Chapter 373 Good!

Chen Xiao remembers it very clearly.

It was still fine when they left last night.

Why is it being smashed now?

Chen Xiao looked through the window at the mess inside, and couldn't help but look at the phone number left on the sign.

But when I thought about it, I felt it was inappropriate.

Just at this time, a store nearby opened.

This is true for people who make late-night snacks. They almost never open the door in the morning.

Only in the afternoon did some stores open their doors one after another.

Chen Xiao walked to the side and asked: "Boss, what's going on with Xu Fuji next door? Did anyone make trouble last night?"

When the boss heard this, he said: "No one is making trouble, Xu Fu and his wife smashed it."

In my impression, the proprietress of the food stall did not seem to be a person with a bad temper, so this made Chen Xiao very puzzled.

However, the boss next to him had a bad smile on his face: "I heard that Xu Fu hired a girl outside, and somehow his wife found out about it last night, and then the store was smashed to pieces!"

Chen Xiao's eyes widened immediately: "It's so exciting!"

"Who says it's not the case! Xu Fu's business is so good, I can't even imagine where he finds the time to find girls!"

"Hate, time is like water, there will always be something if you squeeze it! But I didn't notice it before, why was it suddenly discovered this morning?" Chen Xiao also had a gossipy look on his face.

The boss next door replied: "I don't know. It is said that the police came and asked a lot of questions, and then the boss's wife found out."

As he said that, the boss next door probably slept well in the morning and said with great interest:
"From the time they were quarreling, I seemed to be able to tell that there was more than one guy like Lao Xu! Hey, that's why men don't have any good things. When they get rich, they become bad! You see, he is as busy as a dog every day, so he just goes I was a bit empty while shopping for groceries. ”

"He used such a small amount of time perfectly. But I can also understand Lao Xu. Who among men doesn't want to have a son. It's a pity that Lao Xu's wife couldn't get pregnant after giving birth to one."

The boss next door sighed repeatedly.

But Chen Xiao also saw a hint of deep envy in his eyes.

Chen Xiao smiled and didn't say much to him.

But when he turned around, Chen Xiao's face suddenly darkened.

He dialed the number on the sign and a woman answered.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Is this the boss lady of Hsu Fu Chi? I was the policeman who came to your food stall to eat last night."

"Ah...comrade police, is there anything else you can do?"

"Open the door, let me talk to you, Boss Xu, about him and his women."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, but finally I replied with a nice word.

Not long after, through the window, I saw someone running downstairs quickly.

Chen Xiao looked at the proprietress who opened the door.

She lowered her head and there were some scars on her face.

Xiaoji couldn't help but ask: "Boss Boss, if your husband makes a mistake, he still has the guts to beat you?"

"I... I accidentally bumped into the door and got it. If he dares to hit me, I will cut him!"

The landlady gritted her teeth and made Xiao Ji shrink back.

But soon, the landlady asked: "Comrade policeman, I asked him early in the morning. He doesn't know the woman you were looking for last night."

"Let him come out and talk."

"Why don't you follow me upstairs? It's not convenient for him to go downstairs right now. I...I beat him up and bandaged him up at nine o'clock."

Chen Xiao opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Waiting for the landlady to turn around, Liu Dayou praised him sincerely:
"I never expected that her small body could contain such ferocious power!"

Chen Xiao glanced at him, and Liu Dayou smiled coquettishly and followed him obediently.

Going upstairs, Chen Xiao saw Xu Fu in the bedroom. The most obvious thing about Xu Fu at this moment were the scratches on his face.

That's really a flesh-removing scar!
Boss Xu saw a little fear in his eyes when he saw his wife.

But when he saw Chen Xiao, his eyes became even deeper.

Some even dare not look at it!

Such evasion made Chen Xiao suspect that Boss Xu was a very good disguiser.

He remembered very clearly that when he came to eat at the food stall, Chen Xiaoyou asked him if he knew Qiu Tingfang.

But Xu Fu didn't blush and his heart didn't beat.

That look made Chen Xiao mistakenly think that he really didn't know him.

But if you don't know him, why do you react like this at this moment?

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao stopped beating around the bush and asked directly:
"You know the woman I asked you about last night, right?"

When asked, Xu Fu immediately looked at him begging for mercy, but replied:

"I really don't know you!"

Chen Xiao's expression also turned cold.

But at this moment, the landlady slapped Xu Fu on the face:

"You lied again!"

"Comrade policeman, he can usually put on a good show, but as soon as he lies, I can tell it right away. With his dead look, he is just telling a lie!"

Xu Fu really wanted to cry.

Chen Xiao's face became even colder and he said:
"She is dead, so do you want to tell me the truth? If you don't tell me, then I will have to take you to the criminal police team."

When the landlady heard the first three words, her expression changed.

Xu Fu also had a look of astonishment on his face, and then said: "Dead?!"

"Yes! So, tell me how you met her. Now that human lives are involved, you must be responsible for yourself for every word you say, do you understand?"

Xu Fu's eyes widened, but he looked at his wife with some fear.

Seeing this, the landlady asked in disbelief: "Is this the girl you are looking for outside again?"

Xu Fu nodded, and the landlady raised her hand again: "Xu Fu, I don't know how many other women you have! Where do you get so much time and energy?"

"You can always find some time by changing the method, but my wife and I have broken up a long time ago, and we have been broken up for two years! You believe me, now I am the one outside!" Xu Fu begged for mercy somewhat shamelessly.

The landlady's eyes were red.

But it's not the red eye that wants to hit someone, but the feeling of powerlessness after being wronged.

When Chen Xiao heard this, he was afraid that they would get entangled again, so he asked again:

"what is her name?"


"Last name is Wang?"

"Yes, sometimes I call her Xiao Wang, and sometimes I call her Hao Hao. She is very clingy, which should be related to her childhood experience. Anyway, every time I go to see her, she is reluctant to let me go. Later she became pregnant It was on, but I accidentally dropped it a few days before I was happy.”

"It was because the child was lost that she left me without looking back."

Maybe it really is because human lives are involved.

Xu Fu didn't dare to hide anything at this time and said everything at once.

It's just that he didn't notice that the landlady kept holding her mouth shut while he was talking, tears falling down.

Chen Xiao was not in the mood to enlighten the landlady.

He heard a very important message in Xu Fu's words.

This should have something to do with her childhood experience!
Xu Fu actually knew Wang Hao’s childhood experience!
(End of this chapter)

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