I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 336 The dead on the tree, the lonely grave underground!

Chapter 336 The dead on the tree, the lonely grave underground!

Chen Xiao went to the criminal police team.

While waiting for Lin Xi, he took out the piece of paper he took from Zhang Xian.

There wasn't much information recorded on the paper, and Chen Xiao didn't ask Zhang Xian for details.

Because Zhang Xian may not be very clear about it.

You Qi asked him, it would be better to have a detailed chat with the police detective who Zhang Xian owed something to.

Chen Xiao looked at the paper.

The information recorded above is scattered.

Some wrote names, some wrote some time, and even drew a wine bottle on it.

But Chen Xiao didn't know what Zhang Xian's state of mind was when he was recording. Anyway, it was a mess.

Lin Xi came over with two pairs of bowls and chopsticks and asked with a smile: "What are you looking at?"

"I went to see Director Zhang today. When the eldest brother and the younger brother called me, I knew something was wrong."

Chen Xiao said and handed the note in his hand to Lin Xi.

After reading it, the latter said with some surprise: "I hope you can help me check it out, but there seems to be a very special friend Zhang Ju in Haicheng."

Chen Xiao replied: "He told me that he owed that person, but he couldn't get out himself, so he had to ask me for help."

"I understand when you say that. It should be Captain Pan. She and Director Zhang established a deep relationship during a cross-provincial case when they were young. It is said that Captain Pan almost left Haicheng to look for Zhang at that time. Team, but Team Pan still stayed in Haicheng later, and Zhang Ju is what we see now."

This short sentence evoked Chen Xiao's gossip soul.

"There's a story here!"

"I think so, but it's just that Sister Liang also told me this matter. She didn't go into details and it's hard for me to ask."

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes: "Then do you think Mrs. Zhang knows?"

Lin Xi quickly covered his mouth: "Don't mess around, my sister-in-law is a very good woman. But as long as she is a woman, her heart will be very sensitive. Besides, Zhang Ju is just helping others, not an unclear connection! "

No matter where the police are, there will always be times when they go to other places to handle cases.

Therefore, when police from other places come, the local people will usually provide maximum cooperation.

To be convenient for others is to be convenient for yourself!

Chen Xiao smiled.

Lin Xi took him to the canteen to eat.

Just as they entered the canteen, Zhang Xian had already set up a table in the canteen.

There was a lot of food, and Zhang Xian, who was treating the guests, was very enthusiastic and waved to them immediately when he saw them.

Chen Xiao and Lin Xi walked over.

Looking at the dishes on the table, Lin Xi smiled and said: "Director Zhang, you are not going to give my Chen Xiao the chance to refuse!"

"Hey, I have no choice but to make this decision. That is to say, I still know your family Chen Xiao. If anyone else encountered this kind of thing, they would have no choice but to refuse! So, as long as Chen Xiao is here, he is mine. Lucky you!"

Zhang Xian said.

Chen Xiao didn't bother to answer the conversation. After sitting down, he picked up his chopsticks to eat.

Not long after, seeing Liang Yan coming to eat, Zhang Xian also called her over.

Now the entire Hongshan Branch knows about the relationship between Chen Xiao and his wife Zhang Xian and Liang Yan. After what happened last time, nearly 80% of the criminal police team of Hongshan Branch have convinced Lin Xi.

After Liang Yan sat down and heard the reason for the meal from Lin Xi, she couldn't help but look at Zhang Xian:

"Senior brother, you and Sister Huiping have been in constant contact. Does my sister-in-law know?"

Zhang Xian immediately glared: "I haven't been in contact with her all the time. Your sister-in-law has always been in contact with her. This time, when your sister-in-law was on the phone with her, she realized that she might be in trouble, so she contacted me Talk about it."

Liang Yan gave a thumbs up: "To be tolerant, it has to be my sister-in-law!"

Zhang Xian smiled and nodded: "Yes, but Huiping is indeed in trouble, otherwise she wouldn't come to me."

"What kind of case is that? Even Sister Huiping can be stumped!"

The question Liang Yan asked was also what Chen Xiao wanted to ask.

Zhang Xian did not sell out and said bluntly:
"If the case had been a different character, it might not have put as much pressure on Pan Huiping. However, the person who was killed had two special features. One: She had been reported and made public news after she came to Haicheng."

"Furthermore: Her adoptive parents are very wealthy businessmen. When they went to the hometown she remembered, they made a donation as soon as possible and originally planned to invest in the local area. Now that something happened to her, the investment plan Naturally, it was ruined.”

"The combination of these two points made the case attract much attention. The crime occurred in a relatively poor town in Haicheng, a big city."

As Zhang Xian spoke, Chen Xiao probably understood a little bit.

"In other words, the person who was killed was someone who came back to look for relatives?"

"Yes, she was separated from her parents when she was young and ended up living in an orphanage. Many years ago, an overseas Chinese couple adopted her in the orphanage and took her abroad. Now more than ten years later, the girl has Let her adoptive parents come back to look for relatives."

"After returning to Haicheng, the girl contacted the media in order to find her biological parents as quickly as possible and reported her experience. Moreover, her adoptive parents also strongly supported her, first donating to the orphanage where the girl had lived before cost millions to transform."

"Then he promised to open a factory in the town where the girl was born to create jobs for local people, with a total investment of hundreds of millions of yuan!"

Haicheng is a large city with a very developed economy.

But there can't be only wealth in any city.

Behind the affluence, there are still many places that still wear the label of poverty.

When someone suddenly brings hundreds of millions of investments to a poor place, it is undoubtedly a blessing for the locals.

But before this blessing came, he died young.

One can imagine how evil the nature of such a murder is!

However, Chen Xiao didn't think too much and continued to ask: "When the deceased lived in the orphanage, was he older than the average orphan?"

"Well, she has some impressions of her hometown and her parents. According to herself, she was six years old when she entered the orphanage. But she said that because her parents kept taking her around when she was young, So she only remembers a name for her hometown."

"Later, she went abroad again and waited until she grew up before returning to China to find her relatives."

Chen Xiao nodded and asked again:
"Then how was the deceased killed?"

"On a local mountain, her adoptive parents reported her missing, so the local police organized a search for her. After searching for several days and nights, she was finally found on a big tree in the mountain."


Zhang Xian shook his head: "No, he was killed and carried to a tree."

Chen Xiao frowned: "It's hard enough. It's not easy to carry the dead body to the tree."

"Well, this can be regarded as a problem that stumps Xiao Pan. But the biggest problem is not this behavior, but when the police found the first scene of the murder, they actually dug an isolated grave!"

(End of this chapter)

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