I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 353 Night exploration of Leigong Mountain

Chapter 353 Night exploration of Leigong Mountain

The food stall owner and his wife have always been very cooperative with Chen Xiao and his colleagues.

Cooperation, in many cases, also means that there is no evil in one's heart, one behaves well, and one sits upright.

Xiaoji went down and called the two of them up.

When he saw that Chen Xiao and the others were actually interested in the divine pictures of the Sacred Heart Church, the boss Xu Fu smiled and said:
"I thought something had happened, but it turned out to be this."

"This is indeed the sacred picture of the Sacred Heart Church. I invited it back when I was abroad many years ago. At that time, my business experienced an accident, so that all the efforts of the previous years were involved."

"This kind of thing is a big blow to a man who is starting a business, so I didn't care about anything at the time and just wanted to go out for a walk. So, after traveling to many places, I also went abroad, and then I met the Sacred Heart Church abroad. People who do.”

"In the Sacred Heart Church, I felt that all the dirt in my heart was washed away by them, and I regained the confidence to come back and continue my business."

"Sure enough, after returning to China, my business started again!"

When the boss spoke, the wife nodded frequently.

"Yes, they are a public welfare organization. They provide free guidance to those who encounter difficulties. Even this divine picture was given by them."

As the landlady said, Chen Xiao couldn't help but see the map composed of lines again, and asked with a smile:

"Then what does this divine picture mean?"

The boss walked to the sacred picture, bowed respectfully and said, "Did you see the dot in the middle? That is our original intention."

"The human heart is an organ that can carry out infinite emanations. Good and evil arise from the heart and stop from the heart. Those threads are the countless extensions of the human heart!"

"I see. So every thread has its own meaning."


"I understand." Chen Xiao said with a smile, but his eyes carefully identified the threads one by one.

Take a closer look.

Those lines are not all curved to the same degree, some are straight and some are curved.

Some are black, but some are black with dark red.

"How many years have you been asking for this divine picture? Can you find an organization in China?" Pan Huiping asked.

The boss replied: "It's been seven or eight years, but I haven't told anyone about it. Anyway, no one I've ever met has mentioned it. But you guys, this is the first time I've met someone who actually knew about the Sacred Heart Church. ”

At this time, Chen Xiao winked at Pan Huiping, indicating that she was almost done.

Pan Huiping also said sorry to the boss and his wife, so the four of them left the food stall again.

Sit back in the car.

Pan Huiping started the car.

Although Hsu Fu Chi Food Stall seemed strange at this night.

But its strangeness does not collide with the whole case.

Pan Huiping put the gear into gear and was about to drive away when Chen Xiao suddenly said:
"You guys go back and rest first. Give me the car."

Not to mention Pan Huiping, even Xiao Ji and Liu Dayou couldn't help but ask:

"Brother Chen, where are you going?"

"That divine picture makes me very uncomfortable. I want to go to Leigong Mountain for a walk."

If Lin Xi were here, she would definitely understand why Chen Xiao felt uncomfortable with the divine pictures of the Sacred Heart Church.

Because Sacred Heart Church is good at catching people's hearts, especially when they are in trouble.

Chen Xiao had already become disgusted and wary of such behavior as grabbing people's hearts in the fight with the unknown Chen Yan.

Therefore, deep in his heart, he unconsciously connected many things.

He didn't want to wait any longer to go to Leigong Mountain tomorrow.

He felt that maybe the silence in the mountains at night could inspire him to think more.

Seeing his determined look, Pan Huiping thought for a moment and said, "I'll accompany you."

"No, I just want to be alone."

Seeing what Chen Xiao said, Pan Huiping was also a decisive person and got out of the car directly:
"You go ahead and drive, we'll take a taxi back, be careful."

"it is good."

Chen Xiao moved to the driver's seat. He could see that Xiao Ji and Liu Dayou still wanted to follow him.

But Chen Xiao didn't say anything, so they couldn't hold on any longer. Soon, Chen Xiao drove to Leigong Mountain.

By this time, it was already almost one o'clock in the night.

Chen Xiao's physical fitness no longer requires punctual rest.

At this time, he was very awake and even wanted to call Lin Xi.

Because in Chen Xiao's heart, Lin Xi can always bring him luck at many critical moments.

It's a pity that it's really too late.

By the time Chen Xiao arrived at the foot of Leigong Mountain, it was already past one in the morning.

Park the car.

When Chen Xiao got out of the car and walked toward the mountains, he suddenly felt that he should have brought a pack of cigarettes.

After all, it's a long night and it's deep in the mountains and forests. Bringing a pack of cigarettes and smoking casually can kill a lot of boredom.

However, when Chen Xiao was about to walk into the mountains, the phone in his pocket rang.

Maybe it's a tacit understanding.

Or perhaps Chen Xiao felt that no one else would call him at this time.

I picked up the phone and took a look, and it turned out to be Lin Xi.

Chen Xiao stopped, fearing that he would lose the signal if he walked into the mountains.

"Daughter-in-law, are you still awake?"

Lin Xi let out a long yawn: "I've just woken up from a nap, husband...are you resting now?"

"No, I'm doing something quite exciting now."

"Huh? We're going to chase the murderer now!" Lin Xi became more energetic.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and said: "You think your husband and I are a god, how could I be so fast? I am walking alone to the mountain where the deceased was found, but I was afraid that there would be no signal when I entered the mountain, so I stopped."

The tone on the other end of the phone paused, and after two seconds Lin Xi said:
"What happened?"

There is nothing better than a wife who knows her husband.

Lin Xi knew that Chen Xiao was very efficient in handling cases, but if it was just when he first came into contact with the case, Chen Xiao would not have done it in the middle of the night.

Unless the case reaches a critical moment, or something happens during the investigation!
Chen Xiao did not hide anything and told the story about the Sacred Heart Church.

Lin Xi has been listening silently.

After waiting to hear it, he said: "Then why did you go into the mountain? The visibility is not good at night, and there are many mosquitoes, rats, and ants."

"I know. In fact, I don't know why I want to go into the mountains. But there is a voice in my heart telling me that what I can gain in the end will be completely different from going into the mountains tonight to going into the mountains tomorrow."

Chen Xiao expressed his inner feelings, and Lin Xi thought for a while and said:

"Then go ahead, just follow your heart."

Lin Xi is someone who likes to follow Chen Xiao in everything.

This made Chen Xiao couldn't help but laugh and said: "Then can you give me some constructive suggestions, especially about the case?"

"You think your wife is a fairy, she knows everything!"

Lin Xi said something, and Chen Xiao laughed.

But soon, Lin Xi said seriously: "If you want to go in, go in quickly. If you find out early, get out of the mountain early. Pay attention to safety inside."

"I know, you should go to bed early." Chen Xiao said, and Lin Xi hung up the phone.

Lin Xi just hung up the phone, but did not turn off the lights and go to sleep.

She sat up.

Her mind began to recall all the cases that Chen Xiao had just told her.

Whether it was people involved at the center of the case or people on the periphery of the case, she recorded them one by one.

Then he listed some of the key points that Chen Xiao said one by one.

She was a little sleepy.

But she hopes that after Chen Xiao comes out of the mountain, she can once again become the goddess of luck that Chen Xiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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