I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 352: Looking for the elixir, meeting at the Sacred Heart Hall

Chapter 352: Looking for the elixir, meeting at the Sacred Heart Hall
The moment the voice from behind fell into my ears.

Whether it was Chen Xiao, Pan Huiping, Xiao Ji or Liu Dayou, they all turned around almost simultaneously.

Just the moment I saw the girl.

Chen Xiao's brows wrinkled.

Pan Huiping also had a flash of disappointment in her eyes.

"How could it not be?" Liu Dayou couldn't help but said something.

Xiaoji immediately looked at him and motioned him to stop talking.

When the girl saw so many people looking at her, her expression froze.


The girl asked and quickly ran behind her mother.

The landlady protected her daughter and said with a dry smile:
"Comrade police officer, this is my daughter. She...she likes to have a little fun, but she will definitely not commit any crime."

"You are the police!" The girl looked shocked.

After all, she is a girl, so Pan Huiping took the initiative to talk to her: "Don't think too much, we are here to have supper at your house and ask some questions."

The girl nodded slightly, and Pan Huiping glanced upstairs: "Is it quiet up there?"

"No one is sitting in the boxes tonight, they are all empty."

"Okay, little girl, come up with me." Pan Huiping said and walked upstairs first.

Chen Xiao did not follow.

Waiting for them to go upstairs, Chen Xiao took out Qiu Tingfang's photo.

"Madam boss, can you identify this girl's photo? Have you seen her?"

The landlady immediately picked up the photo and looked at it.

But just to be sure, the landlady looked at it a few more times and shook her head:
"I've never seen it, I have no impression at all."

Chen Xiao looked at the look on the landlady's face and finally took the photo back.

"Let's wait here."

Chen Xiao said and leaned towards the kitchen.

When he saw the boss inside wielding a spatula with great proficiency, he couldn't help but said to the boss's wife:
"Let your boss stop for a moment. It won't delay anything and just recognize this photo."

Chen Xiao didn't want to miss anyone.

After all, I only got to know Hsu Fu Chi Candy at night, and now I’m having a late night snack and encounter Hsu Fu Chi Food Stall.

There are some coincidences, and even Chen Xiao can't help but feel lucky.

The boss was quickly pulled out by the landlady.

The boss, who was sweating profusely, wiped his sweat with a towel while looking at the photos.

Then he shook his head and said, "I feel like I've never seen it before."

"What is a feeling? If you have seen it, you have seen it. If you have not seen it, you have not seen it. You must confirm it in front of the police comrades." The landlady scolded.

The boss couldn't help but smile bitterly: "How many people do we meet in a day, and I don't have as good a memory as you!"

People who are not related by blood may look alike.

Business people often see new faces.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the boss to hesitate.

"Boss, where are the dishes we ordered? We've been here for half an hour, why do you want us to just drink?"

"It's coming, it's coming, hurry up...give a plate of peanuts to table three first! Brother, be patient!"

The boss replied quickly.

The guest suddenly lost his temper.

It can be seen that these two people still know how to do business, otherwise they would not have been able to operate for so many years.

The boss looked at Chen Xiao apologetically: "Sorry, comrade police, I..."

"It's okay, go and do your business, I've delayed you."

"What's going on!" The landlady said it was okay and pushed her man into the kitchen.

Although Chen Xiao was smiling at the proprietress, he still looked slightly sideways at the boss who walked into the kitchen.

But he still didn't see any problem.

Soon, Pan Huiping also came downstairs.

When he looked at Chen Xiao, he shook his head slightly. Such a hint made Chen Xiao feel confident.

It seemed that the sudden braking did not bring them any luck.

After the group left the food stall, they got into the car one after another.

But after getting in the car, Pan Huiping did not leave in a hurry, but frowned and said:
"Are we overthinking it?"

With this sentence, Chen Xiao could tell that Pan Huiping was referring to more than just food stalls.

Also included was the last bag of candies that Qiu Tingfang bought before her death.

Chen Xiao looked at the people coming and going outside the window and said quietly:
"Then let's put this food stall aside for now and let's talk about what we thought of when we saw the candy for the first time."

Before Pan Huiping could respond, Liu Dayou jumped in and said:
"The first reaction must be that of the legendary Xu Fu who led thousands of boys and girls to the sea to find the elixir of immortality for Qin Shihuang!"

As he spoke, Liu Dayou added: "Anyway, I've never eaten that kind of candy before. It's very expensive. But every time I see it, I think of Xu Fu from the Qin Dynasty."

Chen Xiao didn't know what others thought.

Anyway, he and Liu Dayou are the same.

Of course, he was still young in his previous life and had the same idea.

At that time, I didn’t know much about this brand, but later I learned that the founder of this brand also had a surname of Xu.

Chen Xiao glanced at Pan Huiping and asked, "What does Captain Pan think?"

Pan Huiping did not speak, but closed her eyes in front of them.

Liu Dayou and Xiao Ji were both curious.

But the next second, Pan Huiping suddenly opened the car door.

Chen Xiao quickly asked: "What's wrong with Captain Pan?"

"I was the only one who went upstairs just now. You didn't follow me, so you didn't notice. There is a main room on the third floor. The door is ajar. I used the light of candles to see that something seemed to be enshrined inside."

"But I didn't think much about it at the time. After all, businessmen worshiped a lot of gods. But now that there is a lot of talk about Xu Fu's search for the elixir, I think it's necessary to take a look again."

"Then let's go together this time."

Chen Xiao doesn't think there's anything strange about enshrining statues of gods.

But the person is here now, and there's no trouble in taking another look.

What's more, the person handling the case cannot be afraid of trouble.

So the four people returned to the food stall again.

The proprietress who was greeting the customers rolled her eyes in a cryptic manner and muttered something.

But when he walked forward, he was still greeted with a smile.

"Comrades, is there anything else you can do?"

"We need to go upstairs and have a look." Pan Huiping said.

The landlady is not happy, but she is really good at being a good person.

He immediately made a gesture of invitation: "Then you go, you can browse our store as you like."

"Thank you."

The other party was polite, and so was Pan Huiping, who immediately walked upstairs.

Chen Xiao followed closely with Liu Dayou and Xiao Ji.

Finally arriving upstairs, Pan Huiping went straight to the main room with the door ajar.

Opening the door, there is indeed an incense table inside.

Candles and incense are all burning.

But what he worshiped was not a statue of a god, but a piece of white cloth.

On the white cloth, there are thousands of silk threads painted on it.

Chen Xiao and Pan Huiping both frowned, and the latter even said:
"What is this offering?"

Chen Xiao shook his head, and when he was about to reply, he suddenly noticed that Xiao Ji behind him looked thoughtful.

"Xiao Ji, do you recognize it?"

"It seems to be... a divine image from abroad called the Sacred Heart Church." Xiaoji said, and then started to explain why he knew:

"Ever since Brother Chen asked me to start contacting more things on the Internet, I like to browse all kinds of strange things on the Internet. Later I also learned to browse foreign websites, and I was born in Sacred Heart Church abroad. I found out on a forum.”

Chen Xiao nodded slightly, without much hesitation, and said, "Go downstairs and invite the boss and his wife up. We need to ask about this Sacred Heart Church."

(End of this chapter)

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