I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 335: Regarding the police, it is about promoting justice!

Chapter 335: Regarding the police, it is about promoting justice!

After Chen Xiao sent Liu Dayou home, he did not stay and returned to his home immediately.

After arriving home.

Because Lao Chen and Lin Shanhu went out to play with Luo Sifu, Chen Xiao was the only one at home at the moment.

He took out "Ten Demon Sons" again.

According to Liu Dayou, Chen Xiao has been plagued by evil spirits recently.

The so-called evil spirits, after thinking about it, Chen Xiaosi felt that there was nothing else besides the "Ten Devils".

Chen Xiao does not believe in superstition, but he is in awe of some things.

What's more, this was given to him by Lou Xiaodong, and now it can be regarded as his.

Putting his hand on "Ten Demon Sons", Chen Xiao couldn't help but sigh:

"Senior Lou, although I don't know the significance of you asking Hu Yue to give this thing to me, if you don't hear it, it doesn't matter. Since I heard it, I can't take it seriously."

"So I can't keep this wood carving."

After the words fell, Chen Xiao exerted force on his palms.

The wooden carving covered by the palm was shattered.

Then Chen Xiao moved to another place.

Another squeeze and the wood carving shattered again.

Every pinch.

Chen Xiao will recall the image of a devil in his mind.

When the entire wood carving turned into pieces, Chen Xiao took all the pieces of wood out of the house.

Finding an open area, Chen Xiao lit the wood and quietly waited for it to burn.

When he was almost halfway through his fever, Lin Xi called him.

"Hey, what are you doing? Do you want to come to the team to have dinner with me at noon?" Lin Xi asked with a smile.

Chen Xiao looked at the flames in front of him. He felt that even if he didn't tell Lin Xi, Lin Xi would ask about it later.

Therefore, without much hesitation, Chen Xiao said directly: "I will take out the wood carving and burn it. When it is finished, I will go to the police station."

"Burn it? Although that wooden sculpture looks very uncomfortable, why did you suddenly burn it?"

After Chen Xiao told the reason, Lin Xi shouted without any hesitation:
"Burn well!"

"You also believe that Da has such a trick?"

"This is not a question of whether you believe it or not, but you can't leave a threat to yourself because of whether you believe it or not. Anyway, it is always right to throw away and burn all the bad things!"

Chen Xiao hummed, agreeing with Lin Xi's words.

But Chen Xiao immediately changed the topic: "Then the second method to solve the problem that Dayou said, do you think it is necessary?"

"Of course it's necessary. Anyway, it will be whatever you say from now on, as long as we can celebrate the wedding smoothly!"

Listening to Lin Xi's words, Chen Xiao seemed to foresee how happy his life would be next.

"Okay, I'll drive to the police station now. Oh, by the way, is Captain Zhang at the branch now? I haven't seen him for a long time. I'll go talk to him."

"I am now the deputy director, so I have to call me Director Zhang!"

Chen Xiao was embarrassed: "I'm really not used to it. I'll pay more attention when we meet later."

"Well, I'll be busy first. When you come over, go find him first, and then we'll have dinner together."

The couple ended the call.

Chen Xiao watched all the wood blocks burn out and drove to the Hongshan Branch.

I knocked on Zhang Xian's office door and soon heard the words "Please come in."

Zhang Xian was smoking by the window of his office.

Seeing that it was Chen Xiao coming, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"It turns out you are here, my good brother!"

Zhang Xian said and put his arm around Chen Xiao's shoulders.

"Zhang Ju, I will be flattered by you doing this. After all, you are..."

Before Chen Xiao finished speaking, Zhang Xian rolled his eyes: "What is it? Deputy director? Is the deputy director amazing?!"

Chen Xiao looked at Zhang Xian seriously and suddenly became wary. When Zhang Xian called out the words "good brother", Chen Xiao felt that he was not holding anything back.

