrupted her thoughts.

At this moment, Chen Xiao couldn't help but look at the timeline written on the whiteboard again.

"But what?"

"But...why was he caught so accurately in terms of time!"

"Unless Crazy Zhang left Xiong Nan's house, the murderer would have been following him. It's even possible that Crazy Zhang went to Xiaoxi's house under the guidance of that person?"

"Yes, I once wondered if his eyesight was good enough and he found my car. But even if his eyesight was good, how could he leave that picture on my car after he found it?"

"Xiaoxi and I even thought that the painting was not about Zhang Tongtong but Jiao Yue!"

"All of this is probably to attract me deliberately and lead me to the dark side of Crazy Zhang!"

"Besides confusing me, does this matter have any other effect? ​​For example, will he consider that Xiaoxi and I can guess this intention?"

"If he has considered it, how can we get the best of both worlds with Madman Zhang's disappearance?"

"It can be half confusing, and even if it is seen through, continuing to pursue it is still the wrong direction."

"Hmm... If it turns out that Madman Zhang's disappearance is deliberately confusing, then who is the most suspicious? Of course it's Xiong Nan! Xiong Nan and Madman Zhang met me and Xiaoxi together, and Xiong Nan and Madman Zhang If you’re kind, Madman Zhang will probably listen to him.”

"For example, Xiong Nan asked Madman Zhang to leave paintings on my car, or he asked Madman Zhang to leave home and disappear in the middle of the journey. He only needs to explain these things and no one will find out!"

When Chen Xiao thought of this, he left the office directly.

He did not interrupt Lin Xi's thinking, nor did he say anything to the members of the task force.

After he left the criminal police team directly, he headed towards the vegetable market.

Lin Xi summoned Xiong Nan at midnight last night and asked about Madman Zhang.

But the summons cannot keep people in the criminal police team forever, so at this point Xiong Nan is either resting at home, or still accompanying his father to sell pork.

After Chen Xiao arrived at the market, he first stood in the crowd and looked for Xiong Nan's stall.

Not long after, Chen Xiao saw Xiong Nan's father standing alone in front of the stall.

Chen Xiao mistakenly thought that Xiong Nan was not there, but soon he saw Xiong Nan coming from the other direction carrying a slaughtered pig.

Looking at the pig, Chen Xiao's eyes couldn't help but flicker.

He could notice that there were many pork stalls throughout the market.

But there were so many customers waiting in front of Xiong Nan's pork stall that all the nearby pork sellers looked downcast.

In general, if this situation occurs in the market, it is simply because the quality of the Xiong Nan family's pork is better than that of others, or the Xiong family has a unique skill, or the Xiong Nan family is honest in doing business.

Chen Xiao looked at the scene and felt that a unique skill was more likely.

Because of the grocery shopping people who were watching, they all looked like they were watching a show.

Chen Xiao also came closer and saw Xiong Nan dismembering the whole pig in the middle!

Of course, the pig's blood has been drained, but the pork and ribs are sold at the same price, and the front legs and hind legs are also sold at the same price. Therefore, the business of Xiong Nan's family is still very novel. Even Chen Xiao felt that Xiong Nan felt very relieved when he separated the pork!
What's more, Xiong Nan is extremely fast, and his sword skills must have been practiced a long time ago, and he has almost reached the level of proficiency.

Waiting for Xiong Nan to dismember all the pork, many customers also started shopping.

Xiong Nan's father was busy with a smile on his face, and the eyes he looked at his son were filled with relief.

It can be seen that the idea and selling point of separating the whole pig on the spot was Xiong Nan's idea.

Chen Xiao was at the end of the queue. When it was his turn, Xiong Nan's father subconsciously greeted him: "Boss, please order... Hey, it's you, Officer Chen. Are you here to buy groceries too?"

Old Xiong's words attracted Xiong Nan's attention. With his back to the pork stall, he turned his head with a smile on his face:

"Officer Chen, okay!"

"Hello everyone, business is good." Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up.

Xiong Nan scratched his head in embarrassment: "It's just a living thing."

"Did you come up with the idea of ​​separating pork on site? It's a good idea. Although there are a lot of people watching the excitement, the pork is obviously sold more than other stores."

Xiong Nan chuckled: "At that time, I saw that the competition was very fierce, but everyone had the same price for pork. Although the business was about integrity, when everyone was similar, if you wanted to do better business, you had to think of some way."

Chen Xiao nodded in approval: "Even I enjoyed watching it just now. After the whole process, I actually felt like I was releasing stress!"

With that said, Chen Xiao did not continue the topic of pork, but said directly: "Xiong Nan, let's change the place to talk and let your dad do his work first."

"it is good."

Xiong Nan didn't hesitate, immediately took off his apron, washed his hands, and then followed Chen Xiao out of the market.

But when leaving, Chen Xiao paid attention to the pork stalls around him and talked to Xiong Nan:

"How many pork stalls are there in your market?"

"There are 7 in total."

"Every business is good, right?"

"It's not bad. After all, there are a lot of people here, and it's a concentrated place for buying food. As long as you don't do it by yourself, you can make some money from a stall here, no matter how rich you are."

Chen Xiao hummed: "Then every pork seller here knows how to cook pigs like your butt?"

"What? What do you mean by the chef decapitating the pig?"

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment: "It means that the movements you made just now to untie the pig were very skillful."

"That's right, that's not true! It's not like before. Now those who sell pork are selling pork, and those who butcher pigs are butchers. Of course, after a long time, they will still be better than ordinary people!"

Chen Xiao smiled, and at the same time a question arose in his mind that he wanted to ask, but in the end he swallowed it back.

The question is: Is there any person you see who likes to pick pig hearts?

Chen Xiao almost blurted out this question, but in the end he didn't ask it out of caution.

All the way out of the market, Xiong Nan was about to invite Chen Xiao to a drink shop, but Chen Xiao suddenly said:
"You should be familiar with the people at the local slaughterhouse, right?"

"It's cooked. Before I went to prison, I worked in a slaughterhouse, and later I learned some skills from the master. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to come up with such an idea to improve our family's business!"

"I see, then why don't we go to the slaughterhouse? It's best if the master who taught you the craft also recommends it to me. I think the way you separated pork just now is really a relief!"

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, his face was filled with anticipation and he looked eager to try!

(End of this chapter)

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