I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 379 Lucky guy, you are really lucky!

Chapter 379 Lucky guy, you are really lucky!

There was a heavy rain in the early morning.

Before the rainstorm, there was thunder and lightning!
At that time, Chen Xiao was in Leigong Mountain and discovered the second Qiu Tingfang.

Pan Huiping and Liu Dayou almost encountered fatal danger in an accident because they went to pick up Chen Xiao!
But the heavy rain didn't just wash away the soil that buried Qiu Tingfang.

It also makes all the soil in the thunderstorm zone feel brand new!
At this moment, Chen Xiao wanted to know whether the heavy rain in the early morning had reached Xiuzhou!
If you go down to Xiuzhou, then God is really helping that person!

Chen Xiao felt excited like never before.

He quickly picked up his cell phone and dialed Pan Huiping's number again.

"Captain Pan, are you still with the Zheng family?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Please ask me if there was a heavy rainstorm in Xiuzhou in the early morning!"

Pan Huiping frowned and couldn't figure out what Chen Xiao meant.

However, she still asked Zheng Tang, who replied firmly: "It rained very hard last night!"

After receiving such an answer, Chen Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Give me two minutes and I'll recall."

Chen Xiao said without hanging up the phone.

His mind began to rewind to the scene in front of Zheng Xiang's grave.

Zheng Xiang's tomb was not piled with cement.

It was just an earthen grave with a tombstone erected.

The entire earthen tomb was washed away by the heavy rain in the early morning, as if it were all new soil. There were even small ditches formed by the rainwater flowing into small streams everywhere around the tomb!
The environment on site was terrible.

After recalling the scene, Chen Xiao used the computer to check the recent weather in Xiuzhou.

When seeing the rain for many days, Chen Xiao couldn't help but said:
"Lucky guy, you're really lucky!"

Pan Huiping on the other end of the phone heard this and subconsciously asked: "Who are you talking about?"

"I can't tell you yet, because you will feel ridiculous if I say it. But now the feeling is getting stronger, and I need to find a piece of evidence to prove it."

"But we can't forget those four words we said in the car before."

"Wind Soldier Grass Armor?"

"Yes, we must not attack everything! Because the case spans too long, everything that is not problematic in the first place appears to be very problematic."

Make everything that was originally no problem appear to be very problematic!

This sentence made Pan Huiping suddenly understand what Chen Xiao was referring to.

But Pan Huiping still couldn't figure out who the person Chen Xiao was talking about was.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news here."

"No, I think the good news is waiting for you to discover it yourself."

"There is no progress on my side. I even think that if the test is done, what will happen even if the test confirms that the bones are Qiu Yu's?"

"Is that the wrong focus?"

"What's wrong with looking for clues from the bones?" Pan Huiping said, but she immediately realized:
"You mean to ask me to pay attention to inspecting the coffin?"

"Yes, you probably haven't found time to talk to that coffin yet, right?"

"I understand what you mean, I'm going to ask it now. But won't you come?"

"I'm going, just not looking for you."

Chen Xiao said with a smile, and Pan Huiping didn't ask any more questions.

After ending the call, Chen Xiao made another call to Xiao Ji and Liu Dayou.

Xiaoji was asked to stay in Haicheng, and he took Liu Dayou back to Xiuzhou.

After explaining, Chen Xiao looked at Qiu Watson, who was watching the video over and over again.

"Mr. Qiu, please stay here. You don't need to follow me anymore."

Qiu Huasheng turned around and bowed deeply to Chen Xiao:

"Mr. Chen, please!"

Chen Xiao nodded slightly.

But he felt inexplicably that Qiu Watson seemed to be a different person at this moment. Although he lost his wife and daughter before, he still had a very fierce aura about him.

However, at this moment, after watching the video left by his deceased daughter over and over again, he felt slumped and aged.

Chen Xiao didn't say much, opened the door and went out.

Then he met Liu Dayou and headed to Xiuzhou together.

Although Chen Xiao has been running between two places for most of the day, this is not a very energy-consuming thing for Chen Xiao.

Liu Dayou, on the other hand, was much tired in the afternoon.

Not long after driving, Liu Dayou fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Xiao didn't call him and continued to drive silently.

But at this time, Lin Xi called.

"Hey, handsome guy, is there any progress?"

Lin Xi's tone was cheerful.

But Chen Xiao still felt a sense of fatigue.

"I'm so tired, and I'm still laughing and joking."

"Hey... I just wanted to call you to refresh myself, but I don't have anything to do today. I can get off work at that time."

Chen Xiao hummed, and Lin Xi continued:
"What about you, how's the situation over there?"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but glance at Liu Dayou, and then told Lin Xi about Wang Hao possibly killing Wang Mei and the heavy rain.

After finishing speaking, Chen Xiao asked Lin Xi a question:

"I am suspicious of someone now, guess who he is?"

"I've already guessed it, but if you ask me this, is Dayou in the car with you?"

Lin Xi is so smart.

Maybe it’s also because Chen Xiao’s reminder was very obvious.

He talked about the heavy rain, and also talked about his previous feeling of being too overwhelmed.

The words were so clear, and Lin Xi had been thinking about this case, so it was not difficult to guess.

Just guessing, Lin Xi also found it ridiculous like Chen Xiao.

"Then where are you going to find evidence of his crime?"

"There is no way at the moment, but I think it will be difficult to find anything after the soil has been washed away by rain, but what about the coffin? No matter how good his craftsmanship is, there will always be traces of the nails being driven into the coffin twice."

"That's true, but isn't that enough?"

"So now I'm looking for him to see if he has the time to commit the crime!"

"That's still not enough."

As a vice captain of the criminal police, Lin Xi now knows that evidence needs to be complete to be useful.

If there is even the slightest problem with the evidence, it may be an opportunity for the murderer to survive.

Chen Xiao naturally understood this, but he still said with confidence:

"As long as it is confirmed that it is him, then all other things can be integrated together. By then, he will not be able to quibble even if he wants to."

"That's right, after all, one never fights a battle he's not sure of!"

"Yes, you should take a rest quickly and don't worry about my affairs when you get home in the evening. I will inform you of the good news as soon as possible."

"I know, drive well and say goodbye to my husband."

Lin Xi happily hung up the phone.

Chen Xiao grinned and couldn't help but increase his speed.

It was just Liu Dayou in the passenger seat who was snoring while sleeping.

Chen Xiao was wondering if he would still be in the mood to sleep when he arrived at his destination later.

With this in mind, Chen Xiao finally parked the car downstairs of a hotel.

After looking upstairs, Chen Xiao woke up Liu Dayou.

After the latter rubbed his eyes and noticed the surrounding environment, he asked in confusion: "Brother, aren't we here to see Captain Pan? Why did you stop at the hotel where my parents live?"

(End of this chapter)

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