Chapter 364 Open the coffin!
"Uncle Zheng!"

Dai Honger's shout also revealed the identity of the visitor.

Son of Zheng Xiang.

That is, Dai Hong'er's father's comrade-in-arms.

But what surprised Chen Xiao was not the other party's appearance.

But what the other party just said!

Things go wrong one after another for the Zheng family. The problem is not Feng Shui, but the bones!
Chen Xiao can completely understand this sentence as: Feng Shui may not be so important, but the bones must be checked!

Just like in old movies.

If there is something wrong with the bones themselves, no matter how good the feng shui is, they will not be able to bring about prosperity for future generations and a prosperous family!
Chen Xiao took the initiative to reach out his hand and shook Zheng Tang's hand.

After the latter finished holding it, his expression did not change much and he continued:
"My father was only in his fifties when he died. Although his heart was often not good, it was difficult for me to accept his death at the time."

"It's just that when my father died, he still had medicine in his hand and a lot of it was scattered on the ground. So our whole family thought that he was sick but didn't have time to take the medicine, which led to the tragedy."

"But now that you are talking about this matter, I think it's time to find out more about it."

Chen Xiao even wanted to praise Zheng Tang for his profound righteousness!

However, he still suppressed the surprise in his heart and asked seriously: "Mr. Zheng, as the saying goes, everyone has his own way of doing things. My friend is also a bit of an expert. You might as well talk about the troubles in the Zheng family so that he can give some suggestions. "

Zheng Tang looked at Liu Dayou doubtfully.

The latter did not hide it and said directly: "Every table and every chair in the main hall of your house has been looked at by someone before being placed, right? Especially the hall paintings hanging on the incense table are even more grand. It has a background!”

Hearing this, the doubts in Zheng Tang's eyes disappeared, and he said:
"Actually, since the year my father passed away, there have been a lot of troubles in my family. At that time, my little sister was taking the college entrance examination. To be honest, although it is true that she did not do well in the college entrance examination, she had never been sick before. During those days of the college entrance examination, But I had a fever for three days, and I had to endure the whole process.”

"The strangest thing is that she was fine the day after the exam!"

"Then my brothers and sisters, and even my old mother, seemed to have never had a peaceful life in these years. I had minor illnesses and pains one after another, and as you have seen, I can say that my legs were only like this a while ago. It was just right, and then it broke again?”

At this moment, even Chen Xiao couldn't say anything.

After all, there are indeed many folk wonders that cannot be explained.

Liu Dayou listened very seriously, and after thinking about it, he said: "It is indeed possible that there is something wrong with the ancestral tomb. Of course, if the feng shui of the person buried in the ancestral tomb is also strange, it will also trigger a series of chain reactions."

Chen Xiao didn't interrupt much on this kind of thing.

Especially regarding metaphysics, he always listened silently with awe.

Zheng Tang nodded: "Okay, you two, please wait in the main hall for a while, and I'll go find my mother and several of my other brothers to discuss it. Of course, I can also make the decision in this family's affairs. It’s just better to inform everyone.”

"Okay, let's wait for news from Mr. Zheng." Chen Xiao said, and Zheng Tang was pushed into the back room again.

Seeing this, Dai Hong'er said with surprise: "Generally, there won't be any surprises if Uncle Zheng talks about matters related to the Zheng family!"

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said: "I think Mr. Zheng is very willing to cooperate with our work. You... I will make a guest appearance later to support the ceremony. People give us convenience, and we should also respect them."

"I understand, then I'll go buy what I need now."

"Go." Chen Xiao agreed, but Liu Dayou did not leave immediately, but asked: "But brother, do we still need a forensic doctor?"

"Have you ever heard of finding gold and diamonds?"

Liu Dayou's eyes were bright: "Brother, do you know how?"

"Well, I know a little bit about it, and I can also do a simple bone examination by a forensic doctor. So let's take a look first. If you can find problems at a glance or can't find obvious problems, then notify the local forensic doctor." After Liu Dayou understood, he went Purchase the items needed for the ceremony.

Chen Xiao needs to prepare for all possibilities in the future, so he also needs to have a fight with Pan Huiping now.

After dialing Pan Huiping's number again, the latter said:
"Chen Xiao, have you made any progress over there?"

This word made Chen Xiao couldn't help but smile: "That's right, but it's not progress in clues, it's progress in investigation."

"What do you mean?"

"The Zheng family most likely agreed to our bone examination."

"What? How did you do the ideological work and get them to agree so quickly?"

Chen Xiao told the story of the future, and Pan Huiping seemed to understand the reason and said:
"Zheng Tang of the Zheng family was born in the army. He likes to make friends the most, so he is also the person who values ​​sincerity the most in the entire Zheng family."

"Perhaps it was your words of lesson that made him feel that you are trustworthy."

"Maybe, but that's no longer important. What's important is that you have to talk to the local police."

"Okay, let me first ask if their local forensic doctor is available. If not, it won't take much time to arrange it from our side."

The two places are only a hundred kilometers away, so it is not surprising that the forensic doctors from the Tiangu District Branch were transferred from Haicheng.

Moreover, Chen Xiao felt that transferring people from Tiangu District would make their work more convenient.

Not long after the phone call, Zheng Tang also brought news.

Their whole family agreed to open the coffin and examine the bones today, but after the examination they hoped that Chen Xiao and Liu Dayou could find a proper placement method.

They hope to rebury their father in a week's time.

Chen Xiao negotiated with Liu Dayou, and after seeing Liu Dayou immediately listed the method of placing the bones, the Zheng family no longer had any worries.

So the Zheng family took Chen Xiao and Liu Dayou to the place where Zheng Xiang was buried.

Dai Hong'er also followed behind. Chen Xiao looked at it and couldn't help but remind:

"Is Miss Dai's mental endurance okay?"

"I have always felt that I am quite strong inside."

"That's good, but I have to warn you first. After a human body has been buried for more than ten years, it will undoubtedly turn into bones. But you'd better avoid the one who opens the coffin. After all, after so many years, people It’s not good to be too close.”

Dai Hong'er nodded slightly, but frowned slightly and said, "But don't you want to observe closely? Aren't you worried about yourself?"

"I have a mission, so naturally I don't think about that."

"Don't you think this is too hard? Why don't you quit your job as a consultant and let's go into business together. If you and I join forces, I think it will be difficult to have any rivals in the business world!"

Chen Xiao smiled and did not answer the topic.

Dai Hong'er also looked regretful.

She really couldn't understand why Chen Xiao, who was so suitable for business, was so obsessed with criminal investigation!
There are many things that Dai Hong'er doesn't know.

For example, when she arrived at Zheng Xiang's tomb, she couldn't see Liu Dayou wearing a Taoist priest's uniform, dancing and talking.

But when the tomb was dug and the coffin was opened, she couldn't help but take a closer look.

With just one glance, Dai Honger's beauty turned pale!
(End of this chapter)

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