I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 362: When you marry a chicken, follow the chicken; when you marry a dog, follow the dog!

Chapter 362: When you marry a chicken, follow the chicken; when you marry a dog, follow the dog!
As the saying goes.

If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken; if you marry a dog, follow the dog.

As the number of investigations with Chen Xiao increased.

Lin Xi discovered that many of her investigative habits looked more and more like Chen Xiao.

She also likes to write and draw.

It's just that she hasn't reached Chen Xiao's level yet.

So I don’t know how much draft paper is piled on the table and at my feet at this time.

There are some crooked paintings on those papers.

There is also a lot of information recorded.

That information was written down by Lin Xi based on Chen Xiao's narration and then through memory recall.

Those paintings were her attempt to depict them according to Chen Xiao's method.

She hoped that through this night's thinking, she could help Chen Xiao open up a new direction in the investigation.

Worked hard all night.

She also recalled many cases she personally investigated.

Finally, she really thought of a possibility.

Originally, she wanted to contact Chen Xiao as soon as possible.

But suddenly she thought of what Chen Xiao had said.

That is, no step should be stopped after completing that step.

You should take one step at a time and look at three steps!

half an hour ago.

Lin Xi thought about the possibility that the case was not a case of stealing the sky and occupying the magpie's nest as Chen Xiao said.

But a willing exchange of life!
Lin Xi was very excited when she guessed this possibility.

I was so excited that I wanted to call Chen Xiao right away.

But she quickly calmed down again.

She was thinking, if the case was really a willing exchange of lives, what could be extended?
Lin Xi thought: If they are willing to exchange lives, it means that the relationship between the twin sisters is very good.

Even though they were still young at that time, they still knew how to help each other.

However, Lin Xi felt that he needed to seriously consider what a five- or six-year-old child was like.

She and Chen Xiao have had contact with children of this age.

Especially Zhao Hai’s daughter Zhao Xiaoyu.

She is sensible, obedient, and even kind.

Lin Xi once asked herself, what if Zhao Xiaoyu also had an older sister, and both of them were going through hardships.

Will she give up her bright future to her sisters?

Lin Xi thinks she can.

But the premise of her understanding is that they have a clear understanding of the so-called bright future.

They are five or six years old, not fifteen or sixteen.

Most five- or six-year-old children don't really have much idea about money or family circumstances.

Regarding money, they may more likely think that the happiest life is when two people are together.

Money and family status may not reach that level for them.

So Lin Xi felt that maybe there were other surprises in the adoption matter!
After thinking about this, Lin Xi also thought of the death of Dean Zheng Xiang.

impermanence of life.

Many people are fine one minute and dead the next.

As a police detective, you need to be more suspicious and dare to doubt.

But Lin Xi couldn't figure out the reason why Zheng Xiang should die. Unless, Qiu Tingfang's adoption is of great importance.

But when an orphan was adopted, why did the director who brought her into the orphanage die?

He will die, and there will be other people's anger.

There is also the possibility that Zheng Xiang knows something he shouldn’t know!

Lin Xi felt that there was a high probability of both possibilities!

But the emergence of these two possibilities means that there must be something very important.

Lin Xi didn't think about this matter because thinking about this kind of thing was just a waste of time.

No clue at all.

Without thinking any more, Lin Xi called Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao is waiting for Dai Honger.

Seeing Lin Xi calling, he answered the call immediately:

"Hey, wifey, have you gone to work?"

"I'll take a shower later." Lin Xi said with a smile.

Chen Xiao knew that Lin Xi liked to be clean, but she didn't have the habit of taking a shower in the morning unless Chen Xiao was at home last night.

"Did you... not sleep last night?"

"I couldn't sleep. I thought about your case all night. Now I have some ideas that I want to communicate with you." Lin Xi said with a smile.

Chen Xiao frowned: "You didn't sleep last night? Did you think about the case for me all night?"

"This is not important anymore, what is important is..."

"Who told you it's not important anymore? Your work is very intense every day. You have time to rest but you don't take a good rest. Why is it not important?"

"Then make it up to me when you come back. Let's talk about the key points now. Regarding the case, I thought of something. Do you think Qiu Tingfang is not a divination possibility, but a willing life exchange?"

Listening to Lin Xi's words, Chen Xiao was suddenly shocked.

She actually thought of it!
Seeing that Chen Xiao was silent, Lin Xi couldn't help but ask: "So calm? Have you already guessed it?"

"How could I be calm? I was so shocked by you that I couldn't speak. I really didn't expect that you could analyze this possibility just by listening to the information I told you."

Lin Xi did not feel disappointed at all, but said excitedly:
"I knew that your thinking would definitely not focus on just one of the possibilities, but I thought of a very key point based on this speculation."

"Tell me quickly." Chen Xiao also became a little anxious.

Lin Xi is still very useful in such an urgent situation.

So he told all his reasoning. After hearing this, Chen Xiao replied seriously:

"You are right, we should consider the situation realistically. A willing exchange of lives may seem reasonable, but in fact it is the most unreasonable because they are too young!"

"Furthermore, regarding the death of Dean Zheng, you are right. If there is not something very special, it stands to reason that there will be no accidents in his death. But we have to think of accidents, so this special thing It should be..."

Chen Xiao was also thinking while talking, and when it came to the key point, he was also considering whether to be sure.

Lin Xi did not urge him. After Chen Xiao was silent for a few seconds, he changed the question:

"Daughter-in-law, do you know the other reason why I came to Haicheng?"

"For the Ten Demons?"

"Yes, what happened after Lou Xiaodong came to Haicheng. But as Lou Xiaodong's son, Lou Yang said that he had never seen the Ten Demon Sons. Therefore, I suspect that the Ten Demon Sons were obtained by Lou Xiaodong when he was investigating cases across provinces in Haicheng. "

"Because I thought of this possibility and Zhang Ju's invitation, I came to Haicheng without hesitation. But this morning, I got a piece of news that Qiu Tingfang's father before she was adopted was probably the last owner of the Ten Demon Sons! "

This news was also extremely shocking to Lin Xi.

After thinking about it, Lin Xi also understood why Chen Xiao was silent when he was talking just now.

Because Chen Xiao is not sure whether to think together!
After thinking for a while, Lin Xi said, "Husband, instead of being wavering and unable to make a decision, it's better to be decisive!"

"You mean to say that the cause of Zheng Xiang's death is the Ten Demons?"


(End of this chapter)

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