I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 358: Get your whole family out of here!

Chapter 358: Get your whole family out of here!
In Chen Xiao's opinion.

With the appearance of the two Qiu Tingfangs, the investigation of the case is no longer at the stage of continuing to discover problems around the corpse.

Now I need to go and get confirmation!

Many problems have been identified.

But every question remains unanswered until now.

It’s just that Qiu Tingfang’s death most likely involved her childhood.

And their relatives when they were young are still a mystery.

Even the dean Zheng Xiang who adopted Qiu Tingfang has passed away long ago.

Therefore, Chen Xiao could only do the next best thing and visit Zheng Xiang's family.

Fortunately, Zheng Xiang's ancestral home is not far away, just in Xiuzhou, a hundred kilometers away.

Chen Xiao saw that the thunderstorm was gradually getting smaller, so he said something to Pan Huiping and prepared to leave overnight.

He didn't want to rest. It happened to be dawn at this time when he could have breakfast after Xiuzhou.

Seeing that the rain was gradually stopping, Pan Huiping agreed with Chen Xiao's decision.

But when she saw Liu Dayou, Pan Huiping said with some worry: "How about you take my people with you? I accidentally drove him into the river before, and he was very frightened."

Chen Xiao looked at Liu Dayou suspiciously, but Liu Dayou immediately said: "Captain Pan, I'm fine. Brother Chen can use me easily. I'm afraid I won't be considerate of the others!"

Pan Huiping smiled: "Okay, but you have to pay attention to rest."

Chen Xiao became increasingly suspicious.

Liu Dayou pursed his lips and smiled.

Soon, the two of them left Leigong Mountain together, and then drove directly to Xiuzhou in the car assigned by Pan Huiping's team.

In the car, Chen Xiao finally couldn't help it anymore.

"Dayou, what happened when you and Captain Pan came to see me?"

"Captain Pan has a strong sense of responsibility. When he saw the heavy rain, he was afraid that you would have an accident in the mountains, so he called me all night to pick you up. But Captain Pan was driving fiercely, and a dog suddenly rushed out on the road. She suddenly Turn the steering wheel and we rush into the river."

"I see. Fortunately, you two are fine." Chen Xiao was aware of the danger of driving into the water.

Liu Dayou laughed: "With Captain Pan covering her, what can happen? But I think Captain Pan is a real strong woman. She can still remain calm in that situation. An ordinary woman would have lost it long ago." Reason just screams."

"If a person can sit in the position of captain of the criminal police, his psychological quality will naturally be strong. On the other hand, although you are not serious on weekdays, you won't be greatly frightened, right? Why does Captain Pan care so much about you?"

"She is a kind-hearted person and it is reasonable to worry about me!"

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes.

He knew Liu Dayou very well.

After all, we have known each other for two lifetimes!

This guy is skinny and doesn't seem to have any strength.

Sometimes I'm startled, as if I can't hold my breath at all.

But Chen Xiao will never forget Liu Dayou's characteristics, that is, he cherishes his own life!

"It's raining heavily today, have you gone out to tell fortunes?" Chen Xiao asked.

Liu Dayou's smile froze: "Well... I came out in a hurry, so I forgot."

"Whether you have calculated it or not, I will ask Xiaoji and it will be clear to you."

"Okay, let me forget it. I have indeed calculated that there is danger. But compared to my own danger, Brother Chen's safety is more important!"

Liu Dayou said righteously.

Chen Xiao felt that the matter was not that simple. Seeing Liu Dayou's cunning look, he thought about it and finally didn't bother to ask more questions.

No matter what, Chen Xiao didn't think Liu Dayou would do anything outrageous.

Since he didn't go out of his way, Pan Huiping was fine, so there was no need for him to ask the question.

Continue driving to Xiuzhou.

When we waited, it was already past five o'clock in the morning.

Chen Xiao parked the car in front of a breakfast shop that was already open and asked Liu Dayou:
"It's a bit early to finish eating later. Let's go visit your sister's house first." "Is that suitable, Brother Chen?"

"It's okay. It's not appropriate to go to Zheng's house too early."

Liu Dayou didn't say much and silently had breakfast with Chen Xiao.

By the time we finished eating, the sky was getting brighter.

Chen Xiao saw a supermarket open and bought two boxes of milk and some snacks.

He remembered that Liu Dayou said that his sister had children.

Although Liu Dayou was working with him, and Chen Xiao borrowed money from Liu Dayou's parents to come to Xiuzhou this time.

But if Chen Xiao was more polite, Liu Dayou would have more face.
Following Liu Dayou, who was full of gratitude, he arrived at the door of a house.

Liu Dayou looked inside and saw that the door was open, so he walked in.

But as soon as he entered, Liu Dayou frowned.

In the yard, his father was cleaning the yard, and his mother was washing a large basin of clothes.

If that were the case, Liu Dayou wouldn't have much reaction.

However, through the door of the main hall, he saw a family eating breakfast on the table in the main hall.

So, his parents come to visit his sister and he ends up here doing housework while everyone else sits and eats?

Chen Xiao also saw this scene and felt unhappy in his heart.

Soon, Liu Dayou's parents also saw him and asked in shock: "Dayou, why are you here too?"

"What are you two doing?" Liu Dayou was very angry, and his voice was a bit colder.

But before his parents could reply, Liu Dayou asked again: "Have you had breakfast?"

Liu Dayou was still rational at this time.

If your parents have breakfast first, then helping your in-laws clean the house can be used as exercise in the morning.

But if they did these things without eating, then Liu Dayou, his son, wouldn't be able to bear it.

"I, we..." Liu Dayou's mother was about to speak, but his father hurriedly interrupted: "Have you eaten? Have you and Mr. Chen eaten?!"

Liu Dayou turned around and apologized to Chen Xiao: "Brother, please say I'm sorry first, I might get angry later."

"Just treat me as if I'm not here. If you can't win, I'll be here again."

"it is good."

Liu Dayou seemed to have confidence.

At this time, people in the room also followed the sound and walked out.

The first person to speak was a young woman. When she saw Liu Dayou, she came over with a guilty conscience: "Brother, why are you here too?"

Liu Dayou said with a stern face: "Let me ask you, have your parents had breakfast?"

"He... they said they were not hungry, so they had to take care of things first..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Dayou raised his hand and slapped him.

Sister Liu was stunned, covering her face and her eyes were red.

"Do you know why I was the first one to slap you? Because it's your parents who work in the courtyard! I always thought you were here because of your soft character, so you were always bullied. But now I know, you are not a soft character. , you are a bitch! Even if you don’t fight and scold me, you will even be insulted!”

After saying that, Liu Dayou roared into the room:
"Wu, your whole family, get out of here!"

In fact, the people in the room knew that Liu Dayou was coming.

But if they took a fancy to the Liu family, the first one to greet them just now should be Liu Dayou's brother-in-law!
But it wasn't until Liu Dayou cursed that they came out angrily and asked:

"Liu Dayou, who are you asking to get out!"

Liu Dayou clenched his fists: "Let me ask you, when my parents come as guests, who asked them to sweep the floor and wash the clothes?"

"No one asked them to do it. It was Xiaoying's job, and they couldn't bear to leave her. We also persuaded Xiaoying that she had had a miscarriage for several days, and doing some work now would help her recover, so they rushed to do it. What does it have to do with us?”

Liu Dayou sneered, picked up a stick and rushed over.

Chen Xiao has been staring at Liu Dayou closely, but his eyes have long noticed the pieces of wood in the yard, as well as some semi-finished carvings!
(End of this chapter)

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