Chapter 366 Is he Boss Qiu?

"No, this is not my dad!"

Zheng Tang's tone was very exciting.

Amidst the excitement, there was also a deep sense of confusion.

Chen Xiao looked at him immediately, and so did Pan Huiping.

Zheng Xiang's widow looked over in astonishment, and the other children also stopped crying and looked at Zheng Tang suspiciously.

But after identifying it, the latter said more definitely:
"This body is not my father's. Have you forgotten? One of the toes on my father's right foot is half missing. This body is complete!"

As soon as he said that, the other children looked over.

"Yes, dad's right foot was hit by a stone, and half of the third toe was later cut off in the hospital!"

"The bones of this toe are all intact, how could it be dad!"

"What's going on? What's going on?" Zheng Xiang's widow kept asking.

Pan Huiping also spoke at this time: "When we saw the scene inside the coffin, we realized that it might have been tampered with. But we didn't find the right time to tell you at that time. Now that you have discovered it yourself, then I can tell you You guys say that this corpse is indeed not your father, Dean Zheng.”

"Well, we can tell from the bones that this was a strong man in his thirties before he died." Chen Xiao also followed suit.

As soon as he said this, both the forensic doctor and Pan Huiping looked shocked.

Especially forensics.

But now was not the time to ask Chen Xiao, so neither of them said anything.

Zheng Tang is the current head of the Zheng family.

He forcibly suppressed his emotions and asked: "What do you two mean, my father's bones may have been transferred?"

"Yes!" Chen Xiao said with certainty.

Zheng Tang's eyes widened and he was speechless for a moment.

Pan Huiping glanced at the crowd around him and said, "Mr. Zheng, the matter is serious now, so we need to distance ourselves from the crowd, including you and your family, please step back temporarily."

Zheng Tang nodded.

Although he is in a very turbulent mood now, he also knows that if something like this happens, it is no longer within the scope of the Guang family to solve it.

This is a criminal case!

Zheng Tang asked his family and the people in the village who came to help to retreat, leaving a warning circle with no one to maintain order.

Pan Huiping breathed a sigh of relief and asked:

"You are quite accomplished in forensic science. You can see the bones that have been there for so many years with just the naked eye."

"I understand a little bit, but that's not important. What's important is that we have to figure out why this happens."

As Chen Xiao said, the forensic doctor who was already squatting next to the skeleton said:

"There is only one possibility when there are signs of bone transfer, and that is that the corpse will reveal the truth about his murder. It's just a pity that there is no way to determine in which year the hands and feet were tampered with."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, the murderer went to such great lengths to package his body, only Dean Zheng's body will expose him. If we can determine the year in which he was tampered with, we can completely infer him based on what happened that year. Why do this?"

Pan Huiping looked at the bones, frowned and was silent for a while, then said:
"Then who do you think he could be?"

This question is theoretically impossible to answer.

But Chen Xiao was staring at the feet of the corpse, and then said:
"What size shoe do you think these feet should wear?"

This question made Pan Huiping's scalp jump so hard that she couldn't help but look at the forensic doctor.

The latter immediately measured the data, then calculated based on the formula, and finally got an answer:
"My feet are not big, so I can wear shoes of size 40 or 41!"

Pan Huiping was immediately confused by this answer.

41 yards!
This shoe print once appeared in Leigong Mountain, and it was the shoe print of the person who killed Qiu Tingfang!
But now that a man with size 41 feet appears again, there are too many things to imagine.

"I'm very worried now. This person might be the legendary Boss Qiu!" Chen Xiao's tone became solemn. Pan Huiping let out a long sigh.

Chen Xiao's speculation is not unreasonable.

When Wu Guansheng said that Boss Qiu bought "Ten Demon Sons" and was probably a personal trafficker.

Although no one is sure whether he is related to Qiu Tingfang, there will be a voice in their hearts reminding them that Boss Qiu is likely to be the suspect.

But now if Boss Qiu is the corpse in front of them, then they have to look for the suspect again.

After Chen Xiao said this, he did not continue to communicate with Pan Huiping.

He reached up and picked up the remains of the skull.

Just holding it with both hands!
No one knew that Chen Xiao actually used the power to kill at this moment.

Chen Xiao didn't use this ability much, just a few times.

Moreover, for this ability, the feedback information is often vague to Chen Xiao.

He has not yet clearly felt the exact effect that the power of killing has on him.

All I know is that when using this ability, he himself will undergo some subtle changes.

And his change is the most obvious to the police.

Pan Huiping noticed it immediately.

Her eyes suddenly showed confusion, and she even frowned in the end.

She felt a deep fear in Chen Xiao's eyes at this moment.

It felt like Chen Xiao was very likely to kill her.

It's a ridiculous feeling, but it feels real.

Chen Xiao didn't care about other people's thoughts. He held the remains of the head and couldn't help but feel it.

But when he couldn't feel it clearly, he also used the power of collecting gold and diamonds, and even taking a bath.

Finally, Chen Xiao recalled Boss Qiu’s appearance and appearance as described by Wu Guansheng.

He began to apply those physical features and facial features to the remains one by one.

After all the points were applied, Chen Xiao put down his skull and said in a deep voice:

"Forensic Doctor Li, please continue."

Pan Huiping could feel the aura that made her feel jealous and even fearful, receding from Chen Xiao's body.

So she thought for a while and asked: "What did you think of?"

Chen Xiao glanced at her and replied, "Give me some time."

Such a vague answer left Pan Huiping helpless.

But she didn't pursue the question, but quietly went about her business.

Soon, Chen Xiao retreated behind the crowd. After thinking for a while, he called Guo Zhengchang.

Now he has no better way.

We can only choose the stupidest way to find a needle in a haystack!

Guo Zhengchang answered his call and asked: "Is there any new news about "Ten Demon Sons"?"

"That's not the case. I'll send you a sketch later. You know many more woodcarvers than I do. Please help me ask if anyone knows the person in the sketch."

"As for the key information, it was only in 90 that he purchased Shimozi from a foreigner in Xiuzhou at a wood carving exhibition in Xiuzhou."

"Okay, you send it to me and I'll ask it for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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