I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 371 Everything is because of a formula!

Chapter 371 It’s all because of a formula!
Pan Huiping is not the kind of person who is timid.

Moreover, her patience with Qiu Watson had already reached its limit.

The reason for her patience is that Qiu Watson is not just always putting pressure on her from her superiors.

What's more, Qiu Huasheng was not a very cooperative family member of the deceased.

Even after Murong's death, Qiu Huasheng became a big trouble.

Qiu Huasheng smiled, looked directly at Chen Xiao and said:
"Okay, as long as you can catch the murderer within 24 hours, then all my previous promises will still count!"

After saying that, Qiu Watson was leaving.

But Chen Xiao said: "Mr. Qiu, since the time is limited to 24 hours, you should cooperate with us now, right?"

Qiu Watson turned around: "What do you mean?"

"I didn't ask Mr. Qiu to go back and rest. Now we still need your cooperation."

"Okay, then I will cooperate with you!"

Qiu Huasheng gave up the idea of ​​going back.

Chen Xiao took the phone and walked aside. Pan Huiping on the other end of the phone also said:
"In such a short time, are you sure?"

"Didn't you have great confidence in me just now? You used your police uniform to fulfill this agreement."

"It's not like I have been picked up and I can't help it. I can't really let you take the blame, right? Besides, Brother Xian told me that as long as you clearly tell the time, then don't waver and trust you completely. ”

"Those who know me are Zhang Ju."

"You mean, you feel like you're getting close to the truth?"

"It's almost the same, but some things still need to be explained clearly." Chen Xiao said, and then said seriously:
"Okay, Captain Pan, we have to hurry up and issue a report as soon as possible so that I can have a reference. Also, you should communicate with your superiors. I don't think it was that simple for that guy to come to Haicheng more than ten years ago."

"Okay, I will tell my superiors everything you tell me!"

After Chen Xiao said hello, the two ended the call.

Then Chen Xiao returned to the door and said to Qiu Watson:

"Please, Mr. Qiu, let's talk while we talk."

Qiu Huasheng said nothing, but still walked into the orphanage.

Just returning to the photo wall again, Chen Xiao asked: "You must not know that we made a very important discovery this morning, right?"

Qiu Huasheng turned his head curiously, and Chen Xiao said:

"We found another Qiu Tingfang."

Qiu Watson's eyes suddenly widened.

"Another Tingfang? What do you mean!"

Pan Huiping has not yet told Qiu Huasheng that another female corpse was found in Leigong Mountain.

There is no need to notify Qiu Watson immediately of this discovery.

Now that Chen Xiao said it, Qiu Watson obviously didn't expect it at all.

Such a reaction is normal in Chen Xiao's opinion.

And it is certain that Qiu Tingfang, who was raised, has never told her adoptive parents that she also has a twin sister.

Otherwise, the first thing Qiu Tingfang should look for when she returns to China to find her relatives is her twin sisters. "In that mountain, less than 800 meters away from where Qiu Tingfang was found, we found another female corpse. The woman had the same appearance as Qiu Tingfang and was almost the same size."

"You mean, Tingfang has always had a twin sister in Haicheng?"

Qiu Watson asked in disbelief.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes! There is another thing that we discovered in Xiuzhou this morning. That is, the person buried in Dean Zheng's coffin was not Dean Zheng."

Qiu Watson's eyes widened again.

Chen Xiao looked into Qiu Watson's eyes. From his eyes, Chen Xiao could indeed see the shock.

Without thinking for too long, Chen Xiao was ready to strike while the iron was hot:

"In the previous discussion with Mr. Qiu, I said that the surname Qiu may be a misunderstanding of the same pronunciation. The surname may be hilly, or autumn in autumn. In Xiuzhou, we did find a boss Qiu."

"His age, height and body shape at the time were highly similar to the skeleton we dug out of Dean Zheng's tomb. Now, Team Pan has sent someone to conduct DNA testing with Sister Qiu Tingfang."

"Of course, this matter is far less important than the presence of someone else in Dean Zheng's coffin. So Mr. Qiu, do you think it is normal for Dean Zheng to suddenly die suddenly the second year after Qiu Tingfang was adopted by you? ?"

When Chen Xiao asked this again.

Qiu Watson's eyes began to twinkle!

With this flicker, Chen Xiao was sure that something was wrong with Qiu Huasheng!
However, Chen Xiao acted as if he didn't see it and allowed Qiu Watson to think on his own.

When Qiu Huasheng's eyes showed growing confusion, Chen Xiao suddenly patted Qiu Huasheng on the shoulder.

"Mr. Qiu, if you really want us to find out your daughter's death and let your wife rest in peace, then you should tell us what kind of deal you made with Dean Zheng in 1990, so that you I am willing to donate five million to the welfare home!”

Qiu Huasheng raised his head, and anyone who knew micro-expressions could see the confusion in his eyes.

"Mr. Qiu, do you have to let us find out before you can willingly tell the secret? If it is really found out through police channels, I think you may not be able to leave Haicheng so easily!"

Chen Xiao's tone suddenly became sharp.

Qiu Huasheng instantly lost his previous toughness, but he still didn't say anything.

Chen Xiao knew that people like Qiu Huasheng who hang out in shopping malls would not have too bad mental endurance.

To put it another way, many strong men in the shopping mall have a gambling habit that will not give up until they reach the Yellow River.

It's like a game. Until the moment they lose everything, they all feel that they still have a chance to survive!
Seeing this, Chen Xiao continued: "Actually, I have determined that there must be a shady transaction between you and Dean Zheng. And in that transaction, Dean Zheng most likely sold something to obtain your donation. ”

"Similarly, the benefits you gained from Dean Zheng also enabled your Qiu family to develop by leaps and bounds. Therefore, the police only need to investigate what Qiu's business was that took off the fastest in those years, and then from Zheng Yuan If you go to a long social circle to match, it will be easy to find out! ”

Chen Xiao's words were very simple.

In fact, it is extremely difficult to operate.

The purpose of what he said was actually to let Qiu Watson make a choice on his own.

Extremely difficult doesn't mean it can't be found, it's just a matter of time.

After some struggle and thinking, Qiu Huasheng finally let out a long sigh:
"It's really scary to face people like you, as if there can't be any secrets in my heart. But maybe it's better for me if you do this, then you might really find out who killed Tingfang and who It’s Murong!”

Hearing this, Chen Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Qiu Huasheng also continued: "It's all because of a formula! In order to survive dozens of orphans in the orphanage, Dean Zheng stole a formula from a friend of his. That formula gave me a firm foothold in our family!" "

"But his friend's company was completely annihilated in the market competition and was eventually acquired after we took the lead!"

(End of this chapter)

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