I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 345: Touching bones, divination, miserable life!

Chapter 345: Touching bones, divination, miserable life!

Chen Xiao had just touched the whole body of the deceased.

After using the power of bathing.

His mind reflected back to him that there were many old injuries on the deceased's body.

That kind of feedback is like having an eye searching for him.

But when Chen Xiao used the power of bathing for the first time, the eyes fixed him directly on Jiao Yan's elbow.

It's just that Mu Rong has a lot of old illnesses and injuries, but she has never settled down.

The eye that guided Chen Xiao's gaze seemed to be wandering all over Mu Rong's body.

Chen Xiao waited for a long time, but the situation remained the same.

This made him have to suspect that Mu Rong's death might really be caused by an old illness caused by excessive longing for her daughter.

Since this possibility is high, Chen Xiao will no longer waste time.

He pulled Pan Huiping aside and said:

"Team Pan, let's go back to the team to take a look at Qiu Tingfang's body."

"it is good."

Pan Huiping is a decisive person.

Although she felt that Chen Xiao should wait for the forensic doctor to issue a cadaver result at this time, but since Chen Xiao said so, she felt that she should have thought about her subsequent decision.

The two of them went to the scene first, and then Pan Huiping drove directly to the Criminal Police Team of Tiangu District Branch.

After arriving at the criminal police team, Chen Xiao saw Qiu Tingfang's body in the state after the autopsy.

However, Chen Xiao still chose to check it out by himself.

This process did not last long, less than half an hour.

Pan Huiping remained silent until Chen Xiao covered the deceased with a white cloth, then she spoke:

"You said before that you knew something about forensic science, but you also said that your method is different from others, so you just know how to observe corpses, right?"

"Really? After all, I don't have a serious background in forensic medicine. I just learned some skills from an old Chinese medicine practitioner before, and I am more sensitive to some old injuries."

Pan Huiping thought about this sentence seriously, and when she didn't think anything of it, she said:

"Then what do you decide to do next?"

"During my discussion with Qiu Huasheng just now, I discovered a problem, that is, Qiu Tingfang's surname may be wrong."

Pan Huiping immediately became alert: "How could the surname be wrong? The surname provided by the welfare institution, Qiu Tingfang herself said her surname was Qiu."

"Why is it right? Qiu Tingfang was only six years old at that time. People at that time went to school late, and some even didn't go to school. Is she sure she can distinguish between the current surname Qiu, Qiu in the hills, and Qiu in the mountains? ?”

"When investigating Qiu Tingfang's biological parents, Team Pan also knew that they had checked the local chronicles. There was no one named Qiu in the local area, but Qiu and Qiu did, so it was probably a mistake!"

Pan Huiping looked at Chen Xiao while listening, and then gave a thumbs up:

"So sensitive, such a sharp mind! At least I have never thought about the surname issue."

"That's because Team Pan was the first to come into contact with the murder case, and I only got involved after the situation had developed to a certain extent, so I have some advantages."

Chen Xiao said, then changed the topic:
"The surname issue needs to be looked into, but at the moment it seems that the surname is not necessarily important in relation to the case itself."

Pan Huiping nodded: "Since you are optimistic, then follow me to the conference room. The case file has been prepared, including Qiu Tingfang's autopsy results."

Chen Xiao was about to say yes, but he couldn't help but glanced at Liu Dashi who was standing outside. Chen Xiao suddenly said:

"I can't help but let my friends come in and take a look."

"Which one?"

Pan Huiping asked, and Chen Xiao pointed at Liu Dayou and said, "Just the skinny one, he... is very powerful."

Pan Huiping had a bad impression of Liu Dayou. Liu Dayou's smile in the car earlier made her somewhat resistant.

But Chen Xiao said so, and Pan Huiping didn't stop him. After waiting for Liu Dayou to come in, Chen Xiao reminded: "Feel her bones, and then I will give you her birthday and horoscope. But you must be mentally prepared. She was still young when she separated from her parents. The date of birth may not be 100% accurate.”

Liu Dayou nodded understandingly, but looking at the gloves handed over by Chen Xiao, he said hesitantly:
"Can you not wear this thing? Your skills are limited. There is still a possibility of problems even if there is a layer in between."

When Chen Xiao heard this, he went to negotiate with Pan Huiping.

The latter said in astonishment: "Touch bones and tell fortunes?"

"How about giving it a try? After all, the autopsy has been completed, and the rigor has been reached. At this time, it is better to try other methods to find another way."

Pan Huiping nodded helplessly: "Okay."

In fact, Pan Huiping was also somewhat curious about the legendary bone-touching technique.

Especially police detectives with rich experience in handling cases will not absolutely reject some strange approaches.

With Pan Huiping's permission, Liu Dayou got started.

Liu Dayou, who was using his abilities, looked much less obscene and more solemn.

Even Chen Xiao felt that Liu Dayou this time was different from last time.

Last time, Liu Dayou was still a little lazy when he touched the bones of Chen Yan who was locked up.

Now, he is serious.

However, both Chen Xiao and Pan Huiping only have heard-and-heard knowledge about bone-touching.

So they didn't understand Liu Dayou very well when he was using his abilities.

Looking at Liu Dayou, Chen Xiao felt that he would have to ask Liu Dayou shamelessly when nothing happened in the future.

After all, if we are traveling together among three people, we must be my teacher.

Waiting for Liu Dayou to finish, he did not make any suggestions. He just said: "I have a general understanding, but it is best to make some judgment after knowing her birth date."

"Then please ask some of you to follow me to the conference room. I've already asked people to put all the information there."

"it is good."

Chen Xiao followed Pan Huiping and took Xiao Ji and Liu Dayou to the conference room.

Information has been laid out on the table, and some people are sitting there.

Those people were obviously members of the task force established by Tiangu Branch.

However, they should all have been told by Pan Huiping. After distributing the information to Chen Xiao and the other three, they sat aside in silence.

Chen Xiao watched alone, while Liu Dayou was with Xiao Ji.

Liu Dayou didn't understand some of the professional terms in the case files, and even Xiao Ji only learned them later.

The two of them communicated occasionally.

After going through the case file, Liu Dayou dug around on his body and took out an old turtle shell.

The police officers in the conference room were stunned.

Especially Liu Dayou put the copper coins into the turtle shell and muttered something in his mouth.

The hands were also jingling and shaking.

The policemen looked at each other, looking at each other.

It wasn't until Pan Huiping glared at them that the policemen stopped talking to each other.

Liu Dayou shook for a while, and then he shook out the copper coins one by one.

As soon as the copper coins came out, Chen Xiao and Xiao Ji both came closer to take a look.

Liu Dayou pinched his chin, frowned, and his eyes flickered.

But then his brows furrowed more and more tightly, and he muttered: "Such a miserable life shouldn't lead to wealth and glory!"

(End of this chapter)

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