Chapter 346 199…1!

Liu Dayou's words attracted everyone's attention.

But when Chen Xiao looked at him, Liu Dayou shook his head at him.

It was as if he was telling Chen Xiao not to ask him for the time being, because he hadn't figured it out yet.

After understanding what Liu Dayou meant, Chen Xiao withdrew his eyes and looked at Pan Huiping.

"Team Pan, let's discuss the case first."

Seeing that Chen Xiao didn't say anything, Pan Huiping could only stop her curiosity and said:

"Mr. Qiu's family has actually been in Haicheng for nearly a month. During this month, in addition to looking for relatives, they also did good deeds everywhere. For example, they donated millions to help Ms. Qiu once live. The orphanage will be renovated, beds will be replaced and equipment will be updated.”

"After donating to the welfare home, they searched for a suitable place for their investment in Haicheng, and finally set their target on our Tiangu District."

"The whole Haicheng is full of high-rise buildings, so prosperous that people all over the country seem to think that there will be no poverty here. But, Tiangu District is. So, when the signal that Mr. Qiu is willing to invest was sent out, the whole district was like It’s like being given a stimulant shot.”

"But no one expected that Miss Qiu would die at the most critical moment!"

Chen Xiao has already finished looking through the case files. He knows the entire incident, but he still wants to hear Pan Huiping's oral account.

It's not because her voice and eloquence are good, but because written expression and oral expression can often convey different feelings to people.

Seeing that Chen Xiao did not interrupt, Pan Huiping continued:

"Miss Qiu's disappearance is very strange. I learned from Mr. Qiu and Mrs. Qiu that she went out alone that day without telling anyone. Before going out, she did not leave any information at home."

"She went out at ten in the morning. Mr. Qiu couldn't get through her phone until noon, so he arranged for someone to search for her. In the afternoon, when there was still no news, he called the police."

"Because of his special status, the branch deployed a lot of police forces to search for him that day..."

When Pan Huiping finished speaking, Chen Xiao interrupted:
"Then how did you find that mountain? It is recorded in the case file that the mountain is located to the north of Sanshui Town, three kilometers away from Sanshui Town. This area is very wide, but the search only lasted on the third day I found her at night."

Pan Huiping replied: "At that time, we conducted intensive visits to local residents. Finally, a child pointed us in the direction. She said that a young lady bought her a bag of candies, and then she saw Miss Qiu heading towards the mountain. went."

Chen Xiao's thinking immediately became sharper.

"Boy or girl? How old are you? What kind of candy did you buy?"

Pan Huiping was stunned: "Girl..."

When the first piece of information was revealed, Pan Huiping's expression changed.

Chen Xiao saw her expression change, squinted his eyes and said, "You can't be five or six years old, right?"

Pan Huiping suddenly felt extremely regretful, but she had to nod and said:
"I didn't ask her age, but I felt it should be about the same. Besides, I didn't ask what kind of candy you mentioned."

With that said, Pan Huiping directly ordered a policeman in the conference room:

"Go find the girl immediately. No matter if you have finished the candy or not, even if you have finished, you have to ask what kind of candy it is, including its brand."

Candy, of course, is unimportant. The important thing is that that bag of candy was probably the last thing the deceased Qiu Tingfang did before she died!
There is a high probability that the last thing she did would leave some clues.

After arranging to do this, Pan Huiping's eyes changed again when she looked at Chen Xiao.

From doubt at the beginning, to relief, and now to conviction.

Pan Huiping carefully calculated the entire process and found that it took less than an hour!
Pan Huiping took a deep breath, smiled bitterly at Chen Xiao and said, "You are the first person who can make me admire you so quickly."

"Then how long did it take you to trust our Zhang Bureau?"

"Half a day." Pan Huiping said, but then her tone changed and she smiled: "But I still think he is the most charming when he is solving crimes."

Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up, and then made a gesture of invitation, asking Pan Huiping to continue.

The latter put away the smile on his face and continued:
"According to the little girl's guidance, we found Leigong Mountain in Sanshui Town."

"This mountain was bare many years ago, because the trees on the mountain were a source of income at that time. Later, no one paid attention to it, so within a few years, Leigong Mountain grew lush and leafy."

"After we entered the forest, we smelled it not long after. Following the smell, we found Miss Qiu sitting on a branch. She was not wearing any clothes at that time."

"After inspecting the branches and trees for traces, we lifted Miss Qiu down from the tree. Because she had no clothes on her body, we continued to look for her clothes in the forest."

"But the clothes were not found, but a relatively new dent was found on a mound of earth, as well as the footprints left by another person on the dead leaves."

Chen Xiao interjected again: "The dead leaves were piled so thickly in the forest that you couldn't find the murderer's footprints on the mud?"

"Yes, but based on the marks on a few dead leaves, after integration, we determined that it was a pair of feet of size 41. Such feet are very rare among women, so the current gender inference of the murderer is biased towards men."

Saying that, Pan Huiping paused and looked at Chen Xiao.

But seeing that Chen Xiao had no intention of speaking, she said again:

"We also found mud, dents, and earth bags on Qiu Tingfang's forehead. At that time, I asked someone to dig out the earth bag and look at it. Then I found a set of clothes arranged inside, so I determined that it was A cenotaph!"

"It can also be determined from the clothing that it is a set of men's fashion. Judging from the style, it was popular sixteen years ago. That year happened to be the time when Qiu Tingfang was adopted by Qiu Huasheng."

Chen Xiao nodded and said faintly: "In other words, in 1990, Qiu Tingfang became an orphan and was adopted by Haicheng Welfare Home. It was also in this year that an orphan grave appeared on Leigong Mountain, and a set of clothes was buried in it."

"That being the case, how did Qiu Tingfang get adopted by the orphanage? I'm not doubting the official social responsibility of Haicheng, but there were many orphans on the streets in that era who lost their parents. They might not be able to get social and official assistance in time. ?”

"Yes, I can only say that her life was very good. Not long after she lived on the street, she met the director of the orphanage at the time. After the latter communicated with her, he found that she could not find her parents, so she Take her back to the orphanage."

Pan Huiping explained, but Chen Xiao immediately asked: "Where is the dean?"

"Has passed away."

"When did you die?"

Pan Huiping replied: "199...1 year!"

(End of this chapter)

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