I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 318 Studying police detectives? Isn't it just a training of counter-investigation capab

Chapter 318 Studying police detectives? Isn't it just a training of counter-investigation capabilities?

"You mean, you suspect that everyone is involved in this case?!"

Han Zai asked in shock.

Chen Xiao nodded without hesitation.

The power of the bath made him discover the old wounds on Jiao Yan's arms.

Chen Xiao once thought about who this old wound was pointing to.

Although this kind of thinking is a clever way of thinking, he feels that he can try to think about it.

But as the investigation deepened, Chen Xiao always felt that one part of the case was wrong and the other was wrong.

It would be okay if it was just wrong, but the crux of the problem is that no doubt can have an accurate answer.

When you think it's wrong, it seems to make sense.

So when all kinds of thoughts hit me.

Chen Xiao was wondering, was this a case done by the joint efforts of several people?

Madman Zhang may be an enforcer.

But Madman Zhang is most likely an intermittent psychotic patient.

His inability to maintain sufficient sanity means that he cannot avoid the police all the time.

So there is likely to be an instigator behind him.

Chen Xiao once suspected Xiong Nan of this instigator. No matter how honest Xiong Nan behaved, Chen Xiao would not easily give up suspicion on anyone who appeared in the case.

He even had doubts about Wang Dahe and Wang Jun and his son.

Of course, the suspicion about Wang Dahe and Wang Jun is not due to the latter's action of extinguishing the smoke, but because of the book "People Before and After".

But now that I think about it, Chen Xiao feels that if Qiao Zhiyuan, Xiong Nan, and Madman Zhang are connected together.

The problem seemed to become much simpler all of a sudden.

Qiao Zhiyuan had a reason to kill Jiao Guoxuan.

Xiong Nan and Qiao Zhiyuan had a period of friendship in the detention center.

The most important thing is that the case happened just over two months after they were released from prison.

This time is sufficient from planning to execution.

Of course, such speculation still needs to clarify several issues.

The first question: Is Xiong Nan really involved, and what is his purpose in participating?
Second: What is the state of Xiong Nan and Qiao Zhiyuan in prison.

Finally, Chen Xiao remembered that both Qiao Zhiyuan and Xiong Nan had said that they did not have much contact after being released from prison.

Chen Xiao thinks this sentence is problematic. Two people who established a deep friendship in the detention center should not have much contact after being released from prison.

It shouldn't be as simple as Xiong Nan going to Qiao Zhiyuan's house for a meal.

Han Zaiyai was thinking about the rationality of Chen Xiao's guess.

The more he thought about it, the more Han Zai felt it made sense.

"If what you said is right, then the three of them are all confused on their own, and it is really easy for us to be confused." Han Zai narrowed his eyes and said faintly, and Qiao Zhiyuan's seemingly crazy appearance began to appear in his mind. The same conflict scene.

Chen Xiao took a deep breath, looked at the river and said, "When Xiong Nan and I went to the slaughterhouse today, he said something to me."


"He said that many police officers investigating cases have quirks. Some people like to smoke cigarettes one after another without using lighters when handling cases. There are also people who like to eat noodles, which are tasteless and tasteless." Chen Xiao said Then he asked Han Zai:
"Does Teacher Han think this sentence has any profound meaning?"

Han Zai became serious: "They have research on police detectives! If my analysis is correct, you have also seen the one who likes to smoke, Yue Kai from the Hongzhou Criminal Police Team. The one who likes to eat noodles is Zou Hao. Yue Kai never leaves his hand when thinking about a case. When Zou Hao thinks alone, he likes to let the kitchen cook a bowl of plain water and white noodles."

"It turns out it's them." "Well, the issue of studying police detectives can actually change the angle. That is, while they are studying police detectives, they are also constantly accumulating counter-investigation capabilities and experience!"

With that said, Han Zai said: "I'll take Xiaoxi to the detention center. It's useless for you to ask their guards. If you want to know their true state inside, you have to find people who are in the same cell with them. In the eyes of the guards, Most of them are people who obey education and repent seriously.”

"But if we really follow the view of the detention center guards, how could there be so many people committing crimes twice and three times, and even criminals who call the detention center their home!"

Chen Xiao didn't speak, just nodded silently.

After Han Zai left, Chen Xiao was still in no hurry to leave Heba.

He felt that when the wind from the river blew on his forehead, his thinking would become much clearer.

And he also knew very well that even if the inmates of Qiao Zhiyuan and Xiong Nan told the police that Qiao Zhiyuan and Xiong Nan always looked like they were planning something during their sentences, it would not be of much use in identifying the murderer.

Evidence is key!
In other words, there is someone who is probably still alive right now!

That's Crazy Zhang!

Where will he be?
Chen Xiao seriously thought about this issue for the second time.

The first time I thought about it was when Madman Zhang disappeared and his schoolbag was found on the river.

But Chen Xiao had no clue that night.

But now that all three people are connected, Chen Xiao is wondering if there are any places he has visited related to the case that he has omitted?
At this thought, Chen Xiao thought of something.

That was the house where Qiao Zhiyuan was when he was arrested!

Qiao Zhong said that on the night of the incident, Qiao Zhiyuan lived alone in another property at home.

No one in that house testified against Qiao Zhiyuan.

In other words, no one will go to that house at the moment!

Chen Xiao thought, his scalp suddenly jumped.

No...someone will go!

Qiao Zhong!

These days, he has been using all his abilities to get Qiao Zhiyuan out.

Chen Xiao also said when he arrived that the easiest way for Qiao Zhiyuan to save himself was for someone to prove that Qiao Zhiyuan did not have the time to commit the crime that night.

So is it possible that Qiao Zhong will go to Qiao Zhiyuan's house?
Chen Xiao didn't think much and immediately drove towards the house.

The address of the house is clearly recorded in the case file, so Chen Xiao knows which building and room it is.

He did not contact Qiao Zhong, but knocked on the door of a house opposite alone.

There was a young couple living in the house. They looked confused when they saw Chen Xiao, but Chen Xiao immediately showed his ID.

"I am the criminal investigation consultant of the county bureau's criminal police team. I would like to stay at your house for a while. If you have any objections, you can call the county bureau or even the city bureau at any time."

After the official notification, Chen Xiao went on to say apologetically:

"Because the matter is urgent, I will send someone to send a notice later. Before I leave, I ask you two not to leave this house for the time being. I'm sorry...to disturb your lives."

The young couple was a little unhappy at first.

But seeing Chen Xiao's sincere attitude, the male host nodded, but still asked worriedly:

"Is nothing going to happen?"

"Don't worry, it's just to verify that something won't affect you."

"That's good." The male host asked Chen Xiao to come into the house.

Afterwards, Chen Xiao dialed several numbers.

The first call he made was to Qiao Zhong!
(End of this chapter)

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