I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 367 I want to dig out the entire mountain 3 feet!

Chapter 367 I want to dig up the entire mountain!
After ending the phone call with Guo Zhengchang.

Chen Xiao sat down against a big tree on the mountain.

He began to sort out all the cases he knew in his mind.

Chen Xiao can be sure from the words of the old lady of the Zheng family.

In April 1990, Zheng Xiang took Qiu Tingfang into the orphanage.

Less than five months later, around September 1990, Qiu Huasheng and his wife came to Haicheng.

Among the children, they selected Qiu Tingfang and adopted her as a daughter.

In March 1991, Zheng Xiang died of a sudden heart attack.

Then it’s this year.

First, Qiu Tingfang and her adoptive parents returned to Haicheng and searched for their relatives with great fanfare.

The reason for the big fanfare was that Qiu Huasheng personally admitted that he really wanted to find Qiu Tingfang's biological parents, and secondly, he wanted to pave the way for Qiu's business layout.

But then Qiu Tingfang was killed in Leigong Mountain.

Then, another Qiu Tingfang was also killed and buried on the only way to the tomb.

Following Mu Rong, he also died of a sudden illness!
After combing through this, Chen Xiao suddenly frowned.

Zheng Xiang died of a sudden heart attack.

Mu Rong also died of a sudden heart attack.

The two had nothing to do with each other, but they died of the same disease, which made Chen Xiao think it was a bit of a coincidence.

It was even a coincidence that Chen Xiao suddenly felt that Qiu Watson was a bit strange.

As a foster parent.

Chen Xiao felt that probably nine out of ten adoptive fathers in the world would not want their adopted daughter to find her biological parents.

Because once he finds it, all the years of hard work he has devoted to training may be in vain.

As a businessman, Qiu Watson's behavior is understandable.

This is just like when Chen Xiao was in Shenzhen, he wanted to use his popularity among the people to expand his influence.

However, Sanshui Town is really not a very suitable place for investment.

Moreover, Sanshui Town does not have a large labor force!

Chen Xiao calmed down and thought about it. He thought that a smart and cunning businessman could even take advantage of his adopted daughter's marriage search. How could he make a mistake in his choice?

Would he really choose Sanshui Town because it was his adopted daughter's hometown?
Chen Xiao thinks it’s impossible!

The more he thought about it, the more Chen Xiao felt that something was wrong with Qiu Huasheng.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao shouted at Pan Huiping.

The latter soon sat over and asked, "What have you come up with?"

"What do you think of Qiu Watson?"

"Qiu Huasheng?" Pan Huiping mumbled and asked, "Is he the person you are asking about, or is he someone related to the case?"

"Let's talk about it, especially why he wants to invest in Sanshui Town. I also own some industries. To be honest, Haicheng is indeed a very suitable place for investment, but at the moment I will never choose Sanshui, even to put it ugly. I’m not even interested in the strength of Tiangu District.”

Pan Huiping replied: "Isn't this because of Qiu Tingfang?"

"Do you think a mature businessman would really do this because of his adopted daughter?"

Pan Huiping shook her head in confusion: "I don't know anything about business."

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly: "That's right, let's change the topic. As far as the case is concerned, how many people have died due to sudden heart attacks?"

As soon as this question was asked, Pan Huiping's thinking became clear.

"Two!" "That's right, one is Dean Zheng and the other is Mu Rong. Let's have a conspiracy theory, who do you think is the most beneficial to the relationship between these two people? Or to be more specific, when are they both related to someone they have come into contact with? If the secret is revealed, which person will benefit the most from their death?”

"Qiu Huasheng!" Pan Huiping replied without hesitation.

Chen Xiao snapped his fingers: "So do you think Qiu Watson's problem is big?"

"Big, but his feet are huge!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "It's true that the foot sizes don't match, but that's secondary. After all, shoe prints can't be used as evidence in court, so let's put it aside for now. Let's talk about why Qiu Huasheng is suspected. Want to kill someone?"

"There is no reason, especially when the two Qiu Tingfangs appear, he has no reason."

Chen Xiao fell silent for a moment.

Pan Huiping's words have been made very clear.

If only Mu Rong and Qiu Tingfang died, then Qiu Huasheng might still be suspected.

But when both Qiu Tingfang are dead, it will be difficult for Qiu Huasheng to have reasonable suspicion.

After all, the other Qiu Tingfang has nothing to do with him.

Chen Xiao's silence also made Pan Huiping quiet down.

But soon, Chen Xiao continued to draw on the portrait of Boss Qiu based on Wu Guansheng's description.

This time, he was drawing clothes.

That men's fashion set in the Cenotaph!
Although this is a painting based on proportions.

But for Chen Xiao, a skeleton now allows him to roughly estimate the size of the deceased.

Therefore, the painting is based on proportion, and whether it can be worn has already been formed in his mind.

Pan Huiping looked at the painting, squinted her eyes and said, "It fits very well."

"Yes, it fits very well! But it's also difficult to fit well..." Chen Xiao stopped before he finished speaking. Pan Huiping also opened her mouth slightly and shouted:

"So that's it! Maybe the tomb is not just a tomb, but a real tomb! It was only later that the bones were transferred!"

"It's very possible that the men's clothing in the tomb can only be buried with him. Otherwise, corpse tissue will definitely be detected on the clothes."

"That's right!" Pan Huiping said, then thought for a few seconds and said, "I was wondering if I should dig three feet into the ground of Leigong Mountain to see if I can dig out Dean Zheng's bones there!"

Pan Huiping sounded very excited.

Although her tone was excited, her behavior was calm.

Even Chen Xiao didn't urge her, but frowned and thought.

It looked like he was thinking about how likely this guess was.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chen Xiao's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a phone call.

After looking at the caller ID, Chen Xiao immediately answered the call, secretly thinking that Guo Zhengchang's speed was too fast.

"Hey, Mr. Guo, did you find the person so quickly?"

Guo Zhengchang replied: "I know a woodcarving master whose ancestral home is Xiuzhou, but he has never seen the person you painted."

"In that case, what else did he say?" Chen Xiao felt that such information was not enough for Guo Zhengchang to call him.

Sure enough, Guo Zhengchang replied: "When I contacted him, he gave me an opinion, saying that if you want to know the people at the exhibition that year, it is better to go to the local wood carving association, where there may be archived photos of the people who participated in the exhibition. !”

After Guo Zhengchang finished speaking, Chen Xiao immediately stood up and suddenly realized:

"Yeah, why did I forget this channel!"

"Even if you are Linglongxin, there will be times when you are negligent. Go check it out quickly. I also want to know the real reason why Lou Xiaodong sent "Ten Demons" to you as soon as possible."

After the two of them finished talking, Chen Xiao immediately reminded Pan Huiping, and then they went to Xiuzhou Wood Sculpture Association together.

(End of this chapter)

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