Chapter 370: No proof means no proof!

When Xiaoji arrived at the criminal police team, Pan Huiping's call had already been returned to the team.

And arranged for four strong criminal police officers to go with Xiaoji.

Arrive at Qiu Huasheng’s residence.

The latter also knew Xiao Ji, but he also asked doubtfully:
"Where's Mr. Chen? Why didn't he come in person?"

"Mr. Chen asked me to let you come over." Xiao Ji replied with a smile.

Qiu Huasheng nodded: "Where to go?"

"Mr. Chen said you will know when you get to the place."

Qiu Watson smiled: "Is it so mysterious?"

Xiao Ji just grinned and kept in mind Chen Xiao's instructions.

However, Qiu Huasheng didn't delay much, so he took his driver with him, asked his bodyguard to stay at the residence, and then drove another car to follow Xiaoji and the others.

Xiaoji wanted Qiu Watson to ride in the same car with him.

But Chen Xiao has told him not to be too deliberate.

In this way, Xiao Ji led the way. Not long after, when he turned to the orphanage at an intersection, Qiu Watson, who was sitting in the car, raised his gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Without any pause along the way, Chen Xiao waited for Qiu Huasheng at the entrance of the orphanage.

Seeing the latter again, Chen Xiao could tell at a glance that not only he and Pan Huiping had not rested last night, but also Qiu Huasheng.

"Mr. Qiu should have known that he was coming here on his way here, right?" Chen Xiao asked.

Qiu Huasheng nodded: "I didn't know at first, but I realized it as the route changed."

In response, Qiu Watson also asked curiously:

"But I want to understand why Mr. Chen called me here?"

"There is an account that I'm not very clear about. Could you please Mr. Qiu help me clarify it?"


"In previous exchanges, we have never asked why Mr. Qiu came to Haicheng sixteen years ago. Now I want to know why you came last time and why you donated a huge sum of five million yuan to the welfare home. payment!"

When this question was asked, Xiaoji was stunned for a moment, then uncontrollably slapped his forehead with his hand.

That action seemed to say that he hadn't thought of this problem!
Qiu Huasheng did not answer immediately, but looked at Chen Xiao with a smile and then said:
"I don't know where Dean Zheng heard that I had the idea of ​​adopting a child, so he took the initiative to find me."

"I believe what Mr. Qiu said, but you didn't answer any of my two questions." Chen Xiao replied.

Qiu Huasheng's expression remained unchanged: "After he found me, he kept telling me how well-behaved and sensible the children in the orphanage were. It's just that the orphanage is short of money, and the children will soon be out of food rations."

"My wife is the kind of woman who can't bear to see the suffering in the world, especially when she thought about the suffering of many children, so she suddenly said that she would donate five million to the welfare home!"

"It's the same this time. My wife said that she donated 5 million yuan last time, and this time it can't be less than last time. So in more than ten years, I donated a full 10 million yuan to this welfare home. ”

Qiu Huasheng stated the reason for the donation.

As for whether this reason is true, Chen Xiao has only one thought right now.

There is no way to prove it.

In other words, there is no proof!

Chen Xiao nodded: "Then why did you and your wife come to Haicheng in 1990? Your ancestral home is not this city, so there must be a reason, right?" "The reason is actually what I told you, but Mr. Chen is not interested in those people. It was just an insensitive matter. Not long after my elder brother passed away, Mu Rong mustered up a lot of courage to marry me again, but it was still difficult to face the family. "

"So, in order to avoid some gossip, I took her to play around. It happened that during the play, she told me that she wanted to adopt a child. However, I didn't know that Dean Zheng was from How did you know we had such an idea?”

If Qiu Huasheng hadn't said what he said later, Chen Xiao might still believe it.

But what he said next was equivalent to blocking the questions Chen Xiao wanted to ask.

Chen Xiao looked at Qiu Watson, and Qiu Watson was also looking at him.

Gradually, Qiu Huasheng's eyes no longer held any smile, but instead became colder:
"Mr. Chen, I see something is wrong with the way you look at me. What, are you suspecting something?"

Qiu Huasheng just asked, his driver had already taken a step forward, and Qiu Huasheng's tone also became lower:

"Are you suspecting that I killed my wife and the daughter I raised for sixteen years?!"

Qiu Watson's appearance looks extremely gentle and elegant.

However, when he was angry, Chen Xiao felt a violent impact on his whole aura.

People should not be judged by their appearance!

But before Chen Xiao spoke, Xiao Ji had already taken a step forward: "Mr. Qiu may not know my eldest brother well enough. He usually won't say such things in front of a real murderer. When he said such words, Mr. Qiu You should be lucky that he doesn’t think you are the murderer yet!”

"So Mr. Qiu's voice doesn't have to be so loud, and his aura doesn't have to be so strong. It won't scare my elder brother, and it might embarrass myself later!"

Xiao Ji said with a smile, Qiu Watson's driver also took a step forward:
"Obviously you are rude to my boss!"

"Polite? So am I doing something wrong? My eldest brother is not a policeman. What do you mean by trying to suppress him the same way you suppress a policeman?"

Xiao Ji would not allow anyone to talk to Chen Xiao like this.

Chen Xiao was also standing behind him at this time and couldn't help grinning.

These brothers are good at everything, but they just can't understand someone's slightly stronger tone.

The driver stared and didn't know what to say for a moment, but Qiu Huasheng snorted coldly and made a phone call in front of Chen Xiao:
"Hey, I've been waiting for too long. Can you Tiangu District tell my wife and daughter the truth?"

Qiu Watson is still smart.

He knew that his tactics to suppress Chen Xiao were useless.

But it is completely enough to suppress Pan Huiping.

As long as Tiangu District still needs Qiu Huasheng's investment, all pressure will be put on Pan Huiping!
Chen Xiao came here just to help Pan Huiping, so putting pressure on Pan Huiping had the same effect on Qiu Huasheng.

What Qiu Huasheng didn't expect was that Chen Xiao actually called Pan Huiping in front of him:

"Your leader may contact you soon and tell him that it doesn't take three days, and the murderer will be caught in 24 hours!"

Not only Pan Huiping on the other end of the phone was stunned.

Qiu Watson, who was furiously talking on the phone with a certain big boss in Tiangu District, was also stunned.

"are you joking around with me?"

"I never make any jokes about the case, because human life is more important than heaven. But since Mr. Qiu is already so impatient, well... let's press on the last time. It doesn't need 3 days, just 24 hours !”

"At this time tomorrow, if the murderer cannot be caught, I, Chen Xiao, will be the first to stand up and admit his mistake!" After Chen Xiao finished speaking, Pan Huiping on the other end of the phone raised her voice and shouted:
"If the murderer cannot be caught, I will just take off my police uniform on the spot!"

(End of this chapter)

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