Chapter 378 No way!
When the video is seen here.

The truth about Qiu Tingfang's or Wang Mei's death has been revealed.

She most likely died at the hands of her sister Wang Hao!

Wang Hao's motive for committing the crime is that after Wang Mei enjoyed a good life, she no longer had any desire for revenge.

This is very cruel to Wang Hao.

She and Wang Mei are twin sisters.

Although she is an older sister, she may actually be just a little older than Wang Mei.

When faced with a major choice in life, she did not hesitate to let her sister live a happy life.

But he himself endured the greatest suffering in the world.

Not to mention Wang Mei, even Chen Xiao can't imagine how Wang Hao has lived until now.

How mature does a girl of several years old have to be to be able to survive on her own?

Even fate would not let her go at all.

After growing up, she met a man who loved her like a father.

But in the end, a man is a family man.

Whether it's family or relationship, for Wang Hao, she should hate betrayal extremely.

Wang Mei's continuous consolation is a kind of betrayal to Wang Hao!
That's why she wanted to kill Wang Mei.

After killing Wang Mei, he had to take off her clothes.

Because people come into this world naked, and they should leave naked.

What's more, the luxurious clothes on Wang Mei's body are all a thorn in Wang Hao's side.

Of course, this is just Chen Xiao’s interpretation of Wang Hao’s murderous behavior after watching this video.

Video continues.

Wang Mei, sitting in front of the camera, let out a long sigh:
"Dear Lao Qiu, I have to go see my sister. I will put this video in a place where both you and mom know, because you said that this hairpin looks best when I wear it. of."

"I think if something really happens to me, you will definitely be able to find this video I left. Of course, if I come back without incident, you will never hear these words."

"At that time, I will leave Haicheng with you, and then... never come back."

The video ends here.

Chen Xiao looked at the crying Qiu Watson and was speechless.

He didn't know what to say.

Because in Wang Mei's opinion, her adoptive parents would find this video soon.

But the reality is that if Chen Xiao had not reminded them, Qiu Huasheng and Mu Rong would not have thought of hairpins at all.

The most important thing is that poor Wang Mei doesn't know that her death will cause Mu Rong to die of heart disease.

Qiu Huasheng is still crying.

Chen Xiao could only hold the computer and walk aside, dialing Pan Huiping's number.

"Hey, Captain Pan, the murderer of Qiu Tingfang may have been found."

"Who is it?!" Pan Huiping asked excitedly.

"Unsurprisingly, it's Wang Hao, the second female corpse in Leigong Mountain." As he spoke, Chen Xiao seemed to feel Pan Huiping's surprise on the other end of the phone, and then said:

"I will send you a video. After you watch the video on your computer, you will understand everything."

Pan Huiping didn't say much and hung up the phone first.

After Chen Xiao sent the video to Pan Huiping, he sat quietly aside.

A voice in his heart asked him: Has the case been solved?

This question came to mind, and Chen Xiao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He came here to investigate Qiu Tingfang's death.

Now that the video has been discovered, it means that Qiu Tingfang's death has been found out.

But can the case be said to be over?
Far from it!

On the contrary, Wang Hao’s intuition was right!
She told her sister Wang Mei that she felt that the person who killed their parents was beside them! If this intuition is wrong, then Wang Hao should not die!

Even if he dies, he won't be buried on the only way to the crime scene!

That cunning guy has been sharpening his knife for a long time!
But he probably didn't expect that the two sisters who wanted revenge on him would start killing them before they found him.

In the end, he easily dispatched the remaining people.

In fact, he could have been more subtle.

For example, after killing Wang Hao, bury him in another deep mountain and old forest.

That would make the police even more troublesome!

But why doesn't he do this?
Chen Xiao thought for a while, and the murderer probably knew that once Qiu Tingfang died, the case would never go unsolved.

The existence of Qiu Tingfang is a huge investment for Tiangu District and Sanshui Town.

If such a person is killed, even if the police find out that Wang Hao did it, they will not stop here.

The ins and outs of the entire case will definitely come to light!
Because there is another Qiu Huasheng here!
Sure enough, after Qiu Huasheng's crying gradually subsided, his expression gradually became ferocious.

"No one can be left behind!"

"Nothing is going to be easy!"

"Tingfang is gone, Mu Rong is gone, and now I am the only one left!"

"The matter can't end here, the investigation... we have to investigate to death!"

"I want to know who he is! I want to see who he is!"

Qiu Huasheng roared and rushed to Chen Xiao again:

"Mr. Chen, I have money! As long as you find out who he is and where you want, I will pay for it!"

"I want to know who he is, and now only you can possibly find out who he is!"

Chen Xiao looked at Qiu Watson who was going crazy and didn't reply immediately.

But after reaching out and pressing his shoulders, he said: "I'm thinking."

Qiu Huasheng gritted his teeth.

Even though my heart couldn't be settled at all, I could only force myself to be quiet.

Chen Xiao withdrew his hand and looked out the window.

He still felt that Wang Hao's plan was right.

Because there is a very critical step in the whole plan, which is to return to China to find relatives. The first step is to donate to the welfare home again!
As long as it creates a sensation, the person who is afraid of them will definitely pay attention.

But in the entire case, Chen Xiao had to figure out whether the murderer and the trafficker were the same person, or whether they were separate people.

After the parents of Good Sister Wang were killed, they were taken away.

For the person who took them away, neither Wang Hao in front of Xu Fu nor Wang Mei in the video seemed to have too many words.

Instead, they have been emphasizing on finding the person who killed their parents!
But Wu Guansheng, whom Chen Xiao met in Xiuzhou, revealed a very key figure, Qiu boss Qiu Yu!

And Qiu Yu is probably the person in Zheng Xiang's coffin.

As a result, Zheng Xiang's death also became a big problem.

Both Zheng Xiang and Qiu Yu were probably killed in the second year after Sister Wang was adopted.

When Chen Xiao thought of this, his mind suddenly became confused.

It felt like the case that had been half solved had once again fallen into a quagmire.

At this time, there was another thunder in the gloomy sky!

Chen Xiao's eyes focused because of the thunder.

The thunderstorm this time was more severe than last night. As soon as the thunder started, the rain started to fall.

Standing by the window, Chen Xiao's eyes widened suddenly when he looked at the wet soil outside.

"No way!"

"It can't be him!"

(End of this chapter)

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