Chapter 361 Profound memory!
After listening to Dai Hong'er's explanation, Zheng Xiang's widow understood Chen Xiao's identity.

"My wife has been gone for fifteen years. I never thought that after such a long time, the police would come to ask about the welfare home."

The old lady sighed, and Chen Xiao followed her words:

"Grandma, I'm actually not asking about Dean Zheng, but about someone who was adopted by a wealthy overseas Chinese businessman in the courtyard."

After hearing this, the old lady thought about it and shouted:
"That girl, I remember!"

Chen Xiao felt that he was really lucky during his trip to Xiuzhou.

First, Wu Guansheng remembered Boss Qiu.

Now Zheng Xiang’s widow remembers Qiu Tingfang!
It seems that he was right to contact Lin Xi before doing something important!

"Grandma, can you talk to me about that girl?" Chen Xiao didn't ask any questions specifically, but let the old man speak for himself.

The old lady nodded and said while recalling:

"If I remember correctly, that girl's surname is Qiu. My old Zheng met her on the street."

"The first time she saw that girl, Lao Zheng said she saw it outside a bun shop. At that time, the girl stole a few buns and ran away while the boss was not paying attention. She was caught after running a few steps. ”

"Lao Zheng didn't have a good impression of her at that time. Later, Lao Zheng met her again. When he met her for the second time, Lao Zheng began to wonder if the girl had no father or mother. How could she often be with her if she had parents? Wandering on the street, right?”

"Lao Zheng followed her, and she got a few more cakes from nowhere in her hand. She was drooling as she walked, but Lao Zheng said that when she saw an old man begging on the road, she still gave the cake to Half of that old man."

"Lao Zheng changed his mind a lot about her that time, and that was the last time we met. It was raining heavily that day, and Lao Zheng originally went to buy groceries. While walking on the road, he saw her alone in the rain. ”

"While walking, I cried. Lao Zheng felt really distressed at the time, so he stopped her. Then he asked her some questions and determined that she had not been able to find her parents for a long time, so he took her to the welfare hospital."

The old lady told the story of how Qiu Tingfang entered the orphanage.

This process is considered very careful.

But there was nothing in it that Chen Xiao wanted to hear.

"Grandma, you have such a good memory. You can still remember things that happened so long ago." Chen Xiao first praised.

The old lady shook her head: "Although I don't work in the orphanage, I often went to the orphanage at that time, and Lao Zheng often told me what happened there."

"I see. Do you still remember Qiu Tingfang's adoption?"

"Of course!" The old lady seemed to remember it more deeply than before. Chen Xiao looked like he was seeking knowledge and listened to what the old lady continued:
"Don't talk about those days, even in today's orphanages, girls will always be more difficult to adopt than boys!"

"The couple of wealthy overseas Chinese businessmen who came to adopt at the beginning, what a good family background they had! Almost all the babies in the orphanage were lined up, and they could choose as they pleased. Old Zheng also said that whoever is selected will have his life changed. Opportunity!"

"But no one expected that they would actually choose a girl in the end. Of course, that girl was smart and knew that she had to express herself when she should express herself."

"It was raining heavily that day, and everyone was holding an umbrella. Lao Zheng took the overseas Chinese couple to visit the orphanage, but the overseas Chinese wife's skirt would rub against the steps from time to time."

"So the little girl lifted the hem of her skirt regardless of the rain. With just such an action, the overseas Chinese lady immediately remembered her and asked her name."

"You wouldn't know if you didn't ask, but it was a coincidence that when I asked, it turned out that she and the overseas Chinese both had the last name Qiu! Then, by chance, a family relationship was established."

The old lady's memory is indeed very good.

She almost restored everything that happened that year.

But Chen Xiao also knew about this.

And from the old lady's narration, it can be distinguished that it is almost the same as what Pan Huiping learned.

Of course, Chen Xiao never asked the most critical question.

That is about Zheng Xiang's death. This question is not easy to ask, and it requires an opportunity to ask.

Perhaps it was because the old lady was old, and she recalled a lot of things and said a lot at the moment.

She couldn't help but feel a little tired.

Dai Hong'er noticed it, so she motioned for Chen Xiao to go and talk.

After Chen Xiao understood the meaning, he walked aside.

Dai Hong'er: "Mr. Chen, you shouldn't just ask these questions this time, right?"

"Miss Dai has really good eyesight. You discovered all this."

"Why would Mr. Chen say such things in front of me? I feel like you have something to hide. If you can't tell me, I can help you."

Dai Hong'er's identity is indeed more suitable for communicating with the Zheng family.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xiao asked all the questions he wanted to ask.

When Dai Hong'er heard this, his eyes widened: "Do you suspect that Grandpa Zheng's death was not a simple death from illness?"

"This is just a guess, and it is a baseless guess. Of course, if there is really something strange about the death of Dean Zheng Xiang, then I think there should be a truth even in the past ten years."

Dai Hong'er's face was full of seriousness. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said:
"Okay, I will find a suitable opportunity to ask for you."

"As soon as possible, I may have to return to Haicheng."

"You want to go back to Haicheng, then let's be together!"


After the two agreed, Dai Hong'er returned to the old lady and said a few words, and then helped the old lady go to the room to rest.

After watching them leave, Liu Dayou asked: "Brother Chen, can Miss Dai help us?"

"Who knows, anyway, it is much more appropriate for her to ask than for us to ask."

Liu Dayou nodded subconsciously, but still muttered: "What a coincidence, Miss Dai is also in Xiuzhou."

Why Dai Hong'er is in Xiuzhou is a question that Chen Xiao is curious about.

But when he heard that Dai Hong'er was going to Haicheng, he guessed a thing or two.

Dai Hong'er should have come to Haicheng to attract investment.

Because the two met before, Chen Xiao said it very straightforwardly in that meeting.

Any of the three things Dai Hong'er wants to do is a business that the Dai family cannot sustain alone.

So Dai Hong'er's appearance at Zheng's house was probably just because he stopped by to take a look.

Her real purpose is to go to Haicheng to attract investment!

But Dai Hong'er didn't say anything at the moment, and Chen Xiao wouldn't ask any more questions.

Compared with the Dai family's business, Chen Xiao is most interested in things about Zheng Xiang.

However, there was no news from Dai Hong'er, but Lin Xi's phone call came at this time.

As soon as Chen Xiao answered the call, he heard Lin Xi on the other end say proudly:
"Husband, guess what I analyzed!"

 There are two more updates tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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