Chapter 383 The battle between Yahao!

Chen Xiao ignored Wu Kuan.

Instead, he walked outside the door and looked at the familiar car driving not far away.

The car soon stopped in front of them.

Pan Huiping personally brought Wu Guansheng over from the hotel.

However, Wu Guansheng was not handcuffed and restricted in his movements.

Chen Xiao winked at Liu Dayou at this time, and the latter cleverly pulled Wu Kuan aside.

Wu Guansheng glanced at it, a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

But soon, Wu Guansheng walked up to Chen Xiao and said with a smile:
"Consultant Chen, you police officers are really powerful. You even knew about me in the hotel. But if you want to find me, just give me a call. Such a big battle is scary!"

Wu Guansheng said with a smile.

Chen Xiao also had a smile on his face:

"Sorry to bother Boss Wu."

"Hey, if you want to disturb me, please come in, both of you."

"Okay, then let's sit in the tea pavilion in your yard. Captain Pan and I haven't slept all night since last night. Could you please Boss Wu to make us a cup of tea to refresh us?"

"It's easy to talk, I'll go get the tea right now!"

There is no stiffness or unnaturalness in Wu Guansheng's movements.

Pan Huiping looked at his back and said:
"When I first found him in the hotel, I could feel that this little old man had a strong psychological quality!"

"That's for sure. If he didn't have the strong mentality to remain calm even when the mountain is about to collapse, his gambler son alone would be enough to make him collapse."

"That's true." Pan Huiping agreed, but soon asked curiously:

"How are you going to interrogate him? Are you sure that the hair is not Liu Xiaoying's?"

“I can’t be 100% sure, but I’m telling you it’s a hair with complete follicles!”

Pan Huiping's face suddenly became overjoyed when she heard this: "How lucky!"

"He can be lucky once, so there's no reason for us to be unlucky, right?"

"Then how about I take him to you now for appraisal as soon as possible?"

"There is no need to be so anxious now. When this hair is taken out, he should know better than anyone that many things cannot be hidden."

"In that case, why don't you just take it out?"

"I want to see how he can quibble."

As Chen Xiao said, Wu Guansheng had already come over with tea sets and tea leaves.

After lighting the charcoal stove in the tea pavilion, Wu Guansheng boiled water and said with a smile:
"It's been useless for a few days and I haven't prepared anything yet. You two will have to wait a while."

"It's okay. Boss Wu can take it easy and don't worry."

Wu Guansheng nodded, poured water on the stove, and took the initiative to ask:

"You still don't know why Consultant Chen is looking for me?"

"Does Boss Wu know Wang Qixiong?"

Wu Guansheng fiddled with the tea set without any pause: "I don't know him."

"Where are Wang Hao and Wang Mei?"

"I don't know him either."

Chen Xiao looked surprised: "That's really weird." Wu Guansheng raised his head and asked in surprise: "Did I ever interact with them? Judging from the names, are they a family?"

"It's a family! Wang Qixiong's throat was cut and died on the road outside Haicheng Railway Station in 1990, but the strange thing is that his belongings were not taken away."

Wu Guansheng was stunned: "Wait a minute, Consultant Chen, let me figure it out. Why do I think what you mean is that Wang Qixiong whose throat I cut?"

"I didn't say that. I just think Wang Qixiong was also in the wood carving business. Moreover, Wang Qixiong was in Haicheng to sign a contract with a big boss. But in the end, because of Wang Qixiong's death, the order could only be taken away by others. ”

"It turned out to be a colleague. I said, why did Consultant Chen say that? But Consultant Chen, tell me who the big boss is? I have been in the industry for many years, and I guess I can figure out who took the order in the end. "

"And the person who took the order should be called the biggest beneficiary in your police culture, right? Doesn't it mean that whoever benefits the most is the most likely murderer?" Wu Guansheng looked like he was willing to help.

Chen Xiao looked at him and said, "I didn't expect Boss Wu to know this!"

"Hey, let's put it this way, in the early years of business travel, which person has not dealt with your police?" Wu Guansheng sighed, and then said:

"Let's put it this way, your father should be about the same age as me. If you ask your father, you will know that people of our generation who work honestly can only survive without starving to death at most. No matter how good it is, I just saved a little money at best.”

"But if those savings are used to buy a wife for the children, or to build a house in the countryside, they will probably be completely used up, and they will even have to borrow some from relatives and friends to make up for it, right? So, as long as people of our generation have some wealth, Regardless of whether he has broken the law or not, he should not be too afraid of the police."

"As long as he is afraid, then he will not be able to achieve much!"

Wu Guansheng's words made Chen Xiao give a thumbs up: "What Boss Wu said are all principles of life!"

"Don't laugh at me, I just have some life insights. But why didn't Consultant Chen say who the big boss is?" Wu Guansheng brought the topic back to Chen Xiao and said with a smile:

"The big boss can no longer be found, so who is the biggest beneficiary has become a mystery."

"Hey, after all, so many years have passed, and the environment at that time was so bad. I don't know how many people lost their lives because of confusion!"

What Wu Guansheng said was sighing and shaking his head frequently.

Just at this time, the water in the pot also boiled.

Wu Guansheng first let the tea leaves pass through the water before steeping them again, and then gave Chen Xiao and Pan Huiping a cup each.

Chen Xiaopin paused.

It is said that he can taste the quality of tea, but of course it is limited to the comparison between particularly bad tea leaves and good tea leaves.

So when Wu Guansheng asked him how he was doing, Chen Xiao shook his head: "I don't have much research on tea, but this tea is quite fragrant."

Wu Guansheng smiled, but suddenly said: "Aren't Advisor Chen and Captain Pan afraid that I will poison the tea? You know there are many poisons in this world, and only a small drop can make it difficult for gods to save you!"

Pan Huiping suddenly squinted her eyes for a moment, but Chen Xiao said calmly:

"Maybe I'm bragging a little bit. As a criminal investigation consultant for the police, I actually have some special abilities. For example, my eyes can often see a lot of things clearly even in the dark."

"Another example is my intuition. It tells me that this cup of tea will not be poisonous, so my drinking tea has nothing to do with whether I trust Boss Wu or not."

The indifferent words made Wu Guansheng smile sheepishly.

Chen Xiao also smiled slightly: "Okay, Boss Wu, after we talked and drank tea, you and I also tested each other, let's talk about something else."

"Okay, Consultant Chen, please speak."

"Does Boss Wu have any calligraphy or other works?"

Wu Guansheng said with a smile: "I can copy, and I am best at imitating handwriting. I didn't expect that Consultant Chen is actually a person with all kinds of elegance! Wait a moment, I will find it for you right away."

With that said, Wu Guansheng walked forward.

After just two steps, Wu Guansheng turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, Consultant Chen, is there anything you want me to imitate? Even if it's the contents of a notebook, it'll be fine!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao smiled even more.

The same is true for Wu Guansheng.

Just smiling, Wu Guansheng's eyes fell on Pan Huiping again, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows!
(End of this chapter)

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