Chapter 396: Eldest nephew?
Chen Xiao actually values ​​Dai Honger's future very much.

Although he had never heard of a strong business woman with this name in his previous life.

However, he recognized Dai Honger's business acumen.

But that was it, Dai Hong'er didn't ask any more questions along the way, and Chen Xiao didn't say anything more.

After waiting for her to be sent to her residence, Chen Xiao drove back to the hotel where she was staying.

There was nothing else to say all night.

Chen Xiao spent another night in Haicheng.

This night, it was very quiet.

When Chen Xiao woke up the next day, he got up, washed and put on the formal clothes he bought yesterday.

By the time he finished packing, Xiao Ji and Liu Dayou were already waiting outside the door.

Xiaoji drove straight to the Tiangu District Funeral Home.

Chen Xiao remembered the time. Around nine o'clock this morning, Mu Rong was cremated.

After the cremation, a ritual ceremony will be performed in the house where Mu Rong and Qiu Huasheng lived.

Chen Xiao arrived early, and Qiu Huasheng had already arrived at the funeral home and was communicating with the staff.

Chen Xiao stood aside and waited.

However, he noticed that Qiu Watson was always surrounded by the only drivers and bodyguards he brought.

After Qiu Huasheng had communicated with the staff, he came to Chen Xiao's side.

After bowing, Qiu Huasheng shook hands with Chen Xiao and said, "Mr. Chen, I'm interested."

"We are already familiar with each other and we are partners, so why bother talking about this? Mr. Qiu, if you need my help later, just let me know at any time."

"Well, I have communicated with them. I will always be there during the cremation, so I may have to ask Mr. Chen to wait outside."

When Chen Xiao heard this, he didn't ask any more questions and just nodded silently.

Soon, Qiu Huasheng and the staff entered the cremation room.

When Xiao Ji saw this, he couldn't help but said: "Cremation is very cruel. Mr. Qiu really loves me deeply."

"Looking at the look in his eyes, I feel like he can't bear it, but he's also worried and doesn't understand." Liu Dayou shook his head in response.

Chen Xiao said: "I can't bear it, just like Xiaoji said, it's too cruel. Worrying, maybe because he is afraid that she is afraid too."

Xiao Ji and Liu Dayou both understood the meaning.

Although they thought the relationship between Qiu Huasheng and Mu Rong was absurd before.

But now they don't have that idea anymore.

Maybe the fact is that as Qiu Watson said, two people who were supposed to be together had to separate because of time and family.

Maybe their relationship is really unforgettable.

The three of them did not surround Qiu Watson and his wife with emotion.

And as time went by, more and more people gathered in the funeral home.

Chen Xiao didn't know how many people in the world would lose their lives in one day.

But in the funeral parlor, in just half the morning, we saw several hearses carrying corpses for cremation.

Finally, Qiu Watson walked out holding an urn wrapped in black cloth.

His bodyguard and driver hurriedly stepped forward to support Qiu Watson.

However, Qiu Huasheng did not cry today, but looked a little dazed.

Then several people returned to Qiu Huasheng's residence together.

I don’t know whether Qiu Huasheng believes in Buddhism or Mu Rong believes in Buddhism.

The entire ceremony was presided over by a monk invited from nowhere.

Chen Xiao was present throughout the whole process, but Qiu Watson did not let him help or participate.

Just as Qiu Watson said himself.

Chen Xiao can come because he wants to. Of course, Chen Xiao also knows that Qiu Watson's current status in Tiangu District, as long as he is willing, some representatives will definitely come to participate in the ritual.

However, those people should have been rejected by him.

Chen Xiao didn't stay around forever. After all the rituals that needed to be done were over, he said goodbye to Qiu Huasheng and agreed to meet at the airport tomorrow morning.

Qiu Huasheng agreed, and Chen Xiao went back to his residence first.

For a whole day, Chen Xiao did nothing else.

But when Chen Xiao arrived at the hotel, he didn't expect to see his eldest nephew here!
Chen Xu!

The latter was talking to a few men in suits with a smile on his face.

The moment he saw Chen Xiao, he also had a look of astonishment on his face.

But soon, Chen Xu made a decision and strode towards Chen Xiao.

"Uncle Xiao!"

Chen Xu is very polite.

Chen Xiao looked at him: "The world is so small, I can meet you here."

Chen Xu nodded repeatedly and replied honestly: "Come here to discuss cooperation with some of my uncle's former friends. Is Uncle Xiao here?"

Chen Xu's brother-in-law is naturally Chen Xianzu.

In Chen Xu's heart, his father Chen Ding was almost never mentioned.

Chen Xiao glanced at him and smiled:
"I came to Haicheng to investigate the case, but I'm going back."

Chen Xu suddenly realized: "That's right. Uncle Xiao is now a very good detective. If you weren't in Dongzhou, you should have come to Haicheng to investigate the case."

"Well, the cooperation talks are going well, right?"

Although Chen Xiao captured Chen Xu's father and his brother-in-law Chen Xianzu, who trained Chen Xu to become an adult.

But when Chen Xu didn't show any hostility to him and even took the initiative to talk to him, Chen Xiao just asked a few more questions.

It's just that Chen Xuzhen seemed to be a descendant. He scratched his head and said sheepishly:
"It didn't go well."

"What's wrong? Aren't they your uncle's friends?" Chen Xiao asked curiously.

Chen Xu sighed: "My uncle has already entered. Friends in the mall are often the most realistic. Of course, it's no wonder they are there. After all, no one wants to have anything to do with the murderer's company."

Listening to Chen Xu's words, Chen Xiao understood why he looked so difficult.

Chen Xianzu is also Xu Zhengsheng.

He was originally a big boss in the hotel industry in Xiangdu, and he was also the son-in-law of Zong Yuanmao, who was also a big boss in the local hotel industry.

But Chen Xiao captured Chen Xianzu.

Chen Xianzu's plan to seize Zong Yuanmao's property secretly came to nothing.

Although Zong Yuanmao saved many years of hard work with the help of Chen Xiao, this does not mean that he will let Chen Xu go.

So it's not surprising that Chen Xu is having a hard time now.

Without Chen Xianzu, no matter how good Chen Xu is, it will be difficult to compete with locals like Zong Yuanmao.

However, Chen Xiao will not sympathize with Chen Xu's experience because of this, let alone find ways to help him.

If he does this, let alone himself, I am afraid that everyone around him will look down upon him.

Because what Chen Xianzu killed was none other than Uncle Wan De, who wanted Chen Xiao to grow up well.

Looking at Chen Xu, Chen Xiao finally said: "Go and do your work first. I have to go back to my room to rest."

Chen Xu nodded, but when Chen Xiao turned to leave, he suddenly said:

"Uncle Xiao, I once said that I would never appear in front of you again in this life!"

"This encounter is really an accident. I hope you can believe me!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao agreed: "I understand, just go and do your thing."

After leaving these words, Chen Xiao turned around and entered the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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