I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 359: There is no place to be found even after wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort to

Chapter 359: There is no place to be found even after wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get there!
Liu Dayou definitely cannot defeat many with one person.

Even in a one-on-one duel, Liu Dayou was 100% defeated.

But there's something about being a man and being a son of man.

You know you can't do it, but you have to do it.

It doesn't matter if his parents feel sorry for their daughter.

Or maybe it’s because deep down I feel humble in front of others.

Liu Dayou had to say this. After leaving the house, what could he say to his parents after he closed the door? That was a matter of closing the door.

Chen Xiao kept looking at Liu Dayou holding a wooden stick with a rainbow-like momentum.

As if they were an invincible god of war holding a heaven-defying artifact in one hand, the Wu family fled in all directions.

However, momentum is a thing that wins once and then declines three times and is exhausted.

Liu Dayou's operation was as fierce as a tiger's, but it actually didn't cause any harm.

Soon, his brother-in-law also picked up a wooden stick and tried to hit Liu Dayou on the back of the head while he wasn't paying attention.

If this stick was smashed hard, it would be an exaggeration to say that it would kill Liu Dayou.

Chen Xiao immediately took action and grabbed the stick in anger.

"You want to kill someone?" Chen Xiao looked at Liu Dayou's brother-in-law Wu Kuan coldly.

The latter shouted angrily: "Who the hell are you, get out of here!"

Chen Xiao didn't explain. After grabbing the stick, he broke his hands and threw them aside.

When Wu Kuan saw this, his arrogance immediately dissipated a lot.

Then Chen Xiao showed his ID: "I am a police officer, who do you think I am?"

If someone knew his consultant certificate, they would definitely not take him as a real policeman.

But people who don’t understand will immediately become honest.

Liu Dayou stood beside Chen Xiao at this time.

Although he wanted to take the opportunity to slap his brother-in-law a few more times, he knew that if these slaps really happened, they might have some negative impact on Chen Xiao.

He looked at his parents who were swallowing their anger, and then at the girl who could only cry.

Liu Dayou was actually quite desperate inside.

He felt that if his parents and sister resisted, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"Brother Chen, let's go. I don't care about the bad things here."

Liu Dayou said and looked at his parents: "Are you going to leave? Xiaoying's affairs are her own choice. Whether she leads a good or bad life is her business. Don't worry about it in the future."

This is what happened.

Liu Dayou's parents could only stand silently behind their son.

Liu Xiaoying choked and called her parents, but didn't say anything else.

Liu Dayou was angry and looked at his parents: "You didn't give her the money you brought, did you?"

"I originally planned to let her keep it secretly for use when she leaves."

"Give it back to me. I borrowed it from Brother Chen. You don't have to keep it for her. She has even lost her own conscience. What's the use of keeping money."

The Liu family's parents took out the 30,000 yuan that Chen Xiao had lent, and Liu Dayou handed all of it into Chen Xiao's hands, and then turned around.

But Chen Xiao said at this moment: "Wait."

Liu Dayou was curious. Chen Xiao looked at the semi-finished wood carvings in the yard and asked Wu Kuan:

"Your family is in the wood carving business?"

Wu Kuan looked unconvinced, but still replied: "Yes, so what?"

"No, have you ever heard of the work of Ten Demons?"

Chen Xiao remembered that Guo Zhengchang said that the last place where "Ten Devils" appeared more than ten years ago was in Xiuzhou. "What are the ten devils? I've never heard of them!"

"A wood carving appeared in Xiuzhou more than ten years ago. It is shaped like a human abdomen, and ten lifelike children are carved inside."

Wu Kuan became impatient.

But the next second, his father frowned and said:
"I have seen!"

Chen Xiao was overjoyed and asked, "Have you seen it?"

"Yes, I don't know what you said about the Ten Demons, but when you said you had such a strange look, I remembered it. I was still present when the transaction was made."

"Do you know who you bought and who sold?" Chen Xiao asked again.

Wu Kuan's father thought for a while and said: "People say that the work seems to be the work of a man named Shen many years ago. The person who sold it was a foreigner, and the person who bought it was a man named Qiu."

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Chen Xiao, even Liu Dayou couldn't help but exclaimed:
"What did you say his last name was?"

"In the autumn of Qiu, people call him Boss Qiu. He seems to be from Haicheng!"

Liu Dayou was dumbfounded.

Even Chen Xiao was speechless for a moment, and he only sighed in his heart: Is there really a good thing in this world that can be found without any hard work and can be obtained without any effort?
Before Chen Xiao could speak, Liu Dayou directly grabbed Wu Kuan's father's wrist and said with a smile on his face:

"Uncle Wu, let's take a step to talk!"

Liu Dayou, who had just said that he wanted everyone to get out in front of him, suddenly smiled and was polite and enthusiastic.

Chen Xiao knew that Liu Dayou was doing it for him, so he smiled and said, "Well, let's take a step to talk."

Wu Kuan's father snorted coldly at Liu Dayou, but still gave Chen Xiao face.

Of course he had to give this face.

He could never forget the image of Chen Xiao easily breaking a solid wood stick as thick as his wrist.

When they got to the side, Chen Xiao said to Liu Dayou: "Go to the car and bring me paper and pen. I can just ask him."

Liu Dayou ran out quickly.

Chen Xiao said to Father Wu, "Do you know the name of Boss Qiu?"

"I don't know his full name. I just heard others call him Boss Qiu."

"Is his business big?"

"That's not true. People here like to call people doing business "boss."

Chen Xiao nodded: "When you met him, did you meet his family?"

"He was the only one, and he seemed to be here for that wood carving. But he seemed to be very smart. The gringo selling the wood carvings originally wanted to raise the price out of his mind, but he whispered a few words in the gringo's ear, and finally I also got a discount.”

"Why do you remember this matter so clearly?"

"We are all people in the wood carving industry. We have heard about Master Shen's name and things. The most important thing is that the work makes people feel uncomfortable. When I first saw it, I was also It scared me, so I remembered it deeply when I mentioned it!”

This answer is reasonable.

However, Chen Xiao felt that just the fact that his surname was Qiu was definitely the most valuable surprise of this trip.

But in addition to the surprise, what is even more shocking is that "Ten Devils" may also be related to the Leigongshan female corpse case that is happening in Haicheng!

Soon, Liu Dayou brought paper and pen.

Chen Xiao turned to Wu Kuan's father and said, "You should still have an impression of his appearance, right?"

"Yes, yes, but that man never leaves his sunglasses. He wears them even at night."

Chen Xiao frowned, but could only continue: "Then describe what you saw about that person's appearance. It is best to describe carefully so as not to miss any facial features."

Hearing this, Wu Kuan's father also became serious.

But before describing his appearance, he suddenly asked a question: "Did he do something? When I saw him, I thought he was not a good person. Later, I heard that he... is a personal trafficker!"

(End of this chapter)

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