Chapter 388 Come to the door!

Chen Xiao has now seen many murderers who were still calm when they were at the end of their rope.

Wu Guansheng is also one of them.

After confessing all the criminal facts, he was still making tea.

Not long after, Liu Dayou found a black canvas bag from Wu Guansheng's home.

What was inside the bag when he opened it was Zheng Xiang's bones.

It's just that Wu Guansheng didn't have time to make the dominoes according to what was said on the phone call.

After Wu Guansheng looked at it lightly, he finally drank the tea in the cup regardless of the boiling temperature.

Chen Xiao and Pan Huiping both saw Wu Guansheng's ferocious face as the boiling tea boiled, but he still covered his mouth with his hands to prevent the water from flowing out.

After Wu Guansheng swallowed the sip of tea, he stretched out his hands in front of Pan Huiping.

The latter stopped delaying and handcuffed Wu Guansheng directly.

"Captain Pan, take this bag of bones back to the police first. I'll go negotiate with the Zheng family." Chen Xiao said.

Pan Huiping couldn't help showing gratitude in her eyes: "Okay, I'm sorry to bother you."

Zheng Xiang's bones are also important evidence.

Therefore, in terms of procedures, this bag of bones cannot be handed over to the Zheng family for the time being.

However, the Zheng family has always cooperated with the police's work, and there must be a dedicated person to explain everything emotionally and rationally.

Chen Xiao is obviously the most suitable person.

Because he mentioned everything first.

The two agreed, and Pan Huiping took Wu Guansheng away directly.

As soon as they left, Liu Dayou couldn't help but said to Chen Xiao: "Brother Chen, can I have a good talk with my sister?"

"Okay, I'll call you when I get back to Haicheng."

Liu Dayou must have something to do.

Wu Guansheng is the murderer.

So for the Wu family, the backbone of the family has collapsed.

From Liu Dayou's perspective, he didn't feel that his sister had enjoyed anything here.

Although his sister didn't live up to expectations, he couldn't do anything with broken bones and tendons.

So he needs to do ideological work for Liu Xiaoying and let her leave the Wu family as soon as possible.

Only in this way can Liu Xiaoying's harm be minimized.

Otherwise, once Wu Guansheng is caught, no one in the Wu family will be able to restrict Wu Kuan, the gambler.

Chen Xiao asked Liu Dayou to stay and drove to Zheng's house alone.

At this moment, the Zheng family is all gathered together.

But no one spoke, and no one knew what to say.

Dai Hong'er has been accompanying Zheng Xiang's widow, who has been wiping tears since the accident.

At this time, Dai Hong'er was the first to see Chen Xiao walking into Zheng's house, and was immediately overjoyed.

"Mr. Chen, you are finally here. How are things going?"

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "Dean Zheng's skeleton has been found!"

When the Zheng family heard this, they all stood up and asked hurriedly: "Where is it? Why didn't Mr. Chen bring it?"

"Mr. Chen, can you tell us where it is? We will arrange for someone to go there right away." Zheng Tang also said hurriedly.

Chen Xiao replied: "Everyone, in addition to informing you that the skeleton has been found, I also want to explain to you. The murderer has been successfully captured in the case I investigated before, and it is precisely because the skeleton was brought by the murderer. I'm leaving, so currently the remains of Dean Zheng cannot be handed over to you, please understand and forgive me!" Chen Xiao explained sincerely.

The Zheng family members were relieved at first, but Zheng Tang still asked with some worry:

"That won't take too much time, right?"

As a son of a human being, Zheng Tang certainly didn't want his old father, who had passed away many years ago, to be tormented by all kinds of troubles.

Even if it is a skeleton, it is still unwilling.

"Everyone, just relax, you won't bother with anything."

Hearing what Chen Xiao said, the Zheng family members nodded.

However, Zheng Xiang's widow still asked: "What about Lao Zheng's death?"

The old lady didn't finish what she said, but Chen Xiao understood what she meant and shook his head:
"From the current point of view, there should be no problem. Of course, the Haicheng Tiangu District Police will notify you of the final result as soon as possible. I can also guarantee you that the Haicheng Tiangu Police will solemnly report the old dean's death to the police at that time. Bring the bones."

For Chen Xiao, Zheng Xiang has a stain.

But is the tainted Zheng Xiang an absolute bad guy?

Chen Xiao didn't know how to evaluate it. He only knew that Zheng Xiang was worthy of the orphanage and had put all his efforts into it.

Every child who grows up in an orphanage should be grateful to him.

However, they had every reason to hate Zheng Xiang, their old friend whose formula was stolen.

Without Zheng Xiang's theft, their family might have declined, but it would not have declined so quickly.

In fact, who can be sure that they will definitely fail?
However, Chen Xiao had no intention of telling the Zheng family about this matter in public. He walked behind Zheng Tang and said:

"Mr. Zheng, I suggest you go outside and talk about something alone."

Now Zheng Tang is in charge of the Zheng family. Chen Xiao feels that the person in charge of the Zheng family should know about what Zheng Xiang did.

As for their attitude later, it has nothing to do with Chen Xiao.

After Chen Xiao pushed Zheng Tang outside, he told the matter.

When Zheng Tang heard this, he subconsciously said: "Impossible, my father has been honest all his life, how could he do such a despicable thing!"

Chen Xiao did not argue with him, but said seriously:
"I have already confirmed this matter with Qiu Huasheng. As for whether you believe it or not, I have no control over it. I just feel that I have the obligation to inform you. However, I think Mr. Zheng should also have memories of the five million that year. Maybe he can calm down. Thinking about it, you will also feel that the money is unusual.”

Zheng Tang said nothing.

His eyes were full of doubt and wavering.

He respected his father, but he also understood that something was abnormal after Chen Xiao reminded him.

Chen Xiao didn't say anything more and pushed Zheng Tang into the room again.

"Everyone, there are a lot of things going on in Haicheng, so I'll take my leave first."

Saying that, Chen Xiao looked at Dai Hong'er.

He made an agreement with the latter to go to Haicheng together when things were over.

After Dai Hong'er understood the meaning, she said something to the old lady, then said goodbye to Zheng Tang, and walked out of Zheng's house with Chen Xiao.

After getting in the car, Dai Honger gave Chen Xiao a thumbs up and said:

"Mr. Chen, I admire you more and more for your work and conduct. In fact, you only need to ask the police comrades to deal with Grandpa Zheng, but you actually came to the door to explain in person."

"If they give me convenience, I will naturally respect them." Chen Xiao said with a faint smile.

Dai Hong'er nodded: "Does Mr. Chen think I respect you?"

"Without Miss Dai's help this time, I would definitely not have gone so smoothly!" Chen Xiao said sincerely.

Dai Hong'er pursed her lips and smiled, and then said with great anticipation: "Mr. Chen, have we discussed the matter we talked about in Dongzhou now?"

(End of this chapter)

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