Chapter 375 God’s Perspective
On the way to the house where Wang Hao lives.

Chen Xiao has been sorting out what Xu Fu explained.

From what the latter said, it was not difficult for Chen Xiao to tell that sisters Wang Hao and Wang Mei actually had clear memories when they were abducted.

They remember their names.

I also remember my parents.

Chen Xiao even felt that the two sisters were much more mentally mature than their peers at the time.

Because of such speculation, Chen Xiao also suspected that Qiu Huasheng's adoption of Qiu Tingfang in 1990 might have been planned by the two sisters.

Chen Xiao looked at Qiu Watson's car in the rearview mirror again.

Qiu Huasheng did not get out of the car at the Xu Fuji food stall, which also led to Qiu Huasheng not knowing what Chen Xiao heard from Xu Fu.

At the moment, Qiu Watson didn't know where he was going, so he just followed silently.

Not long after, Xu Fu pointed to a building ahead and said, "We're here."

Chen Xiao looked up and saw an apartment building.

Xu Fu looked at the building and couldn't help but sigh: "I really can't believe she died. Originally, I was happy for her because the property market started to rise, but now it's meaningless."

Chen Xiao didn't care about him.

Just looking up at the stairs, I felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

Until Xiaoji suddenly said: "Brother, do you have an illusion? You think we are here to find Xiao Nian!"

Xiao Nian?

For Chen Xiao, this name actually feels like a long time ago.

But the memory came to mind, and the figure of Xiao Nian completely appeared in Chen Xiao's mind.

She is Zhao Xiaoyu’s biological mother.

She is also Zhao Hai’s second wife.

He was also the first murderer to let Chen Xiao know about the existence of "Chen Yan".

The reason why Chen Xiao and Xiao Ji felt a sense of déjà vu in front of this building was because Xiao Nian had done such a thing before.

She asked Zhao Hai to buy her a house.

That suite also became her killing place.

It was also in that house that Xiao Nian gave Chen Yan's murder note to Chen Xiao.

Seeing Xu Fu's curious look, Chen Xiao did not explain, but said to Xiao Ji:

"Go and ask Qiu Huasheng if he wants to go up there and have a look. Just tell him that this is another place where Qiu Tingfang lived."

Xiao Ji nodded and walked to Qiu Watson's car.

After explaining, Qiu Huasheng immediately got out of the car and followed Chen Xiao upstairs.

Not long after, the management of the community sent the keys.

As soon as the door was opened, Xu Fu was the first to walk into the room.

Chen Xiao and Qiu Huasheng also followed closely behind.

As soon as he entered the door, everyone's eyes were fixed.

I saw two black and white photos placed in the main hall.

The black and white photo is none other than sisters Wang Hao and Wang Mei!

But black and white photos alone are not enough to make a huge impact.

What’s really shocking is that there is an incense burner underneath the photo.

There are ashes of burned out incense in the stove.

There is a burnt candle next to the stove, and a pot of burnt paper ashes in front of the candle.

Qiu Huasheng looked at this scene and was stunned for a long time before his body started to tremble slightly:

"Didn't you say that this is the place where Sister Tingfang lived? Why are there people worshiping Tingfang and the others here!"

Don't talk about Qiu Huasheng.

Even Chen Xiao couldn't wrap his head around it the moment he saw it.

But after calming down, Chen Xiao figured out the reason, narrowed his eyes and said:

"They may be worshiping themselves in advance, and they are afraid that something will happen to them. There is not even anyone to burn paper for them!" Qiu Watson's eyes widened.

Xu Fu also stared at the two black and white photos in horror, not knowing what to say.

Chen Xiao took a deep breath and explained to Xiao Ji and Liu Dayou: "There are no traces of anyone else coming here, and the altar is very neat. The fallen incense ashes have not been cleaned up, which means that no one has been here for a long time. It is most likely that it is They both paid homage to themselves.”

"Look carefully, they will do this, then they may leave clues."

Talking about clues now is quite conservative.

Chen Xiao suspected that there might be the truth in this room!
About the train station that year.

About the murder of two sisters!

About who is behind all these killings!
Xiaoji and Liu Dayou immediately walked towards the room in the house after receiving the instructions.

Chen Xiao did not move.

He kept staring at the two black and white photos.

Looking at it, Chen Xiao asked Qiu Huasheng: "This should be a recent photo of Qiu Tingfang, right?"

"Yes!" Qiu Watson's voice was trembling.

After spitting out this word, Qiu Huasheng couldn't help but ask Chen Xiao: "Does this mean that Tingfang has made all preparations when she returns to China?"


"If that's the case, then why didn't she ask me for help! Such a move obviously means that she is hiding a lot of things, and their death means that they are in danger, and they are not sure of victory!"

Chen Xiao looked at Qiu Watson and said, "Maybe it's because she knows what she's going to do, so she doesn't want you to interfere, right? Besides, there are some things that you have to do yourself, such as... revenge!"

"Only if you succeed with your own hands can it be called revenge."

Qiu Huasheng looked at Qiu Tingfang's photo, his eyes turned red.

But Chen Xiao was analyzing their facial expressions and what kind of thoughts they had when taking the photos.

From those two pairs of eyes, Chen Xiao read determination!

At this time, Xiaoji, who was in the bedroom, suddenly shouted:

"Brother, come quickly!"

Chen Xiao immediately walked towards the room.

I saw Xiaoji holding a notebook that had been opened.

Chen Xiao took it and frowned when he saw the contents:
"This is the complete murder note!"

"Yes, they made a very detailed plan, including Qiu Tingfang creating a big news about searching for her parents. The only purpose is to lure out the person who killed their parents!"

"And they both witnessed the death of their parents! Their parents were not at the train station, but were beheaded in the alley after coming out of a small hotel late at night! The two of them were upstairs in the small hotel at the time !”

Chen Xiao was not in a hurry to respond to Xiao Ji's words, nor did he immediately read what Xiao Ji had opened.

Instead, turn to the first page and read the notes left by the sisters from the beginning.

While watching, Chen Xiao also took out his mobile phone and dialed Pan Huiping's number.

"Hey, Captain Pan, I have something I need you to confirm."

"You said."

"We found the place where the second Qiu Tingfang lived. She left a notebook in the house. It recorded all the things they planned, but there was a case recorded in it about their parents. You let the train Check the file at the police station."

"Look at the beginning of 1990 and see if there was a beheading case that happened in a hotel alley near the train station."

As Chen Xiao spoke, his eyes began to scan around.

Everything is going smoothly.

Through the bag of candy left by Qiu Tingfang before her accident, Chen Xiao and Pan Huiping discovered this very important clue about Xu Fuji.

Then I found a food stall based on Xu Fuji.

Then he discovered Qiu Tingfang's real name from the food stall owner and found this house.

It’s just that the impact of this house is too great.

Not only are the deceased paying homage to themselves, but there is also a complete plan of what they were going to do.

In fact, they even guessed the outcome of their possible counter-attack.

No matter what Chen Xiao thought about, it felt like someone had opened up God's perspective!
(End of this chapter)

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