Chapter 316 Could he be a knife?

Is Chen Xiao doing it to relieve stress?

Of course not.

The reason why he was interested in the slaughterhouse where Xiong Nan studied was all because Xiong Nan's action of untying the pig just now was very neat.

The three people who were killed, Jiao Guoxuan, also suffered similar death methods.

Furthermore, Chen Xiao was also wondering, would it be more convenient for people who have been doing slaughtering work all year round to handle this case?
With doubts, Chen Xiao and Xiong Nan went to the slaughterhouse together.

In the slaughterhouse.

The butchers are all busy.

Some people looked at Chen Xiao and Xiong Nan, while others nodded to Xiong Nan.

But more people are still busy with their own things.

Xiong Nan took Chen Xiao to a middle-aged man in his forties.

"Master, this is the Consultant Chen I was talking about on the phone just now!"

"Hello, Consultant Chen." The man said and took off his gloves, but when he was about to shake hands, he still shrank back in embarrassment:

"I'm sorry, Consultant Chen, my hands are really dirty."

Chen Xiao smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, Master Zhuang, you're busy with your business, I just came to take a look."

"Okay, you guys can do it yourself."

Master Zhuang continued to work on his own affairs.

Chen Xiao is also watching carefully.

But as time went by, doubts appeared on Xiong Nan's face.

"Consultant Chen, are you really interested in killing pigs?"

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded, Xiong Nan touched his head and muttered: "Do the people who investigate your cases all have quirks?"

These words fell into Chen Xiao's ears, causing him to subconsciously ask: "They all have quirks? Have you met many people who investigate cases?"

"No, I committed a crime before and went to the detention center and met many inmates there. In our free time, we like to sit together and talk about our own affairs. While talking, some people will talk about the police officers who arrested them. "

"An inmate said that the policeman who arrested him was a heavy smoker. Once he handled a case, he only had to light the first cigarette and then add the next ones one after another."

"Some people also said that the policeman who arrested him likes to eat noodles, and only white noodles."

"Consultant Chen is quite strange now. I've never heard that anyone investigating a case likes to watch pigs being killed." Xiong Nan said with a smile and asked again:
"Does watching people kill pigs stimulate your thinking, Consultant Chen?"

Chen Xiao smiled: "I'm not sure about that. Even those who investigate cases know that they are very stressed. Sometimes you always need to find something to relieve your stress."

"That's true."

Xiong Nan agreed and said no more.

But Chen Xiao took the initiative to chat at this time: "Where do you think Crazy Zhang will go?"

"I don't know either. I was so confused when Officer Lin summoned me yesterday. Besides, it's hard to figure out when and where he goes if he's not in his right mind."

"Then Officer Lin probably didn't tell you that we fished out the schoolbag he was carrying from the water, right?" Chen Xiao said and looked at Xiong Nan.

The latter's eyes widened and he exclaimed in shock: "He fell into the water?!"

"We're not sure yet. We only picked up the schoolbag, but no one found him."

Xiong Nan was stunned, and after a few seconds he said: "That schoolbag is his life. He can't throw it into the river by himself."

"Then you think he also fell into the water, right?"

"I don't know, but since I've been in contact with him in the past two months, he has never taken off that schoolbag."

"In this case, if Madman Zhang fell into the water and he didn't untie his schoolbag, how could the schoolbag appear alone on the river?"

Xiong Nan was stunned again. It seemed that this question stopped him.

"Yeah, the schoolbag is so small and it's a bit difficult to take it off normally. Why did the schoolbag float in the river?"

Xiong Nan was puzzled.

Chen Xiao did not continue to watch the pig killing and said:

"I will send you back."

"Don't you want to read it?"

"Don't look at it. If you are busy, I will be busy too."

Xiong Nan nodded, spoke to Master Zhuang, and then returned to the market in Chen Xiao's car.

After sending Xiong Nan back, Chen Xiao drove the car and didn't know where to go for a while.

Finally he drove the car to the bridge again.

Chen Xiao stood on the bridge, observing the flow speed and direction of the river, and finally got in the car and drove upstream along the river dam.

But not long after driving, Chen Xiao met Han Zai by a river dam.

He sat on the river dam and stared at the river as if thinking about something.

Chen Xiao got out of the car and shouted: "Teacher Han."

Han turned around again and said with some surprise: "I didn't expect to meet you now."

"I was wondering if I could find the place where Madman Zhang might have fallen into the water."

Han nodded again: "Xiaoxi has been sharing Xiaoxi with me. She said that she suspected that Madman Zhang's disappearance was a cover-up."

"Indeed, but this deception is not so easy to use. First, Crazy Zhang must trust him, otherwise it is impossible for a person in Crazy Zhang's state not to be able to sense me when he leaves. Furthermore, Crazy Zhang Disappearance is indeed a very good method, and now it is difficult to distinguish between what is true and what is false."

"Yeah, just sitting on this river dam, I was asking myself repeatedly whether the disappearance of Madman Zhang has anything to do with the case. One voice told me no, but another voice told me it did."

With that said, Han Zai turned to look at Chen Xiao: "Do you think Madman Zhang is still alive in the world?"

"This is another question that has no answer."

Han Zaizai gave a long sigh: "It might be a lot better if we could find Madman Zhang now."

"Rather than finding him, has Teacher Han ever thought about who could cause a madman to disappear? There is also Madman Zhang's mental state. Has a hospital issued a diagnosis for him? Can it be determined whether he is completely crazy or is intermittently mad? of?"

"He doesn't even have any relatives anymore. At least no one will take him to the hospital in the past few years." Han Zai answered, then frowned and said:

"But you are right. Who caused Madman Zhang to disappear is a very important question now. You can make a madman obediently avoid your sight, and under such a coincidence, this person seems to be a bit like a certain person. "

"You're talking about Xiong Nan, right?"

"Yes, he is kind to Crazy Zhang, and Crazy Zhang likes to follow him. If he says anything, Crazy Zhang will definitely listen. But why does Xiong Nan need to do this? Even if there is no vendetta or murder in the whole case. He has the characteristics of murdering people, but how can he not need a reason to kill almost everyone?"

Han Zai frowned.

Chen Xiao replied calmly: "The murderer's biggest advantage is that he has a lot of information, and Xiong Nan is never the only person who is kind to Madman Zhang."

"You're right, he does have a lot of information. And I heard from Xiaoxi that the profile of Madman Zhang is somewhat similar to Qiao Zhiyuan, right?"

"Yes." Chen Xiao nodded and followed: "Now I have a stronger suspicion in my heart, that is, could Madman Zhang be a knife?"

"Knife? You mean, someone borrowed the hand of a madman? But he is crazy. Is it true that you suspect it is intermittent?"

As soon as Han Zai finished speaking, Chen Xiao's cell phone rang.

It was Lin Xi calling.

"Chen Xiao, the blood stains on the suit were identified!"

 I have never wanted to update less and update later. Therefore, when my grandma passed away a few days ago, I insisted on it and never mentioned it to my book friends. But today, my grandma passed away again, and this wave of cold spring took away two of my relatives. My mind has been blank for a long time while sitting in front of the computer, so please be patient in the next few days. Tentatively, I will update it twice a day. I will update another chapter in the evening when I have time.

(End of this chapter)

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