Chapter 374 Railway Station!
"How did she tell you about her childhood?"

Chen Xiao asked further.

Only then did Xu Fu finally look at his wife belatedly.

The landlady clenched her fists: "I won't hit you, just tell the police comrade what you are asking and tell the truth!"

"She and I met at the vegetable market. When I went to buy vegetables that day, she kept fighting with people for a few cents. However, I didn't care at that time. After all, there were many people with tight lives, so I could save a cent. It’s a dime.”

"It's just that no one expected that the vegetable seller didn't know what was going on, and suddenly rushed in front of her to beat her. I am a warm-hearted person, so I protected her behind me at that time."

"Maybe it was because of this action that we were destined to be together. We met a few more times later, and she was also warm-hearted. She always felt that I helped her that time, and she had to repay me. So I bought a lot of them. Good food, I want to treat you to dinner.”

"At that meal, we talked a lot, and I also asked about her family. She told me that she and her sister were trafficked by human traffickers when they were very young. Later, her sister was also trafficked. After being adopted, she raised her by herself.”

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but interject: "Has she ever said that her sister was adopted by someone?"

"I also asked this question, but she didn't tell me. She just said that her sister was doing well. I also asked her how she supported herself as a little girl at that time."

"She didn't care. She just smiled and said that she had raised herself in a daze. I also asked her why she didn't go to the police to catch the trafficker who abducted the two sisters. She said that after she and her sister escaped, they would I haven’t seen that human trafficker yet.”

Chen Xiao paused and asked again: "Then she always remembers her name, or did she choose the name Wang Hao by herself later?"

"This is what her parents named her. She said her name is Wang Hao and her sister's name is Wang Mei."

"Then did she say where she was from?"

"She didn't say that, she just said that she didn't go back to play house. I asked her why she didn't go back, and she said that her parents had died long ago. It was that year that her parents had an accident at the train station, and the trafficker took advantage of the commotion. He took the two sisters away."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao suddenly knew why Qiu Tingfang made such a big fuss when she returned to China to find her relatives.

Her purpose may not be to find her parents, but because she knows she has a sister.

Only if there was a big fuss could she possibly see her sister.

As Chen Xiao was thinking, Xu Fu looked at him, then at his wife, and then said:
"At that time, we actually regarded each other as good friends. I pitied her plight, and she was grateful for my help. But later, the situation changed again. I thought she might be too short of love, so she wanted to find someone. rely on."

"At that time, I was thinking about having a son all day long, so the two of us got together in a daze. But from the beginning to the end, she didn't know that I had a family, until she became pregnant and needed my company more and more. Only then did I discover my true condition.”

"I have always suspected that the child was actually aborted by herself. The abort I am talking about does not mean that she went to the hospital to abort it, but that she aborted it alive!"

Speaking of this, Xu Fu's eyes also showed a complicated look, and he even felt a little regretful.

"After she found out that I had a family, she slapped herself hard in front of me, then beat her stomach and cursed herself for being shameless. I could only comfort her, and I would not leave until she was comforted."

"But within a few days, she called me and said that the child was gone. I ran over to see her, but she said that if I dared to face her, she would jump off the building of the hospital. After that, I would also……."

Xu Fu hasn't finished speaking yet.

His wife raised her hand again and slapped him hard on the face several times.

"Xu Fu, you are nothing! I have been sleeping with you for so many years, but I have never felt that you are so bad!" The landlady gritted her teeth.

Chen Xiao could feel that the boss lady's gnashing of teeth was not because someone had destroyed her family.

But the people around her actually have such a miserable side.

Xu Fu didn't have the nerve to fight back. He lowered his head and said, "I really feel sorry for her. She is the only girl I have ever cheated on. She is much younger than me, but she has suffered many more hardships than me. But my wife, I You know, that’s what I was thinking about. I always dealt with it openly and didn’t pay attention to it.”

The landlady looked at him indifferently: "When I learned about your dirty things last night, I was a little bit blaming my body for not living up to expectations. But now, you really let me down! You are so fake, so fake Even I can’t see through it!”

Xu Fu is indeed fake.

And he is also a very typical fake good person.

What is a fake good guy?
That is, when a person gets along with him, he can ensure that he treats her wholeheartedly during the time he spends with that person.

Let the person being treated feel as if they are living in a sweet honey jar.

But when such a person makes a choice, he will not hesitate at all and will inevitably cut off all contact ruthlessly.

Moreover, such a person hardly reveals his true inner world in his daily life.

He is also extremely good at hiding his inner feelings!
After a long time, he himself may not be able to tell whether he is sincere or just acting on the occasion.

But Chen Xiao didn't want to care about what kind of person Xu Fu was.

He just wanted to know what Qiu Tingfang, oh no...Wang Hao had revealed to Xu Fu.

He also suspected that Wang Hao and Wang Mei had met before the incident.

And the person who bought candy for the little girl that day was probably not her sister Qiu Tingfang, but her sister Wang Hao!

As for why Qiu Tingfang did not announce that she had found her sister, the reason was probably the reason for their death.

But what is the reason?
When Chen Xiao thought about this problem, the words "train station" came to his mind!

Chen Xiao looked at Xu Fu again.

However, he did not ask Wang Hao if she had ever mentioned the death of her parents at the train station, but asked another question:
"She should have left something behind, right?"

Chen Xiao asked, and Xu Fu nodded in surprise: "Yes, the last time she called me, she asked me to help her buy the house she lived in. It was cheap at the time, and I felt guilty, so I secretly bought it. The money bought the house.”

"Later, I went over and stayed for a while, thinking she still lived there. But after asking others, I found out that she had never lived in the house again."

"Where is that house?" Chen Xiao asked quickly, but after asking, Chen Xiao directly lifted Xu Fu up:

"You'd better take us directly!"

 There will be another update today, probably in the evening!
(End of this chapter)

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