I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 387 Female? Sacred Heart Congregation?

Chapter 387 Female? Sacred Heart Congregation?
Wu Guansheng frowned.

He looked at Chen Xiao with annoyance in his eyes.

But his annoyance was not for Chen Xiao, but because of his own choices.

He subconsciously reached into his pocket.

Pan Huiping immediately became alert and said in a deep voice, "What are you doing?"

Chen Xiao shook his head and signaled Pan Huiping not to be so nervous.

At this time, Wu Guansheng also took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened a call record.

"The reason why I dug so many holes actually has something to do with this phone call."

"Whose phone number?"

"I do not know her."

"Which her?"

"A woman! She told me a lot of operations on the phone. In the end, I chose to believe that she exchanged Zheng Xiang's bones, and brought Zheng Xiang's bones back and hid them at home to make them into dominoes."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but show surprise in his eyes.

After thinking for a few seconds, Chen Xiao asked, "Is it after the family search report?"

"Yes, it should be on the fifth or sixth day. I had some doubts about her. I think she probably made this call because she was observing my good sister Wang and discovered that I was following her."

"She also brought up the notes on the phone. But now that you tell me this, I feel like I am the one who fell into the trap!"

Wu Guansheng clenched his fists and beat the table in frustration.

But soon, he discovered that Chen Xiao's face was full of disbelief:

"Female, how could it be a woman?"

Chen Xiao said and called back.

But obviously, this call must be unreachable now.

Chen Xiao listened to the sound indicating that the number was empty and asked Wu Guansheng with a low look:
"Is this the only phone call she made to you?"


"Then why should you trust her when you are so cautious? Aren't you afraid that your excuse will be used by her..."

Before Chen Xiao finished speaking, he took it back.

There is absolutely no need to say this sentence, because Wu Guansheng was already caught when he was discovered.

But who was the one who caught him?
Why do you know so much about the cases Chen Xiao solved?

Do you know both the murder case of Zhao Xiaohong and the case of Chen Xianzu?
Chen Xiao thought about it seriously. Apart from the people around him, there was only one other person who could pay such attention to him.

Chen Yan!

But when did Chen Yan become a woman?

Chen Xiao didn't think that Chen Yan must be a man.

And he has long thought that Chen Yan is probably no longer a person, but an existence similar to an organization.

In these many contacts, Chen Xiao probably figured out the characteristics of "Chen Yan".

They seem to be particularly fond of murderers.

Qingxi Chenyan appeared for Lou Yang one after another.

Now there is another female Chen Yan who is telegraphing for Wu Guansheng!
But even if Chen Yan pays attention to him, it's impossible to know so many details, right?
Especially the details like Chen Xianzu taking away Wande’s bones and making them into dominoes!
Could it be that someone leaked the facts of the case?
Chen Xiao couldn't help but think of someone.

In Chen Xiao's hometown, Li Hui, the criminal police captain of Lanshan County Bureau.

It was Li Hui who investigated the case where Chen Xianzu's father, Chen Yuan, was killed by a stone lion and later discovered a skull from the stone lion.

Later, Chen Xianzu and Li Hui went to Xiangdu in person and escorted him back to Dongzhou. Thinking of this, Chen Xiao took out his mobile phone and said to Pan Huiping:
"I'm going to make a phone call."

After Pan Huiping nodded, when Chen Xiao was about to call Li Hui, he called Zhang Xian at the last moment.

"Hey, is Director Zhang busy?"

Chen Xiao's tone was very formal, and Zhang Xian couldn't help but say seriously:

"I'm not busy, what's wrong? Nothing will happen!"

"The case has been solved."

"Ah? Then why are you so serious? Is there something wrong with Xiao Pan?"

Zhang Xian was very worried.

After Chen Xiao said no, she told him everything in the case.

After hearing this, Zhang Xian was extremely shocked and said, "A woman? Do you suspect it is Chen Yan?"

"Yes, except Chen Yan, I don't know anyone else who pays so much attention to murderers, and even used details from my previous cases to stumble the police. The most important thing is that those details were all planned before I came here. ”

"So now I am wondering, did the murder case of Chen Xianzu and Chen Ding leak the facts? Or is this case within Lanshan County, and even the details are known to many people?"

Zhang Xian did not reply immediately.

After thinking for a while, he said: "I understand what you mean. You want to ask me about Li Hui, who was in charge of the aftermath of the case at the time, right?"


"Well, I know something about Li Hui. He has good personal abilities, and he can be regarded as a person who adheres to principles in his police career. Logically speaking, he should not do these things. Of course, that case is in Lan There are still people in Shan County talking about it, so those details are likely to be known to the public. "

What Zhang Xian said makes sense.

In many cases, especially major cases, there will always be some rumors spread among the people.

Moreover, one case has been successfully solved, and there are no cases involving any secrets that cannot be leaked.

If someone knows the details, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

After Zhang Xian said this, Chen Xiao felt a lot more relaxed.

Zhang Xian also spoke at this time: "I have never given up the investigation of Chen Yan, please rest assured on this point. And now we should be very clear, it must be a deeply hidden organization, or an organization that is not well-known." ”

"Once they take the initiative to commit a crime, they will be exposed immediately as long as they are within the scope of Dongzhou! As long as they are exposed, I will uproot them!"

Zhang Xian also has a deep memory of Chen Yan, so he and Chen Xiao are similar in wanting to find the real Chen Yan.

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said, "Yes, I don't have to worry too much about Zhang Ju."

"I don't think you're worried, but I think you're looking forward to it." Zhang Xianruo said meaningfully.

Chen Xiao smiled noncommittally and said, "To be precise, the expectation is more of curiosity."

With that said, Chen Xiao changed the subject: "Okay, let's not say more. The case has been solved, you have to get your sister-in-law ready. Last night, I said I would go to your house for dinner."

"Haha, I'll make a big table for you when the time comes, and I'll make sure you eat and drink well!"

The phone call ended with the two laughing.

But after it was over, the smile on Chen Xiao's face dissipated little by little.

He looked at the sky quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Until Pan Huiping came over and asked, "Didn't the phone call end? Why are you here in a daze?"

"I'm thinking about a strange organization that appeared in the Lei Gongshan case."

Pan Huiping frowned, then narrowed her eyes and said, "You mean the Sacred Heart Church?"

 There will be an update tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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