I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 363 It’s not about Feng Shui, it’s about the bones!

Chapter 363 It’s not about Feng Shui, it’s about the bones!

Chen Xiao felt that Lin Xi's imagination of the case was becoming more and more bold.

However, he felt that Lin Xi's bold imagination was not groundless.

"Ten Demon Sons" has obviously appeared in the Leigongshan female corpse case.

That being the case, why couldn't we be more decisive and identify this as the cause of Zheng Xiang's death?

After all, there was something fishy about Zheng Xiang’s death, and it was also their bold guess!
Lin Xi smiled and said without waiting for Chen Xiao to respond:
"Honey, I have to go to work. As for whether you want to determine the importance of "Ten Demon Sons", it all depends on your judgment."

"I know, go ahead and don't waste your energy like this next time."


Lin Xi said and hung up the phone.

After Chen Xiao thought for a while with his cell phone, he saw that Dai Hong'er hadn't come out yet, so he called Hu Yue.

The latter received a call from Chen Xiao and said somewhat unexpectedly:

"I originally thought you would contact me a few days ago, but I didn't expect the call to come now."

"Captain Hu, do you think I will contact you frequently some time ago?"

"Yes, at least I think there is something wrong with that wood carving. Although I don't know much, you should ask me often."

Hu Yue expressed his thoughts.

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "I have already destroyed that wooden sculpture."

"Huh? How...ruined."

"After I got "Ten Demon Sons", a friend of mine who knew the art of divination came to me and asked me if there was anything wrong with me. He thought I was haunted by evil spirits."

"In the divination he divined for me, the evil spirits surrounding me will not only affect me, but also my descendants, so I feel that in the face of safety, even if it is something given to me by Senior Lou, I will not It needs to be destroyed.”

Hearing this, Hu Yue was a little emotional, but did not object:
"You are doing the right thing. When it affects the safety of your family, any threat needs to be removed as soon as possible. Even if it is just a metaphysical reminder, you should not be careless." Hu Yue said, and also asked:

"Then why did you call me today?"

"I want to make sure. Senior Lou asked you to give this thing to me. Did you get it in Haicheng or did you get it after you returned to Qingxi?"

Chen Xiao asked, and Hu Yue replied: "In Qingxi."

"Why is it in Qingxi? According to my investigation, the last place where the Ten Devils appeared should be in Xiuzhou. Xiuzhou is only a hundred kilometers away from Haicheng, so..."

"But before this investigation, he and I went to Haicheng, so I'm not sure whether he got it in Qingxi or Haicheng."

Chen Xiao was silent for a while, then asked:

"Were you investigating the same case both times?"

"Yes, the first time we heard some rumors, but no one was arrested in the end. Later, we determined that the suspect was hiding in Haicheng, so we came to arrest him."

"What kind of case is that?"

"At first, Teacher Lou and I thought it was an ordinary murder case caused by uneven distribution of interests, and because of the sudden disappearance of a person, we designated him as a criminal suspect."

"While investigating his whereabouts, we found out that he might be hiding in Haicheng. It was just that we didn't find him the first time. It wasn't until we got the exact news the second time that he lived in Tiangu District of Haicheng, so We found him with the help of Tiangu District Criminal Police Captain Pan Huiping."

Chen Xiao said subconsciously: "It turns out that you were also arrested in Tiangu District!"

"Why are you in Tiangu District now?"


"Then..." Hu Yue said one word, but then suddenly stopped talking.

After thinking for a few seconds, Hu Yue said: "I will send you a text message later and send you all the people that Teacher Lou has contacted."

Hu Yue was brought out by Lou Xiaodong.

But in Chen Xiao's opinion, the former Hu Yue was at a lower level among the criminal police captains he had come into contact with.

It's just that Hu Yue's thinking seems to be much more agile and comprehensive now.

Chen Xiao did not refuse and said: "Okay, as soon as possible!"

Soon, Hu Yue also hung up the phone.

