Chapter 360 Why are you here too!

Human traffickers!
This is another very important information for Chen Xiao!

He looked deeply at Wu Kuan's father.

He really didn't expect to hear so many useful clues from this old woodcarving master!
Those clues are not only related to his personal "Ten Demon Sons", but also related to the Leigong Mountain female corpse case!

Chen Xiao asked Wu Guansheng again without much thought:
"What was the scene of the ten devils' trading scene back then? Can you tell me in detail?"

"It was an exhibition at that time, and many people were invited to it, and I was one of them."

"As for the people who participated in the exhibition, do you still remember them?"

Wu Guansheng thought for a while and said: "It has been more than ten years since I came here. If I hadn't followed my father, I wouldn't have thought of going there, so many of the people who attended the meeting were very respected old people in the industry."

"Almost all those old people have disappeared one after another over the years, and there are still some people around my age that I don't know. I remember clearly that my dad gave a lot of gifts to participate in that exhibition, and I just thought Our products can make a name for ourselves!”

"That is to say, I am very wild, otherwise others would not pay attention to other people's affairs. They all hope that their products will receive more attention."

Chen Xiao smiled: "It is also beneficial for me to see more of other people's works."

With that said, Chen Xiao returned to the topic: "Let's continue talking about Boss Qiu. Besides liking to wear sunglasses, does he have any facial or physical characteristics?"

Wu Guansheng continued to recall.

While reminiscing, I also described Boss Qiu.

He described, and Chen Xiao followed closely.

Soon, when Wu Guansheng stopped, Chen Xiao also stopped.

Looking at the painting in his hand, Chen Xiao handed it to Wu Guansheng: "Look, is it about the same?"

Wu Guansheng took it, examined it carefully, thought about it again, and replied:

"It seems about the same."

"What do you mean, they seem to be similar, they are similar, and they are not alike." Liu Dayou interjected speechlessly.

Wu Guansheng snorted and turned his head aside.

Chen Xiao understands this reaction very well.

Time passed too long.

We only get along once.

It is very rare to be able to remember a general appearance.

Chen Xiao put away the painting: "Where did you hear about the fact that Boss Qiu may be a personal trafficker?"

"I heard it from Teacher Huang. Teacher Huang was a former wood carving master in our area. He told me that Boss Qiu had evil intentions and was engaged in human trafficking business, and he especially targeted children!"

"Is that Teacher Huang still alive?"

"No more. He died of illness last year."

As long as there are cases that span a long time.

It is common for some key figures to pass away.

People's life, separation and death are beyond the control of others.

Although Chen Xiao was sorry, he couldn't say anything.

Seeing that there was nothing else to talk about, Chen Xiao stood up.

Liu Dayou said quickly: "Brother, let's go if nothing happens."

Chen Xiao winked at Liu Dayou, hinting whether he wanted to ask about Liu Xiaoying.

Liu Dayou thought for a while, and finally said with a fierce look: "Brother, let's go!"

It's not that Liu Dayou doesn't love his sister.

But Liu Dayou knew it very well.

My sister, who has been married here for many years, has already integrated into this place.

If not, my parents would never clean their in-laws' house early in the morning.

So even if Chen Xiao said a few more words, his sister wouldn't listen. What she cared about was no longer the home where she grew up as a child.

But the home where she gave birth to her child.

Seeing what Liu Dayou said, Chen Xiao stopped paying attention.

Just when he walked out of Wu's house, Liu Dayou couldn't stop crying.

Chen Xiao did not comfort him and said: "I understand your mood, but we have other things to do. Let's send uncle and aunt to the hotel first."

Liu Dayou wiped away his tears and said hello.

After opening the hotel, he immediately followed Chen Xiao to Zheng Xiang's house.

On the way to Zheng's house, Chen Xiao called Pan Huiping.

"Hey, Chen Xiao, have you guys arrived at Dean Zheng's house?"

Pan Huiping asked, and Chen Xiao replied: "We are on the way there, but we have an unexpected surprise."

"What surprise?"

Chen Xiao told what happened to the Wu family before, and Pan Huiping exclaimed in surprise:

"This information is very important!"

"It is indeed very important, so I am calling you because I hope you will go to Sanshui Town as soon as possible to conduct an investigation around the surname Qiu. In addition to this characteristic, he may also like wood carving and have been involved in human trafficking crimes. Characteristics."

"I suggest that a comprehensive investigation be conducted not only on the people currently living in Sanshui Town, but also on those who are in prison and even those who are no longer there."

"I understand, just leave it to me." Pan Huiping responded.

The two said nothing more.

Chen Xiao put down his cell phone and continued driving towards Dean Zheng Xiang's house.

But when they arrived at Zheng's house, Chen Xiao stood stunned with Liu Dayou at the door.

In Zheng's house, a young girl was chatting with an old lady.

Not only did Liu Da know that young girl, but Chen Xiao also knew her.

As if aware of the gaze from outside, the girl in the room turned to look.

When she saw it was Chen Xiao, her face was full of surprise.

"Mr. Chen?"

Chen Xiaozhi sighed at the ingenuity of fate. He nodded with a smile and walked in, saying:

"I really didn't expect to see Miss Dai here!"

"The person I didn't expect was me. Grandma watched me grow up. My father and Uncle Zheng were comrades who had a close friendship in the past!"

"I see!"

Chen Xiao said sincerely, and then shook hands with Dai Hong'er.

The old lady next to her looked strange and asked, "Hong'er, is this your friend?"

Dai Hong'er smiled and nodded: "Yes, grandma, his name is Chen Xiao, he is a very, very powerful... person!"

Dai Hong'er originally thought that Chen Xiao was a very powerful businessman.

But then I thought about it, it seemed that Chen Xiao just showed off his talents in the mall.

The old lady suddenly realized: "Since you are Hong'er's friend, young man, please come in quickly. Have you had breakfast? If not, I will ask the family to make some more!"

"I've eaten. Thank you grandma. But grandma, may I ask if you are Dean Zheng Xiangzheng's..."

Chen Xiao asked. When the old lady heard that she was here to see Zheng Xiang, she replied: "I am his wife. Are you here to see him? But he has been dead for many years!"

"I know, I came here today to have something to do with the former Haicheng Tiangu District Orphanage."

The old lady looked confused.

Chen Xiao winked at Dai Hong'er at this time. After the latter understood, he introduced Chen Xiao's true identity in the old lady's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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