Chapter 317: Could they all be murderers?
"The blood stain identification results have come out!"

"That blood stain belongs to Jiao Yan!"

The identification speed of blood stains was much faster than Chen Xiao expected.

This also shows that the superiors also attach great importance to this case.

After all, in the entire Dongzhou, there has never been a case where a family was nearly wiped out.

This is the first time.

But fast or slow, what really matters is the result.

Jiao Yan's blood appeared on the suit that had not been burned in the stove of Madman Zhang's house.

This is very important information for the case.

But on the phone, Lin Xi asked:
"Chen Xiao, do you think the appearance of the suit was intentional, or was it really that you discovered it before it was finished burning?"

Chen Xiao has also thought about this problem.

But he did find it from the stove, and when he found it, the small piece of suit was stuck in the stove.

It wouldn't have been easy to spot if he hadn't reached in carefully enough to check.

He felt that if he was deliberately drawing all suspicions on Madman Zhang, there was no need to make the suit so secretive.

"I can't have an exact answer, but now I can probably deduce some possibilities."

"One: There are not so many twists and turns, combined with the profile of a madman, the murderer is him!"

"Two: If the suit was burned in the stove by another person, then it might not be because of me, but because Madman Zhang came into his sight at the beginning. In other words, he would design it from the beginning The drama about Madman Zhang’s disappearance just happened to be that you and I came here.”

Lin Xi heard the overtone of Chen Xiao's words.

"You mean that he had a well-planned plan to confront the police from the beginning?"

"Yes, there is no obvious motive. The clean crime scene, the corpses laid out, and the neat topping technique all look like a work he presented to the police!"

At this point, Chen Xiao paused, and then continued:
"In Jiao Yan's room, I found a work written by Teacher Wang before. The work is called "People in Front and People Behind". The theme of the work is to describe the appearance of various types of people in front of and behind others, so through that work I felt The murderer’s behavior of picking off the heart is echoing Teacher Wang’s work.”

"Only by picking out a person's heart and holding it in your hand can you determine what that person's heart is like. Now, the information left by the murderer is also true and false, so I doubt what he left behind Information needs to be discerned."

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, Lin Xi did not reply immediately.

Han Zaiyai fell into silence at this moment.

After about a minute, Lin Xi asked another question:
"If that's the case, then why is his target Jiao Guoxuan's family? And he also left Jiao Yue behind?"

"If we assume the first possibility, do you think Jiao Yue has a reason to survive?" Chen Xiao asked back.

The first possibility he mentioned was to believe in his own eyes and believe that Jiao Yue saw it right.

The profile of a madman is the profile of a murderer!

It is precisely because Crazy Zhang once had a daughter, and his daughter was only this old when the accident occurred, so Jiao Yue survived!
"I understand, and if it is inferred that Madman Zhang is the murderer, then all this is indeed reasonable."

After saying this, Lin Xi ended the call. She still has a lot to do, especially to find Crazy Zhang and the possible connection between Crazy Zhang and Jiao Guoxuan's family.

Chen Xiao put down his cell phone and sat side by side on the river dam with Han Zai.

Han Zai: "Xiaoxi is right. Why is Jiao Guoxuan's family the target?"

"Jiao Guoxuan is a very arrogant and high-profile person, and he can turn against others for the sake of profit. Wei Rong is a third party who intervened and then took the position, which is also tainted. As for Jiao Yan, from her mother Si Ru's mouth, Jiao Yan is a person who has no influence on her parents. A girl who can pretend to be in front of her.”

"But it is undeniable that she is the only person who still has some conscience after the change of management of Shenghuang Textile. She is not bad, or it may just be that she and Qiao Zhiyuan have had a deep relationship since childhood."

"Well, it's possible...but I seem to have seen the work you just mentioned on her desk. If I remember the books on the desk correctly, I have barely read each one, right?" Han Zai ask.

Chen Xiao nodded: "It's true that I haven't read it much. I think those books are just for display. However, what I am most curious about now is from what source Jiao Yan obtained the work. The author is my teacher. , the publication of that book was a lifetime of luck and talent."

"The work is very unpopular. For people in their twenties today, you can't find it in major bookstores. So, I now have a suspicion that the book was given to Jiao Yan by Madman Zhang!"

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, Han Zai thought for a moment, then his eyes brightened.

But at this time, Chen Xiao had already dialed Wang Dahe's phone number.

"Hey, Teacher Wang, I have another question. Does Madman Zhang know your work?"

"I don't know, but after I published "People Before and After", he was still very sober, and there was no change in his family. But Madman Zhang also loved literature. During the first two years of his madness, he often picked up some newspapers from outside. Even when he goes to other people's homes, and they see him as pitiful, he doesn't want food, but just books and newspapers."

"Then did he give the book in his hand to anyone?"

"Yes, he even gave me newspapers before. He pointed at the news in the newspaper crazily and taught me how to read."

The person who said this was Wang Jun.

Wang Dahe should have turned on the loudspeaker, and Wang Juan was beside him.

When Chen Xiao heard this answer, his suspicions about himself became more confident.

After saying a few words, Chen Xiao hung up the phone and called Bai Xinghu.

"Dr. Bai, do you still remember some things about Jiao Yan's treatment for fractures? For example, did anyone send her a book?"

Chen Xiao asked Bai Xinghu, but Bai Xinghu thought for a while and said:

"I really don't remember this. That was not the case now. I had a lot of patients every day at that time. It's not easy to remember her name."

Seeing that the other party had no memory, Chen Xiao didn't ask any more questions.

Putting down the phone, Chen Xiao looked at the flowing river and was silent for a while.

Han stood up again, looked at the river and let out a long sigh.

Chen Xiao glanced at him and said, "Teacher Han Zai, actually, I have a very bold guess in my current thinking. You might as well help me sort it out?"

"Okay, you say."

"The people we have suspected now include Qiao Zhiyuan, Madman Zhang, and I even think Xiong Nan has some problems. So, do you think there is a possibility that they are all murderers?!"

Hearing this, Han Zai's eyes widened again!
(End of this chapter)

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