After Chen Xiao and Liu Dayou continued to wait at Zheng's house for a while, Dai Honger finally came out.

She nodded towards Chen Xiao and said, "I have done a good job of grandma's ideological work, and there is one thing that is beneficial to you."

"How to say?"

"Recently, the descendants of the Zheng family have not been going well, including my father's comrade-in-arms, Uncle Zheng. Therefore, the Zheng family has thought about moving the grave for Grandpa Zheng before. Now I will convey your thoughts to grandma. "She said that on the day of moving the grave, you can perform an autopsy."

Chen Xiao felt happy and asked: "When is the date for moving the tomb?"

"A week later."

Chen Xiao's eyes wrinkled when he heard that it would take so long.

This time is too long for Chen Xiao.

It's not that Chen Xiao must pay attention to efficiency when investigating cases.

It's because the superiors didn't give Pan Huiping that long!
Only three days left!
If everything had to wait until Zheng Xiang moved his grave a week later, then many things would be too late.

But Chen Xiao didn't ask if it could be done in advance.

Folks attach great importance to matters such as funerals and tomb relocation.

It's all about finding someone to carefully plan the days.

How can it be that outsiders can change things if they say so?

Even the police can't be tough in the face of this kind of thing.

Otherwise, the entire direct descendants of the Zheng family, as well as some related relatives, will all rush forward.

Unless there is sufficient evidence to prove that Zheng Xiang died unexpectedly.

Otherwise, this matter will still be difficult to handle.

Dai Hong'er saw Chen Xiao's embarrassment and said apologetically:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen. I asked a master to keep track of the date, so I'm afraid you won't be able to hurry up if you want."

"I can understand. This has nothing to do with Miss Dai. You have done your best."

Chen Xiao still understands this kind of thing clearly, and Dai Honger really wants to help him.

As the two fell silent, the atmosphere became quieter.

But Liu Dayou on the side started mumbling after two minutes, and his fingers were still calculating something.

Seeing this, Dai Hong'er asked: "Mr. Chen, who is your friend?"

Chen Xiao glanced at him, made a small gesture, and said softly: "He knows how to do that, so he is probably counting the days."

Dai Hong'er looked surprised, and soon Liu Dayou's eyes lit up with joy, and he pulled Chen Xiao aside:
"Brother, tomorrow's day won't be very good, but it won't be bad either. If I were to tell you, they would probably agree."

Before Chen Xiao took Liu Dayou on the road of investigating the case, Liu Dayou was a magic stick.

What does it take to be a qualified stickman?

You need to know something about Feng Shui and fortune telling.

But in addition to these, he also needs an iron mouth and copper teeth!
You have to be able to speak words into people’s hearts!
But, is Liu Dayou a magic stick now?
He is not!
So when he looked at Chen Xiao with a smile on his face and some pride, he saw Chen Xiao looking directly at him with a cold face.

Liu Dayou was so frightened by the sight that he hesitated and sneered: "Brother, did I say something wrong?"

"If what I heard is correct, do you think tomorrow's day will not be very good?"


"Then do you know why the Zheng family moved their graves?"


"Now that you know, what's the difference between this and deception?" Chen Xiao asked seriously.

Although he is an investigator, more often than not he needs to adhere to the principles of science.

But he also borrowed Liu Dayou's ability, or in other words, his metaphysics ability.

Since it is borrowed, there cannot be double standards.

We should also be respectful and taboo with others.

Liu Dayou understood what Chen Xiao meant and lowered his head and stopped talking.

But Chen Xiao didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from behind:
"Thank you, Consultant Chen, for your understanding, but what if the root cause of frequent accidents in my family is not the feng shui of the cemetery, but my father's bones?!"

Chen Xiao turned around and looked back.

I saw a middle-aged man sitting in a wheelchair with a resolute expression being pushed out.

When Dai Hong'er saw the man, she immediately shouted with surprise on her face: "Uncle Zheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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