I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 389 A place full of despair and loss!

Chapter 389 A place full of despair and loss!
Dai Honger is a girl with business sense and vision.

The only pity is that when she returned from graduation and wanted to do something serious, her family could no longer fully support her.

But in Dai Hong'er's view, these don't seem to be that important.


If you search more, you may find it.

But a leader who can keep him from going astray in business is even more important to Dai Hong'er.

Looking at Dai Hong'er whose eyes were full of expectation, Chen Xiao couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"Miss Dai, do you believe me so much?"

"Who would doubt the character of a detective who can help find the truth about an unjust death?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao did not reply immediately.

He thought of Qiu Watson at this moment.

The latter once told him that as long as Chen Xiao could find the truth and catch the murderer.

Then just point Chen Xiao to a place on the map.

Wherever Chen Xiao points his finger, he will invest.

And as long as the amount is what Qiu Watson can bear, it is no longer a problem!
Chen Xiao felt that if Qiu Huasheng's words were true, then he could take Dai Hong'er to do it together.

Win-win cooperation!
"I will take it seriously... on behalf of Miss."

Before Chen Xiao finished speaking, Xiao Ji's phone call came at this moment.

After looking at it, Chen Xiao answered:

"what happened?"

"Brother Chen, do you and Qiu Watson have any agreement?"

Chen Xiao hummed: "There is an agreement."

"Let me tell you! Qiu Watson just accepted an interview with a media in Haicheng. In the interview, he directly said that as long as Brother Chen catches the murderer of Qiu Tingfang, then all his subsequent business plans will be decided by Brother Chen."

"And Brother Chen, you know, right? A lot of people have just arrived downstairs in the hotel where we are staying, and the leaders of Tiangu District are very enthusiastic about me!"

Chen Xiao suddenly laughed: "So exaggerated?"

"It's such an exaggeration, but I don't know why they didn't call you. Could it be that Team Pan didn't call you?"

Xiao Ji said in confusion, and Chen Xiao asked: "They should also ask you for my contact information."

"Yes, although they are very enthusiastic towards me, I still understand that their attitude towards me all depends on you, Brother Chen. Therefore, I did not dare to make any decisions and give them your contact information."

"Well, let's forget about it for now."

Chen Xiao said with a smile and then hung up the phone.

Dai Hong'er looked at him eagerly and said, "Mr. Chen is so amazing. You got the investment that others racked their brains for in just one day in Haicheng!"

Chen Xiao looked at the road ahead and asked Dai Honger a question:
"What do you think of the provincial capital of Jiang Province and Dongzhou, Miss Dai?"

Dai Honger was also a smart person and immediately understood what Chen Xiao meant.

"The provincial capital of Jiang Province is naturally not as strong as Haicheng's commercial atmosphere, but the provincial capital of Jiang Province is also a prosperous city and is very suitable for investment and factory building."

"Then if you were asked to choose between the provincial capital and Dongzhou, where would you choose?"

"If it were me, I would choose the provincial capital. Of course, it also depends on which place has greater support! A less prosperous place means that the investment in headcount will be relatively lower. Moreover, if it is my choice Those three projects, except real estate, all need to be accumulated slowly, and you can’t become fat in one go.”

Chen Xiao nodded in approval: "Miss Dai does have unique insights!"

"So Mr. Chen is willing to cooperate with me and wants me to go to Dongzhou, right?"

Of course Chen Xiao chose Dongzhou.

Because that would also be beneficial to Lin Xi! As long as Chen Xiao can bring more and more benefits to Dongzhou, it means that more and more people will know about Lin Xi.

In that way, Lin Xi's promotion path will become smoother!
But if Chen Xiao takes Qiu Huasheng directly to leave Haicheng and go to Dongzhou.

There is no doubt that it will offend a lot of people.

Chen Xiao was thinking, which one would make him gain more by offending those people or bringing benefits to Dongzhou?
After much deliberation, Chen Xiao felt that the latter was more suitable.

What's more, Qiu Watson was not taken away by him through some despicable means.

He obtained it honestly and through strength.

It's just that this is not good for Pan Huiping.

Because she did not solve the case, if the investor leaves now, Pan Huiping will definitely be suspected of being unfavorable in handling the case.

Chen Xiao's temperament is that he does not want to benefit himself, which is the prerequisite for sacrificing his friends.

Therefore, he now wants to find a compromise.

Chen Xiao did not think about business matters anymore and continued driving to Haicheng.

As soon as they arrived in Haicheng, Chen Xiao took Dai Hong'er to see Qiu Huasheng.

At this moment, Qiu Huasheng was neither at his residence nor invited away by the officials of Tiangu District.

He was in the criminal police team, kneeling on the ground and stroking his beloved wife's cold cheek.

"Murong, the murderer of Tingfang has been found."

"You and Tingfang should have met now, right?"

"But don't blame her. She didn't expect things to turn out like this. And you followed her as soon as she left. I think you were just afraid that she would be alone there, right?"

"Just wait a moment. I promised to help Tingfang catch the murderer. When I fulfill my promise to him, I will take you home."

"You two must stay together during this period and don't get separated. I will call you when the time comes."

Chen Xiao and Dai Hong'er looked at Qiu Huasheng with tears streaming down his face through the window.

Although at first, after learning about the relationship between Qiu Huasheng and Mu Rong, Chen Xiao felt a little confused.

But he can now see that Qiu Watson's feelings for Mu Rong are indeed very deep.

Not long after, Qiu Huasheng came out.

When he saw Chen Xiao and Dai Hong'er, he wiped away the tears on his face and returned to his appearance as a businessman.

"Mr. Chen, thank you for helping my child find the truth, thank you!"

Qiu Huasheng first bowed to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao helped Qiu Watson up, and the latter followed suit: "In addition, I have to apologize to you. I have already announced my decision to the media in Haicheng. But I didn't expect that you could really do it so quickly. The murderer was caught, so..."

"It's okay. This matter will be made public sooner or later, it doesn't matter whether it's sooner or not."

Qiu Huasheng nodded: "Have you made your decision, Mr. Chen? I said, as long as you point out a place anywhere, I will invest there."

"What if the place I'm referring to is not suitable for any business investment?"

"It doesn't matter. I, Qiu Watson, always keep my word. And I will put a special condition in the contract when the time comes, that is, Qiu will not interfere in any affairs, and our investment will be fully responsible for Mr. Chen or the person entrusted by Mr. Chen. "

With that said, Qiu Huasheng once again took a deep look at Mu Rong in the ice coffin and said, "Maybe after this time, I may never come here again. Because for me, this place is full of despair and loss! "

Chen Xiao let out a long sigh.

But before he could say anything, there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

Follow the sound and look.

At this moment, there were a dozen men wearing white shirts and suit pants not far away, striding towards them!
(End of this chapter)

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