I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

The hypothetical case in Chapter 348 is completely reasonable?

The hypothetical case in Chapter 348 is completely reasonable?
Substituting one day for another?

When Liu Dayou said these four words, Chen Xiao seemed to understand it all of a sudden.

What is a sudden change?

That is to change the truth in order to achieve the purpose of deception!

Once the meaning is clear, anyone can understand it.

However, Chen Xiao still said to Liu Dayou:
"Speak clearly, why are you trying to change the situation?"

Liu Da nodded: "I calculated based on the birth date in the record. In my calculation, this person should have a very rough and miserable fate, and he will not be able to enjoy such a luxurious and wealthy life."

"But the deceased Qiu Tingfang lived a happy life for nearly sixteen years. The two are contradictory. I have touched bones before, and the bones are similar to the deceased's experience. However, the birth date and horoscope are opposite. It has always puzzled me.”

"It wasn't until Brother Chen said that she might be looking at someone, someone that she hoped or that she should be in the photo with, that I suddenly realized it. So, the meaning of the hexagram, to put it simply, is that existence changes possibility!"

"The person who was supposed to appear in the photo was not there, but was replaced by another person. As a result, it is very likely that the final upbringing will also go wrong like this!"

After speaking, Liu Dayou added seriously:
"I said possible, not absolute!"

Liu Dayou kept in mind what Chen Xiao said before: Be cautious when solving crimes!

The interpretation of hexagrams depends entirely on personal ability.

Therefore, he can only give opinions that can be used as a reference, not directly qualitative!
Chen Xiao is also ready to remind everyone, because he knows best that Liu Dayou's death is always on time!

"Everyone, the hexagrams made by my friend can only be used as a reference for thinking. After all, the hexagrams are mysterious, and few people have been able to understand their true meaning from ancient times to the present. However, I think what my friend said at this moment is still worthy of our discussion. ”

Chen Xiao opened a topic.

Pan Huiping had already organized her own language in her mind.

"This possibility is really shocking. Even when I heard about it just now, I thought it was a bit ridiculous. But combined with another incident, I suddenly felt that it was very possible!"

When Pan Huiping said this, she had already looked at Chen Xiao.

The two people's eyes met, and Chen Xiao nodded and replied: "That is, after Qiu Tingfang was adopted, the director of the welfare home died suddenly and mysteriously in the second year."

"Yes, all the things found so far in this case are not surprising if you think about them individually, but when you think about them together, it becomes a big problem!"

As he said that, Pan Huiping frowned: "But I'm still a little confused. It was she who was met by the director of the welfare home, and she was also the one who was brought into the welfare home. If there is such a thing as cheating, then the person who is replaced must at least have the qualifications A condition?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, at least they need to be very similar in appearance and even height! Otherwise, the orphanage will be able to identify them at a glance!"

"So how can we do it? There may be only one answer, that is, maybe there is someone who looks exactly like Qiu Tingfang in the world! For example, identical twins!"

Pan Huiping exhaled a long breath: "If we analyze it this way, then many things about the case will become clear at once."

"Well, we can even hypothesize a complete case line now! Especially about the murderer's motive!"

Chen Xiao took over Pan Huiping's words and continued:

"Suppose that Qiu Tingfang met Zheng Xiang, the former director of the welfare home, in 1990, and then followed the former director Zheng Xiang into the life of the welfare home."

"In my opinion, everything should be normal during the period of living in the orphanage. The only abnormality may be that there was a problem during the adoption!"

Pan Huiping also followed:
"But if Qiu Tingfang really has a twin sister, her sister should be the same age as her at that time. At such a young age, they won't cause so many troubles, right?" Chen Xiao said with a smile: "If their parents What if their parents are biased?"

When these two questions were asked, Pan Huiping reached out and applauded:
"Consultant Chen is worthy of the name of a detective! Although I have never been a mother, in real life sometimes I have to admit that even if the children belong to the same parents, because of their different personalities and growth experiences, the parents are often different. There will be situations where the bowl of water will not be level,”

"If this phenomenon is applied to the case, then Qiu Tingfang's death is indeed easy to understand."

Chen Xiao sighed: "Yes, some people will naturally feel dissatisfied and even resentful as time goes by."

Having said this, Chen Xiaoze said no more.

He also had new questions in his mind.

That is: Will things really be as simple as currently speculated?

Chen Xiao was thinking.

Pan Huiping immediately explained:

"Everyone in the task force is now visiting the surrounding areas of Sanshui Town to learn about the villages and clans with the same pronunciation of Qiu one by one. We must find out whose child Qiu Xiaofang is!"

Qiu Tingfang's original name was Qiu Xiaofang, and Tingfang was changed by Qiu Huasheng for her.

It is now speculated that Qiu Tingfang's true life experience has become the key to solving the case.

None of the members of the task force slacked off and carried out the task as soon as possible after receiving it.

In the conference room, in the blink of an eye, only four people were left: Chen Xiao, Pan Huiping, Xiao Ji and Liu Da.

Pan Huiping looked at Chen Xiao, and when she saw that he was silent, she couldn't help but ask:
"Mr. Chen should be thinking that some discoveries are too simple, right?"

Chen Xiao smiled and did not deny it.

Pan Huiping's eyes fell on Liu Dayou: "Actually, everything is not easy. Your friend's ability really opened my eyes today."

"His ability is indeed strange, but I am not belittling or attacking him, because his divination is indeed wrong sometimes."

"What could be wrong?" Pan Huiping hesitated, and Liu Dayou scratched his head in embarrassment and said:

"Yes, and sometimes it goes horribly wrong."

Pan Huiping bit her lip: "Whether it's right or wrong, at least you provided a feasible direction of investigation after you came. This is an undoubted breakthrough."

"Well, let's ignore this for now. After all, this direction requires a lot of police force and time to visit and investigate. At present, we need to look forward to the investigation results of another matter."

As Chen Xiao said, Pan Huiping nodded heavily: "You are right, the bag of candies that Qiu Tingfang bought last is also particularly important now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Pan Huiping's cell phone rang:
"Hey, Captain Pan, we found that girl, and there are still more than half of the bags of candies at home uneaten. Should I take it back, or should you guys come over and check it out?"

The call was put on loudspeaker, and Pan Huiping also looked at Chen Xiao.

"Let's go directly!" Chen Xiao did not hesitate.

(End of this chapter)

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