I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 337 Daydream, kowtow before the grave!

Chapter 337 Daydream, kowtow before the grave!

"Isn't it strange that there are solitary graves in the mountains?"

In Chen Xiao's opinion.

There is a solitary grave on the mountain, which is not particularly unusual.

Everyone present had seen too many death scenes, so they all nodded.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Xian said: "It would not be surprising if it was just a solitary grave. However, there is an obvious small pit in front of the solitary grave. That pit was made by the deceased being knocked down by his head."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes: "After so many days, have they made an identification? When did the deceased in the lonely grave die?"

Zhang Xian shook his head directly.

Chen Xiao was puzzled: "No appraisal?"

Zhang Xian replied: "It's not that we don't do it, but because there are no dead bodies in the lonely grave!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xiao's eyes also showed surprise.

"There is no dead body, how can you tell it is an isolated grave?"

"There were clothes buried inside, but no bones."

Chen Xiao did not reply.

But there was an image of the deceased Qiu Tingfang being held down and kowtowing in his mind.

Zhang Xian saw everyone looking thoughtful, so he smiled and said:

"Okay, I don't know the specific situation very well. Chen Xiao, let's wait for you to go there in person and then contact us by phone. It's useless to talk more now."

Chen Xiao smiled: "Yes, you'd better eat first, otherwise you'll get cold."

No one spoke anymore.

Zhang Xian waited until he finished eating and asked, "When are you ready to leave?"

Zhang Xian asked Chen Xiao for this matter.

Moreover, for Chen Xiao, this matter was entirely out of help between friends, so Zhang Xian only asked without urging.

Chen Xiao would not be hesitant about such a matter, so he thought for a moment and said:

"I'm not sure yet, I have to wait for someone to come."

"Waiting for someone? Who is it?" Zhang Xian was a little curious.

Chen Xiao replied: "Xie Wensheng."

Zhang Xian's eyes widened in surprise: "Xie Wensheng is coming to Dongzhou?"

"Well, he quit his previous job after he fell ill. The operation was successful a while ago, and his body should have recovered a lot now, so he decided to bring his family to Dongzhou to live."

He said he was coming to live in Dongzhou.

But how could Zhang Xian not hear that Xie Wensheng came to defect to Chen Xiao!

Although he didn't know much about the criminal police captains of the various branches in Shen City, maybe the person sitting in this position must have two brushes.

How could Zhang Xian not be touched when such a person came to seek refuge with Chen Xiao.

After taking a long breath, Zhang Xian patted Chen Xiao on the shoulder and said, "Obviously not much time has passed, but I always feel that you have come a long way."

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "I just have better luck. I don't think my charm can make Xie Wensheng willing to work for me. Besides, people are mutually beneficial. He can see the love in me. Things that are good for him, and I need someone like him to help me.”

"This is true for collaborators, and so is true for friends."

"That's true." Zhang Xian nodded in approval, and then said, "Okay, I'll ask Xiao Pan to pick you up at the airport when you hear the news."

"Well, Zhang Ju...can you tell me why you owe that Captain Pan?"

Zhang Xian immediately became serious: "Hurry up and accompany your wife, and stop asking about the boss's affairs!"

Seeing Zhang Xian leaving in a hurry, Chen Xiao also chuckled.

He naturally knew that Zhang Xian would not put on any leadership airs in front of him.

The reason why Zhang Xian is like this is because it is difficult for him to tell outsiders about his relationship with Pan Huiping.

After Zhang Xian left, Chen Xiao accompanied Lin Xi to eat for a while.

Not long after, Lin Xi also threw himself into work.

Chen Xiao, who was bored, drove to find Luo Dali.

Luo Dali, who has studied with Guo Zhengchang for a while, has obviously matured and improved a lot.

In Sifu Electric, he is already a senior executive.

And he is a very convincing senior executive. Chen Xiao was led by others to Luo Dali's office.

When the latter saw him, the serious look on his face immediately disappeared.

"Brother Chen! Why do you have time to come to my place!"

Luo Dali put his arm around Chen Xiao's shoulders and sat on the sofa.

Chen Xiao thought of the people he saw upstairs and downstairs, so he asked, "Where is Xiaoxiu?"

"She is very stubborn. I could have arranged for her to come to this building. But she insisted that she wanted to be educated but not educated, and she wanted to be experienced and inexperienced. She had to start from the bottom."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao suddenly realized.

He still understood Ye Xiu's thoughts very well.

In a relationship that is not in the right family, the pressure on the weaker party is always the greatest.

I am afraid of what others will say, but I also want to prove myself all the time.

However, Ye Xiu decided to start from the bottom, which in Chen Xiao's opinion was the most correct choice.

Only in that environment, Ye Xiucai would not have other emotions while working.

Without talking more about Ye Xiu, Chen Xiao got down to business:

"You have to prepare some money for me."

Luo Dali did not hesitate: "How much do you want?"

"I'm not sure for the moment, but a few million is indispensable."

Luo Dali nodded again: "Okay, I will give it to you whenever you want."

"I may have to go out of town in a few days. Then I will arrange for someone to come and pick it up."

When Luo Dali heard this, he said curiously: "Xiao Ji? Sword Man?"


"Damn, it can't be Liu Dayou, I don't think that guy is reliable!"

"Not him."

When Luo Dali heard this, he said in a low tone: "No, Brother Chen, we have a new brother again? And the new brother has made you trust him enough to let him control a huge sum of money?"

Chen Xiao smiled and scolded: "MD, you were jealous at Xiaoxiu's place, but you're going to do the same thing again here?"

"No, I think brother, since you are in the limelight right now, there must be many people deliberately contacting you for their own benefit, so we have to be more careful, right?"

Chen Xiao replied: "Don't worry, he was a policeman before, and his wife and children are also here."

"That's no problem." Luo Dali felt relieved, but immediately asked: "Then are you going to take Xiaoji and the others with you again this time?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Well, it will be more convenient for us to have a few of our own people in other places to handle things."

Luo Dali was a little disappointed: "The person who followed you before was obviously me, but I didn't expect it to be them now."

Chen Xiao kicked him directly: "Why, the money you earned in your pocket makes you uncomfortable? Otherwise, you and your old man resign? From now on, you can follow me around and solve crimes!"

Luo Dali immediately waved his hand and chuckled: "No, no, now everyone calls me Prince Sifu. So, after thinking about it seriously, I feel that I am more suitable for business!"

Chen Xiao: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, the former Dali brother of Fenghuang Street, now the Prince of Sifu, I guess I will have to call him Mr. Luo when I see him in the future, right?"

Luo Dali immediately became serious: "If you want to say that, I will have no choice but to break my legs! Come on, I'll give you the stick. You can knock any leg you want, any one is fine!"

Chen Xiao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and looked at the scorching sun outside and said:
"Where is your lounge? I'm going to take a nap and think about something."

"Just open that door. There's a bed inside. You can sleep wherever you want."

Luo Dali said, and ran to open the door.

Chen Xiao took a look and lay down on the ordinary little bed.

After closing his eyes and thinking about things for a while, Chen Xiao cleared his mind and took a short nap.

But what Chen Xiao didn't expect was that this nap would actually make him fall into a dream again!
In the dream, everything was dark.

He ran wildly in a forest.

He ran for a long time.

He even heard his own breathing.

When his footsteps stopped, he finally saw the first figure.

It was a girl whose appearance was unclear, kneeling in front of a dirt bag and kowtowing repeatedly.

I don’t know how long she knelt, but the girl seemed to notice Chen Xiao and turned her head little by little!
(End of this chapter)

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