I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 382 You are really your father’s eldest son!

Chapter 382 You are really your father’s eldest son!
Wu Kuan looked at Chen Xiao blankly.

It was as if someone had cast a body-fixing technique.

His reaction made Chen Xiao more convinced of his guess.

So he did not ask Wu Kuan if his guess was correct, but said with solemn eyes:
"That is important evidence that you can use to make a deal with your father, so you stayed, right? Leave it to me, and everything about the money will be easy to discuss!"

Liu Dayou also reacted at this time.

He looked at his sister's hair, then looked back at the deceased's hair.

His eyes widened for a moment.

In terms of hair length, the two seem to be about the same!

As for hair color, they are all naturally black.

Although there is a high probability that my sister's hair will fall on Wu Guansheng's body.

After all, the Wu family's clothes were all washed and folded by my sister.

Moreover, daily contact may also cause hair to fall on Wu Guansheng's body.

But, is there another possibility?
That means Wu Guansheng didn't notice the deceased's hair falling on him when he was killing someone?
This possibility is small though.

But you can’t say no!
Thinking of this, Liu Dayou grabbed Wu Kuan's wrist without saying a word.

"Wu Kuan, Brother Chen knows that I just drive a car for him, and I can borrow tens of thousands of dollars from him at any time. If you really help me with this, the money will be easy to come by!"

It’s not that Chen Xiao really has a lot of money and no place to spend it.

But with a gambler like Wu Kuan, it would be easier to talk things over with money.

Of course, Chen Xiao and Liu Dayou were tacitly calm about deceiving a gambler like Wu Kuan.

It's just that Wu Kuan was very filial at this time.

He looked at Chen Xiao warily and said in a deep voice, "I don't know what you are talking about. What kind of hair do you have? I don't know!"

You can completely hear what Wu Kuan meant by these words.

If Wu Guansheng could also hear it, then at this moment he should feel that Wu Kuan, the prodigal son, was not born in vain after all.

Liu Da was depressed for a moment and said more seriously:
"Wu Kuan, we are representing the police now. If you don't cooperate, we will have to take you to the police force."

Liu Dayou threatened.

Chen Xiao looked into Wu Kuan's eyes and slapped away the hands that Liu Dayou was holding tightly.

"Let him go!"

"He knows better than us whether there is hair or not. If we really determine that there is something wrong with that hair, we can catch both of them together."

"I just don't know if the two women will be able to hold on to the savings that Wu Guansheng has worked hard to save his whole life when both of them are caught."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Kuan's eyes changed drastically.

He still has some brains.

He knew that as long as Chen Xiao and the others regretted it, he would gain nothing.

But now he can hear what Chen Xiao said, it seems serious!
"My dad...what on earth did he do?"


Chen Xiao no longer avoided taboos, but said these two words bluntly.

Wu Kuan's eyes widened instantly: "This is impossible. I am with him every day, and I was doing business in Haicheng before. How could he kill someone!"

"We are from Haicheng! And if you are with him all the time, how could you possibly think that there is something wrong with your wife and your father!"

Wu Kuan opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a moment.

Chen Xiao patted Wu Kuan: "We are all adults now. Sooner or later, the family fortune your father saved will be yours. What's the difference between handing it over to you now and waiting for him to hand it over to you a hundred years later?"

"Besides, he has committed a crime now. Although he is your father, as a smart man, he should know how to make a choice. You still have so many debts to repay, and you must still have a conscience. You have an old woman to support and a pair of daughters. Is it right to raise someone?" Chen Xiao saw too many gamblers while hanging out on Phoenix Street.

Do those gamblers know that they have lost their conscience?

A truly crazy gambler will never feel that he has lost his conscience.

They do all kinds of self-hypnosis.

Because they have only one goal, and that is to make money.

They are all obsessed with self-confidence and feel that as long as they get their capital back, they will wash their hands of their parents, wives and children.

At this moment, Chen Xiao was trying to capture Wu Kuan's psychology.

After he finished speaking, Wu Kuan finally started to sway.

"That's Xiaoying's hair, I'm sure of it!"

"Then tell me what happened that day."

"I lost some money because of bad luck, and Xiaoying found out. She kept nagging me. I lost control of my temper and beat her, and then she collected her things and went back to Xiuzhou."

"But when I called home, my mother said she was not at home! Then my father also disappeared inexplicably after Xiaoying left that day!"

"But I didn't suspect anything at that time. I just felt a little uncomfortable remembering that my dad always secretly gave Xiaoying money. Until my dad came back that night and looked very tired, and then he took off his clothes casually on the chair."

"I originally just wanted to help him collect it, but I didn't expect to find a long hair on it. Of course, at this time, I didn't think it was Xiaoying, but I just suspected that my father had raised a little one outside, so I put that I put away my hair, thinking that I would help my mother vent her anger one day.”

"But who knew, someone actually told me today that they saw Xiaoying and my dad entering this hotel one after another!"

Wu Kuan told all the ins and outs.

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "I see, what about that hair?"

"It's at my house, I hid it." Wu Kuan said.

Liu Dayou couldn't help but sigh: "You are really your father's good son."

Chen Xiao said no more, and Liu Dayou also knew what to do next.

He opened the door directly and pulled Wu Kuan out.

On the way to Wu's house, Wu Kuan's eyes kept wandering and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Xiao was also thinking about Wu Kuan's words.

If the probability of hair being evidence was low at first, it has almost skyrocketed now.

Because Liu Xiaoying had already left that day.

Wu Guansheng came back looking tired!
Of course, this does not mean that it is 100% certain that the hair may belong to the deceased.

The possibility of it being Liu Xiaoying is still very high!

Chen Xiao thought about it all the way and soon arrived at Wu's house.

Liu Dayou was a little excited and opened the door before the car stopped.

On the contrary, Chen Xiao was not in a hurry. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. When he saw a text message reply, he got out of the car and walked into Wu's house.

Not long after, Wu Kuan took out a transparent bag from his bedroom.

There was a long hair in the bag.

But when Chen Xiao looked at his hair, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the hair follicle of that hair is still intact!

It didn't look like it had been accidentally dropped, but rather like it had been pulled off deliberately!
If this is the case, the possibility that it is Liu Xiaoying's hair has been greatly reduced again!
But when Chen Xiao was about to take away his hair, Wu Kuan suddenly asked:
"Officer Chen, does this count as meritorious service? Will the police give me a reward?"

(End of this chapter)

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