Chapter 385 This is your secret!

Wu Guanchang let out a long sigh while listening to the recording.

Chen Xiao also paused the recording at this time.

"Wu Guansheng, you should be a very careful, careful and thoughtful person. You may not have thought that you would eventually fall into the hands of your son, right?"

"Yeah, I really didn't expect it. I asked you why that beast always looks at me wrong during this period of time."

Wu Guansheng said, and then laughed at himself.

When Wu Kuan heard this, he didn't know if he was really complaining about his father, or if the "beast" in his words made him angry.

He rushed up and wanted to fight with Wu Guansheng.

But Chen Xiao pushed him all the way and fell to the ground.

Liu Dayou quickly took him away.

Wu Guansheng couldn't help but take a look, and finally said with a disappointed look on his face:

"I'm sad, but not because Hiro found the hair."

"After all, I still value your only flesh and blood."

Wu Guansheng pursed his lips, then fiddled with the tea set and said quietly:
"What is the purpose of a man earning money?"

"Some people say that they want their parents to live a good life, some say that they want their wife and children not to be wronged in front of others, and some say that they want to enjoy the colorful world."

"I... just fall into the middle category. When my wife was pregnant with Kuan, I was actually nothing special. I was just an honest woodcarving craftsman."

“When I got my salary every month, I would buy delicious nutritional supplements for my wife and imagine what it would be like to be a father. However, no one expected that my wife would pass away before the gate of hell when she gave birth to A Kuan. "

"At that time, the doctors asked me to go into the delivery room to see my wife for the last time, but no one expected that Kuan would come out bravely in the end, and let his mother survive without torturing him any more."

"From that time on, I felt that I got them, mother and son, through my lifetime's luck. Moreover, when he was a child, Akuando was very kind, sensible and obedient. Every time I came home from work, he would stick to me. Call Dad."

"But then A Kuan got sick once, and that time he was very seriously ill, which also drained all our savings as a couple. From that time on, I made a vow to myself."

"I must earn a lot of money in this life, and never kneel down and beg for money when my loved ones are seriously ill!"

"But how can money be so easy to earn in this world? Hard work can only fill people's stomachs. The only way to become truly rich is to have a windfall from heaven!"

Wu Guansheng knew that the situation was over.

The hair was found on his clothes.

In order to prevent Wu Kuan from retracting his confession later, Chen Xiao also recorded it.

So Wu Kuan is certified.

As for that hair, Wu Guansheng knew very well that the police only needed to make an identification to know who it belonged to. That's why he is telling everything like this now.

However, when he said that the only way to get rich was windfall, his eyes were full of determination and ruthlessness.

"In 1990, I happened to meet my opportunity! That year there was a very powerful person called Mr. Zhong, who could be described as a two-way player! No matter whether it was Haicheng or Xiuzhou, almost no one dared to mess with him."

"But it happened that someone was not afraid of death and sold a fake wood carving to Master Zhong just for some money. Then Master Zhong said that he would fulfill a wish for whomever the person died at the hands of!"

"Not many people in the two places knew about it at the time. I was just lucky enough to know about it. So, when I knew that person was Wang Qixiong, I kept waiting for him to come."

"Finally, in order to show my love to Master Zhong, I killed one and gave another to Wang Qixiong's wife, and I also wiped the neck of Wang Qixiong's wife."

At this point, Wu Guansheng sneered: "Actually, those couple are not good people. They specialize in making fakes and defrauding people. How can you not meet ghosts if you walk a lot at night?"

"So when I killed them both, I didn't feel any guilt at all. But the feeling of killing someone for the first time is really... indescribable!"

"Especially when a person's blood is sprayed on the face, there is still a sense of warmth, which makes people feel an unprecedented feeling."

"But I was still soft-hearted at that time. Why didn't we kill two people anyway? Sure enough, the grass will grow again if we don't remove the roots. When I saw Qiu Tingfang appear in the news, I could just look at her facial features. I’m sure she must be Wang Qixiong’s daughter!”

"So from that time on, I followed them every day. After all, they were showing me and hiding me. Even when I appeared in front of them, they didn't know who I was."

As he spoke, Wang Qixiong laughed:

"It's a pity that Wang Qixiong's daughter is not very good, especially the one named Wang Hao. She just has a desire for revenge, not a mind for revenge. In the end, she went crazy and strangled her sister to death. !”

"You don't know how happy I was when I saw them killing each other in Leigong Mountain that day. But I had to endure it. So, after Wang Hao strangled Wang Mei, I specially Help her clean up the scene and then take off Wang Mei’s clothes!”

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but look at Wu Guansheng's feet and said:
"In other words, those footprints were actually left intentionally by you. At that time, you had already thought of connecting everything you saw and heard to confuse the police!"

"Yes, when you want to do something, you can't just focus on that thing at that time. You have to look at the overall situation to be foolproof!" Wu Guansheng nodded in response, but immediately he looked at Chen with complicated eyes. Xiao:

"But I still don't understand. How could you realize so quickly that Zheng Xiang's bones were a smoke bomb that I deliberately created? And that notebook, are you really not moved at all?"

"The notes are actually quite redundant. I guess you didn't have long to prepare at that time, right?" Chen Xiao asked back.

Wu Guansheng frowned and did not speak immediately, but recalled.

After a long while, Wu Guansheng suddenly raised his head and said in a deep voice:
"I got the key point wrong. I tried my best to construct a revenge plan, but I didn't reveal the suspicious person!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, this is your secret! As for Zheng Xiang, I have actually been deceived by you, and I was even convinced by you. Until the moment of the heavy rain today, Only then did I realize that Zheng Xiang’s death might have been due to illness.”

"And you transferred his bones and exchanged them with Qiu Yu's bones in order to confirm this matter. As long as Captain Pan and I firmly believe, then we have a high chance of tracing the truth about Zheng Xiang's death."

"Once we investigate Zheng Xiang's death, we are falling into a wrong and bottomless pit!"

Chen Xiao said, and then his face became serious: "You must have killed Qiu Yu, so was he really the one who bought the "Ten Demon Sons" from a foreigner back then?"

(End of this chapter)

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