I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 386 You still say you don’t understand me?

Chapter 386 You still say you don’t understand me?
Chen Xiaozai and Wu Guansheng made tea and discussed calligraphy.

Although he can't tell whether the tea is good or bad.

Those calligraphy works are not the work of any master.

But during this time of making tea and discussing calligraphy, Chen Xiao and Wu Guansheng were competing again and again.

Now it seems that Chen Xiao has won.

When Wu Guansheng discovered that his only son had collected his evidence, Wu Guansheng's belief seemed to have collapsed.

He had no excuses.

He no longer concealed what he had done back then.

However, when Wu Guansheng faced that hair, he really had no words to deny it?
No, he has it!
As long as someone didn't witness him strangling Wang Hao, the hair was not actually fatal evidence.

If it could become fatal evidence, would Chen Xiao still need to secretly test Wu Guansheng back and forth like this?

Wu Guansheng had been arrested long ago!

Now that Wu Guansheng had said everything, Chen Xiao felt relaxed and couldn't help but ask about "Ten Demon Sons".

But Wu Guansheng looked over playfully.

Chen Xiao looked at his eyes and understood instantly.

"It turns out that Qiu Yu is dead, and there is no evidence of his death."

"As for who the foreigner is, I asked the current person in charge of the exhibition hall, Chairman Yan, and he has no memory of what happened back then."

"So you are editing a false memory for us, making us all think that the incident really happened."

Wu Guansheng sighed again:
"It seems like there's really no way to reveal anything in front of you. As long as you reveal a little bit, you'll be able to react immediately."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. I'm just inferring based on what you are good at. From the bone exchange of your director Zheng Xiang to the fabricated content in that notebook, it can be seen that you like it the most "Create something out of nothing."

"As long as your edited memory is successful, you can lead people into a trap!"

"But in the end, I dug so many holes, and you didn't jump into any of them. As long as you jump into one, it's not that easy for you!"

Wu Guansheng's words revealed a sense of frustration at falling short.

Chen Xiao did not respond to his words.

He was looking back at his memories.

Indeed, it was he who brought up "Ten Demon Sons" on his own initiative.

It was precisely because of his proactive mention that Wu Guansheng had the opportunity to edit clues for him.

This guy is awesome!
You really don’t miss an opportunity!
Finally, Chen Xiao couldn't help but follow Wu Guansheng's gaze and look in the direction where Wu Kuan was dragged away just now.

Inexplicably, Wu Guansheng's old eyes burst into tears.

Pan Huiping shook her head.

Wu Guansheng wiped his eyes and sighed: "In these years, I have indeed taken several lives on my hands."

"Every person I kill, I can't help but compare their descendants internally."

"To be honest, if the son I gave birth to was half as good as their descendants, I wouldn't be like this now."

Chen Xiao also shook his head at this time:
"But after all, you exchanged their lives for your current family situation. There are gains and losses. Maybe this is the reason why Wu Kuan is so virtuous."

Wu Guansheng grinned: "Not necessarily. I don't think good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. But I admit that the fate of many people is actually arranged."

"Just like Wang Qixiong and his wife, just like Qiu Yu, their fate should be like this. The same is true for me, my fate must be in Wu Kuan's hands." "It's just that I am not willing to accept it. That's why he still doesn't accept it at this time." Understand my good intentions as a father.”

Chen Xiao didn't want to tell him this.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao asked, "Where are Zheng Xiang's bones?"

Wu Guansheng was still dissatisfied deep in his heart. Maybe it was because he thought of Wu Kuan that he actually wanted to resist at this time.

"How about you go find it yourself!"

"I've dug so many holes, and you won't jump out of any of them. In the confrontation with you, I have to find something to make up for myself, right? I can't lose so completely!"

Wu Guansheng closed his eyes and remained silent as he spoke.

Pan Huiping saw this and said in a deep voice: "What's the point of your resistance at this time?"

"It makes no sense, but I am just happy. When I learned that Wang Mei returned to China to find relatives, and there were various reports that they donated to the welfare home, I investigated the welfare home."

"When I learned that their old dean Zheng Xiang died the second year after the girl was adopted, Zheng Xiang became a sword in my hand."

"This sword has always held a very important place in my heart, because I knew that when the police were investigating the ins and outs of the matter, they would most likely focus on him, so I took advantage of the recent rain to open his grave. , exchanging his and Qiu Yu’s bones.”

"With the help of the heavy rain, it will be difficult for you to tell when the tomb was opened. Therefore, I will continue to use this sword. After all, it is the sharpest one in my opinion!"

Wu Guansheng compared his operation to a sword.

As he said, the sword was indeed sharp enough.

That is to say, Chen Xiao must be careful, otherwise, if he is not careful, he will be cut and bleed.

However, when I saw Wu Guansheng was so confident at the moment.

Chen Xiao's mind recalled the previous scene of finding Wang Hao's place to live.

Wu Guansheng said that he learned about Wang Hao's house and the inhumane things Wang Hao had entrusted to him by following Wang Hao and Wang Meicai.

Now it seems this is still possible.

After all, it was impossible for Wu Guansheng to monitor Wang Hao for more than ten years.

Furthermore, given his temper, if Wang Hao really wanted to kill him for revenge, Wang Hao would have been eliminated by him long ago.

Wang Hao's plan to lure the snake out of its hole is very effective, but there is a huge threat hidden behind it.

It's just that the threat of Wu Guansheng seemed to become a threat to Chen Xiao when he went to Wang Hao's house.

Chen Xiao took a deep look at Wu Guansheng again and said:

"Why do you know so much about me?"

When Wu Guansheng heard this, he frowned and said, "Why should I understand you?"

"No, your subsequent superfluous behavior completely told me that you know me very well."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Wu Guansheng's face was calm and his eyes were downcast.

Chen Xiao stared at him and finally said firmly:
"The first case I solved had exactly the same scene. A third party interfered in other people's marriages. In the end, the third party obtained a house. In the house, there was a murder note."

"These overlapping points, Wu Guansheng, do you really think that I won't have any memory alert?" Chen Xiao asked back, but then quickly said:
"Then I encountered another case, which also spanned more than ten years, and I also racked my brains to find a skeleton."

"The owner of that skeleton was an uncle of mine, but he was taken away by someone. In the end, that person used the carving skills he learned to make his bones into dominoes!"

"Wu Guansheng, your wood carving skills must be very good, right? So, regarding the whereabouts of Zheng Xiang's bones, am I right?!"

(End of this chapter)

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