Chapter 349 Xu Fu Ji!
Most of the candies Qiu Tingfang bought before she died are still there!
This was an unexpected surprise for Chen Xiao and the entire task force.

The group of people returned to Sanshui Town in Pan Huiping's car.

I met the five or six-year-old girl and her parents.

Judging from the appearance of her parents, they should be very careful about their children's diet.

In Chen Xiao's opinion, this is indeed the case.

How can a child be so greedy for candy?
Once a tooth is damaged, it is very bad!

Chen Xiao took the bag of candies and placed the candies one by one on the table.

The child's parents were still a little worried about getting into trouble, so they asked worriedly:

"Comrade policeman, my child has been taught since she was a child that no merit will be rewarded. She was still young. She may have felt that she helped someone that day, and then she must have been greedy, and then she accepted it."

Listening to the other party's cautious tone, Chen Xiao reassured:
"Don't worry, it shouldn't have much to do with you."

As he said that, Chen Xiao looked at the candies.

Judging from the portion size, it is quite reasonable.

It's not a whole big bag, but a few random handfuls.

The candy brands are all-Xu Fuji.

It was commonplace in later generations.

But in 2006, this brand of candy was not cheap.

Chen Xiao opened the wrapper of one of the crispy candies and put the candy into his mouth.

He noticed that the little girl kept looking at him longingly while eating the candy.

Chen Xiao grinned, peeled off another one and handed it to the little girl.

The latter looked at her parents, and opened her mouth happily when she saw her parents nodding.

Chen Xiao touched her head and said with a smile: "It's not good to eat too much candy, but it's okay to eat it in moderation."

"Thank you uncle."

"You're welcome. Uncle needs to thank you, otherwise he won't be able to eat candy."

The little girl tasted the candy, tilted her head and asked, "Uncle's mother doesn't let you eat it either?"

"No, because my uncle has a wife. She also likes to eat sweets, but she also said that eating sweets makes you fat. As long as I don't eat them, she won't miss me."

"Oh, I know, she meant to eat sweet things together!"

"Uh, that's so smart!"

Chen Xiao seemed to be in good spirits.

At least he was still in the mood to taste sweets and entertain the children.

Pan Huiping couldn't figure out the profound meaning of these dialogues.

In fact, Chen Xiao's questions are indeed meaningless.

He was just getting closer to the little girl.

After waiting for a candy to be finished, Chen Xiao stretched out his hand and said with a smile:

"Kid, can you show your uncle how you met that sister that day? Well, uncle wants you to show you the whole process."

The little girl looked at her parents again.

When she saw that her parents agreed again, she took Chen Xiao's outstretched hand:
"Uncle, I will take you there."

Chen Xiao glanced at her parents and followed the little girl out.

All the way to the end of the street in the town.

The little girl pointed to the road under her feet: "It was after school that day, and that was our school. I was carrying my schoolbag home on the road, and then the sister came to find me."

"Well, what did she ask you when she came to find you?"

The little girl pursed her lips, thought for a moment and said, "She didn't ask me anything, she just suddenly stopped me and said my skirt looked nice."

"Really? What kind of dress were you wearing that day?"

"The skirt is at home. It was brought back to me by one of my aunts. It was an old skirt. It rained a lot at that time and the clothes washed at home were not dry, so my mother dug it out of the box and gave it to me to wear. "Is there anything else to say?"

The little girl thought for a while and then said: "She was squatting and looking at my skirt, and then I saw that her hair was a little messy. I have been combing my hair since I was a child, so I helped her tidy it up."

"I didn't know if I pulled the sister's hair. She wanted to cry all of a sudden. Then, I quickly apologized to her. She said it was okay, and then she took me to the supermarket to buy candies and said thank you for what I did for her. Get a haircut.”

The little girl said and pointed to the supermarket not far away.

That's the only big supermarket in Sanshui Town.

Chen Xiao stretched out his hand again.

This time the little girl was very sensible and took the initiative to hold Chen Xiao's hand and lead her to the supermarket.

When they arrived at the supermarket, Chen Xiao grabbed her:

"Did she ask if she liked candy, or did she take you directly to the candy store?"

"I went directly. She knew that I like sweets the most without even asking!"

the little girl said.

Chen Xiao smiled, and then went to the place where the candies were placed with the little girl.

In the entire retail area, there are no fewer than four or five brands of candies.

There are some that are more expensive than Xu Fu Ji.

Chen Xiao looked at it and asked again: "Did she directly bring you to weigh these candies?"

"Well, they didn't ask me which one I like to eat. In fact, I really wanted to eat those jelly that day, but I didn't dare to say it."

The little girl ate the powdered jelly on the side.

This information made Chen Xiao's eyes firmer on some kind of speculation.

He took a bag and weighed a large bag of jelly.

When the little girl saw this, she covered her mouth with her hands in surprise and asked, "Uncle, you don't want to buy it for me, do you?"

"Of course, didn't uncle say that? I want to eat sweet things with my wife, so I bought this for you separately."

The little girl is very happy.

But there seems to be some concern.

Chen Xiao knew what she was worried about, so she said seriously:
"What your parents taught you is actually correct. It's best for children not to accept gifts from others. But uncle is not someone else."

"Well, you are a policeman!"

"Well, if you encounter danger in the future, remember to call the police. Any one of you will do."

"I remember!"

Chen Xiao weighed the jelly and asked to pay at the cashier.

Waiting to come out after paying the bill, Pan Huiping was already waiting outside the supermarket.

Chen Xiao glanced at Xiao Ji and said, "Send this girl home, and then get her little skirt. Let's go to Leigong Mountain. After you send her off, we'll chase her."

Xiao Ji nodded and took the little girl home.

Pan Huiping looked at it and asked, "Have you thought of anything?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "There is something strange about it, but I don't know where it is."

"Tell me."

"The brand of candy, and the dress that caught Qiu Tingfang's attention. Qiu Tingfang in the photo is about the same height and shape as the little girl we just saw."

Pan Huiping heard this and said:

"You mean, Qiu Tingfang might have had a dress like that when she was a child? But, it's more than ten years apart."

"It's more than ten years old, but the little girl said that it was an old dress given to her family by one of her elders. The skirt is very old, maybe it was from those years. After all, ordinary people always like to put their clothes in boxes. I don’t know how many years it will take if I leave it alone.”

As Chen Xiao said, Pan Huiping nodded silently.

After walking for a short distance, Pan Huiping looked at Leigong Mountain in the distance and said:
"But what is the profound meaning of the Hsu Fu Chi brand?"

(End of this chapter)

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