He quickly slapped Zhang Xian's hand on his shoulder away, and then asked seriously:
"You weren't looking for me, and then I happened to arrive, right?"

"How could it be! I'm not Xiaoxi, how can I be connected with you!"

When Zhang Xianyue said this, Chen Xiaoyue felt that this guy was abnormal.

Taking two steps back, Chen Xiao pretended to look at the time and said, "I promised Xiaoxi that I would have dinner with her at noon, so I won't bother you for now."

"No, you're eating and I'm not going to eat, right? I'm paying for lunch for you two today!"

With that said, Zhang Xian put his hand over again.

Chen Xiao had already determined that Zhang Xian had not held in his fart, so he said with a serious face:

"Bureau Zhang, this is where the branch office is located, so please pay attention to your image."

Zhang Xian sneered: "I'm not a hedgehog, why are you so guarded against me?"

"Please Zhang Ju, please let go of your farts!"

Zhang Xian laughed loudly: "As expected, Chen Xiao, who knows me well, come here...I have a good thing here. Detective Chen, please come and take a look."

Chen Xiao chuckled, but still walked to Zhang Xian's table.

There is some information recorded by Zhang Xian on the table.

Chen Xiao looked at the simply summarized information and couldn't help frowning: "Haicheng?"

"The place is not important, the important thing is the things."

"I know, I just suddenly remembered that Lou Xiaodong died in Haicheng."

Zhang Xian's eyes narrowed sharply.

He also knows Lou Xiaodong!
Seeing his reaction, Chen Xiao knew that Lin Xi might not have told Zhang Xian yet, so he told Lou Xiaodong's experience again.

After listening, Zhang Xian said with emotion: "What a pity."

Chen Xiao nodded slightly, then looked at the few pieces of information seriously, and then raised doubts:
"Why is it recorded this way?"

Zhang Xian was a little embarrassed: "I had a friend who called me not long ago. She dictated all the information on the phone and I recorded it. She was stumped by the problem at hand and was under a lot of pressure from her superiors, so Just wanted to ask me for help.”

"So you couldn't leave because of work, so you decided on me?"

Zhang Xian scratched his head: "There's nothing I can do about it. I owe you something. This is the first time someone has spoken to me in so many years. I really don't know how to refuse."

"People won't come after me by name, right?" Chen Xiao asked, Zhang Xian smiled and nodded:


"Is my reputation already so great that it's famous in Haicheng? That's a real big city!"

"It's all my fault. I feel proud of you and Xiaoxi every time. So when I contact some old acquaintances, I can't help but praise you. Over time, my friends all know you."

Chen Xiao sighed and shook his head: "Can I understand what you said to mean that you just like to show off to me and Xiaoxi when you have nothing to do?"

Zhang Xian's expression turned serious: "How can you say something so unpleasant about the police? This is called promoting justice! As a police officer, you must vigorously promote positive things. Evil cannot prevail over good!"

Chen Xiaocai didn't believe Zhang Xian's nonsense.

After Chen Xiao solved the Xiaofeng Village case, Zhang Xian used him to show off in front of his colleagues.

So Zhang Xian now probably knows the taste after eating the marrow.

However, Chen Xiao does not exclude Zhang Xian.

Although the relationship between the latter and him was never said to be friends, it was already better than friends.

He was also the first to bring up the matter of Lin Xi being promoted to the deputy team.

An old acquaintance who had just been promoted, the first thing he did after being promoted was to promote Lin Xi.

Although Lin Xi does have quite strong abilities.

But Chen Xiao knows that there are many capable people in any field, but the number of places for promotion is limited.

If you want to go further, in many cases just having the ability is not enough!
Chen Xiao looked at the paper with simple information again, then picked it up and put it in his pocket, saying:

"Be ready at noon. I won't eat in the cafeteria. I will kill you."

Zhang Xian smiled knowingly: "No problem, anyway, I just paid my salary. Apart from my family's living expenses, you can spend whatever money you have left!"

(End of this chapter)

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