Chapter 350 One shot of emotion!

When Chen Xiao, Pan Huiping and Liu Dayou were walking towards Leigong Mountain.

He just kept thinking about it.

Could it be that I am overthinking it?
If Qiu Tingfang left anything behind during her lifetime, she should have plenty of time.

Why hide from a candy?

Pan Huiping next to her also had thoughts.

It's very late now.

As an experienced detective, she knows the importance of time.

But she doesn't recommend going to Leigong Mountain at night.

At the supermarket just now, the staff opened the door only after she called.

Although the other party did not dare to say it openly, it was obvious that there were many complaints.

Furthermore, if you go into the deep mountains and forests at night, you may not necessarily find anything.

There is a high possibility that this trip is just a waste of time.

If you have this time, it might be more effective to calm down and think more.

Of course, this is just Pan Huiping's personal idea.

She has deeply felt Chen Xiao's efficiency and keenness in case investigation.

She was thinking that maybe Chen Xiao would have different abilities at night.

But in the end she thought too much.

When Xiao Ji drove back, Chen Xiao opened the car door and said with a smile:

"It's getting late, Captain Pan. Why don't we call it a day?"

Pan Huiping was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "I'll drive my car."

Chen Xiao glanced at Xiao Ji and immediately got out of the driver's seat.

After Pan Huiping got in the car, she said:

"I originally thought you were going to explore Leigong Mountain at night."

"Although Zhang Ju praised my eyesight, I don't think it is necessary to go to Leigong Mountain at night in this kind of weather."

"Well, my people have also collected some household registration information one after another, and are now working overtime to screen. Instead of exploring the mountains at night, it is better to go back and wait."

"Okay, this night was really torturous. Not only was it tormenting you, but the little girl was also tormented."

Pan Huiping smiled and Chen Xiao said nothing more.

On the way back, Zhang Xian called.

He seemed to have just gotten off work.

"Hey, good brother, how's the situation?"

The voice coming from the phone made Pan Huiping look over.

Chen Xiao immediately reminded: "Captain Pan, drive well."

Pan Huiping felt a little embarrassed.

Zhang Xian on the other end of the phone hurriedly asked: "Is Xiao Pan also in the car?"

"Well, Team Pan and I were just investigating outside, and we're going back to the team now."

"Then tell me about the case. Do you feel confident about it?"

"This is not the time to think about grasping this kind of thing. But the case is indeed a bit strange, so let's investigate it slowly."

Chen Xiao seemed to be doing Tai Chi and said some ambiguous words.

After hearing this, Zhang Xian said: "Good brother, don't make trouble. I know you. Let me tell you if you have discovered anything."

In fact, Chen Xiao felt that Zhang Xian was wrong.

As friends, sometimes we can’t stop gossiping when our friends have some tidbits.

But when he really felt that there was a problem, Chen Xiao didn't want to gossip, but felt a little self-conscious.

Zhang Xian has a family.

Someone with a job! Chen Xiao didn't want to see him make mistakes.

Similarly, Pan Huiping should not make such a mistake.

It's just that Zhang Xian is obviously too concerned now.

Until then, a female voice came from beside Zhang Xian: "Brother Xian, can Chen Xiao help Pingping?"

When he heard this, Chen Xiao felt much more at ease.

Looking at Pan Huiping again, she obviously heard this sentence.

There was not much complexity in her eyes. On the contrary, she took the initiative to raise her voice and replied:

"Sister Qin, Chen Xiao is very powerful and can definitely help me. As soon as he came, he helped me open up a lot of ideas!"

"That's good, Chen Xiao... sister-in-law will thank you on the phone first. When you come back, sister-in-law will make a table to thank you and Xiaoxi!"

Listen to them.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly in his heart. He felt that he had thought too much.

Sometimes, you still can’t be too one-sided.

Maybe the relationship between the three of them is not as shallow as I thought.

"Okay sister-in-law, don't worry, I will do my best to assist Captain Pan."

"Okay, don't blame Zhang Xian for annoying you. I was the one who urged him to make this call."

"I know, sister-in-law." Chen Xiao replied, and Zhang Xian said:
"You don't speak until my woman speaks, okay... I don't bother arguing with you, you guys just went to take care of your health and you died."

Zhang Xian hung up the phone quickly.

Chen Xiao held the mobile phone and saw that Liu Dayou and Xiao Ji were both deep in thought. He knew in his heart that they must also be a little confused about how Zhang Xian and the three of them were getting along.

However, Pan Huiping took the initiative to chat at this time.

Just the first sentence makes people a little sluggish.

"I like Brother Xian."

Chen Xiao didn't know what to reply, but Pan Huiping said very freely: "But I can't tell whether I still like her or not. Maybe I admire her more. And you don't have to guess, I, Brother Xian, and Sister Qin Relationship."

"Brother Xian is very good to Sister Qin, and Sister Qin is also very good to Brother Xian. And they have traveled much more roads than I have, so it is most suitable for them to be together."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Then what do you think their attitude is towards you now?"

"They treat me like a sister, but I know that Brother Xian has always felt guilty about me."

"What happened back then?"

"Well, I helped Brother Xian block a shot, and that shot almost separated Brother Xian and Sister Qin. Sister Qin has the temperament of a little woman and is sentimental. And I dare to love and hate. He was not married at that time. , she is not married, so I have always kept an open attitude in front of Brother Xian."

"It's just that gradually I know that Brother Xian only has Sister Qin in his heart. I blocked a shot for him, but that only made him feel guilty for me, not the so-called emotion. I know that even if Brother Xian feels guilty, If you really get together with me, we may have conflicts in the future.”

"For a family, if there is one criminal police officer, the other person will worry more about the family. If there are two, the family can't imagine it. So, in the end, I figured it out and went there myself I became Sister Qin’s bridesmaid. In the following years, we always got along like family members.”

Listen to Pan Huiping's words.

Chen Xiao also felt completely relieved.

He really didn't want Zhang Xian to make a mistake.

The meaning of Pan Huiping's words now was obviously telling him that his previous guesses were all nonsense.

After Pan Huiping finished talking about her affairs with Zhang Xian and Zhang Xian's wife Mi Qin, she said:
"I'm a little hungry. Can I treat you to a midnight snack later?"

Liu Dayou had already touched his stomach. Hearing this, he was the first to laugh and said: "Captain Pan, how embarrassing this is!"

Pan Huiping shook her head: "My salary is not low. You three should not hurt me."

Liu Dayou immediately looked at Chen Xiao.

"Thank you first, Captain Pan." Chen Xiao replied.

Pan Huiping drove the car to the night snack street in Tiangu District.

Both sides of the night snack street are lined with various food stalls and barbecue restaurants.

Pan Huiping was driving while looking for a suitable store, but she suddenly stopped suddenly while driving, and then stared at a signboard.

Chen Xiao followed her gaze, and his eyes tightened at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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