I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 357: Present the problem and act separately!

Chapter 357: Present the problem and act separately!
Pan Huiping, who was stepping on Liu Dayou's shoulders, finally came ashore.

Then, she also dragged Liu Dayou up from the river bank.

Although it is still raining heavily.

But after escaping danger and predicament, the two people couldn't help but smile at each other.

In the rain, Pan Huiping raised her voice and shouted: "I don't know if anyone will come to pick us up, but we will have to make a joke."

"Who says it's not the case? I was here to pick up Brother Chen, but I didn't expect that I would have to be picked up too."

As he said that, Liu Dayou couldn't help but look inside the river.

He remembered clearly that the car driven by Pan Huiping sank inside.

That's a small car.

What a valuable thing!

Pan Huiping seemed to see his thoughts and shouted:

"Fortunately, it's my own private car. It would be a bit troublesome if it were a public car."

"Huh? It's my own, that makes me feel even more distressed!"

"Compared to life, no money is worth mentioning."

Pan Huiping seemed to be very open-minded.

After saying that, she couldn't help but feel strange when she saw police lights flashing in the rain curtain in the distance.

"It looks like the person to pick us up is here, but with so many cars so neatly arranged, it doesn't look like they're looking for someone."

After all, Pan Huiping hurried to the roadside and stopped the police car.

The person who got out of the car was indeed her subordinate.

When he saw Pan Huiping, he said with surprise on his face: "Captain Pan, why are you here?"

"There was an accident and the car crashed into the river."

"Ah, are you okay then?"

Pan Huiping shook his head; "We have nothing, but you are here to find us, right?"

"I was looking for you guys along the road, but Mr. Chen made a major discovery in Leigong Mountain!"

Pan Huiping was shocked: "Then hurry up and find something during this heavy rainstorm!"

With that said, Pan Huiping quickly got into the car.

Liu Dayou did not forget to look into the river, and finally got into the police car with his heart full of pain.

More than half an hour later, Pan Huiping and Liu Dayou finally met Chen Xiao.

Pan Huiping looked shocked when she saw most of the corpse in front of her exposed by the rain.

But she didn't say anything right away, instead she started thinking.

After a while, Pan Huiping's expression became increasingly ugly.

"Good guy, you are kidding me!"

Pan Huiping's personal ability is very strong.

Therefore, she could react as quickly as possible to the approximate time period when the body was buried here.

Chen Xiao did not give her an explanation, but asked the forensic doctor to clean up the face of the corpse after taking precautions.

The medical examiner sprang into action.

With the help of tools, the soil buried in the corpse's face was removed.

When the face was revealed, Pan Huiping couldn't help but look at Liu Dayou: "You were right, there is indeed a Qiu Tingfang!"

Liu Da had a look of astonishment. But Chen Xiao had already spoken: "Captain Pan, let's talk."

At this moment, Chen Xiao needs to have a discussion with Pan Huiping.

The latter feels the same way.

The appearance of another Qiu Tingfang's body at this time had an impact on her no less than that of Chen Xiao.

Even more intense!

The two walked aside, and Pan Huiping asked directly:
"Did you think of anything when you found that body?"

"To be precise, I overturned some of our original guesses before the body was discovered."

Pan Huiping's eyes revealed as he thought: "Overthrow? You mean substituting the sky for the day?"

"Yes, I think maybe it's not a sudden change of fortune, but a willing exchange of lives!"

This time, Pan Huiping felt even more surprised.

"Where are the credentials?"

"If I haven't seen the second Qiu Tingfang's body, if you ask me for proof, I can only tell you that everything is my bold guess. But now that the second Qiu Tingfang's body has appeared, isn't it the biggest proof? ?"

"If it were a dove-taking-a-magpie-nest style of stealing the sky and changing the sun, then this Qiu Tingfang will not die!"

"Her death obviously tells us that there is a murderer behind it!"

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, Pan Huiping immediately said: "Are you referring to the owner of the tomb?"

"I can't say now, because there are several questions before us that we need to find out the answers to." Chen Xiao did not answer directly, and then began to list the questions he said:

"First: Why did Qiu Tingfang come to Leigong Mountain? When she came to Leigong Mountain, why did she stop because of the skirt a girl was wearing? Remember, skirts are also clothes."

"Second question: Why was Qiu Tingfang, the first person killed, pressed to her head and kowtowed in front of the cenotaph? There are also clothes in the cenotaph!"

"Third: Now the deceased is no longer one, but the two sisters Qiu Tingfang. Why were they killed?"

Chen Xiao asked three questions.

After thinking about the first two questions, Pan Huiping felt that it was difficult to discuss, so she jumped directly to the third one:
"Let's talk about why they were killed first!"

"Okay, let's talk about the reason for the killing first. If only one Qiu Tingfang was killed before, then the reason for the killing may involve the internal fighting within the Qiu family, as well as our previous resentment killings about the two Qiu Tingfangs swapping lives. "

"But now that this can be ruled out, the question can be transformed into why twin sisters were killed when they met again more than ten years later."

Chen Xiao changed the question as he spoke.

For Pan Huiping, such a question does not require much thinking time.

"The biggest possibility is that for a certain person, the encounter between the two of them is something they don't want to see! The real reason why they don't want to see it is that the encounter between the two of them is very likely to bring disaster to that person! "

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, after thinking about it now, this possibility is the most likely! Otherwise, there is no reason for a girl who has just returned to China to find her relatives to be killed immediately."

"Then let's assume that the reason is that her return and their encounter will bring disaster to someone."

"Okay, for this reason, a new problem arises. One: Sister Qiu Tingfang has not seen each other for sixteen years, and sixteen years ago they were only five or six years old. What on earth did such a young child know that would cause her to die now? situation?”

"Furthermore, why did Qiu Tingfang inexplicably go to Leigong Mountain alone after returning to China to find her relatives? Did she already know that there was a tomb in Leigong Mountain? Or maybe someone contacted her through a special method and asked her to go to Leigong Mountain to find the tomb!"

Pan Huiping's eyes tightened: "It should be the latter."

Chen Xiao hummed heavily: "It must be the latter. If it was the former, then Qiu Tingfang should have gone to Leigong Mountain long ago."

"That's right." Pan Huiping replied, with a frown on her face.

Chen Xiao glanced at her and smiled: "There are many problems now, but I don't suggest you think too much about it, Captain Pan. I think we should go our separate ways now. Just investigate two things. One is to investigate Qiu Tingfang's circumstances before she was adopted. In the past, let’s investigate what role the increasingly special factor of clothing played in the entire case!”

"Then you pick one and leave the rest to me."

"I'll take Dayou to Xiuzhou. His sister happens to be married in Xiuzhou. I'll go over there to find Dean Zheng Xiang's family and ask!"

(End of this chapter)

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