Chapter 397: Will he be the demon?

After Chen Xu watched Chen Xiao enter the elevator with his own eyes, he let out a long breath and returned to the group of men in suits.

"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Huang, Brother Hai... let's continue talking about what happened just now!"

Chen Xu showed a smile on his face.

A few men sitting on the sofa deliberately changed the topic.

Especially Brother Hai asked with full interest:

"The man you met just now is not an ordinary person at first glance. You seemed to be afraid of him just now. Why, why didn't you look for him when you were looking for us?"

Chen Xu could hear the ridicule in it.

But he still smiled and said without changing his expression:
"He is indeed an extraordinary person, and he has already made extraordinary achievements in business."

Brother Hai had a playful look on his face: "Really? It seems like I've never seen him before."

"Aren't you guys also interested in the real estate in Shencheng? So you must have heard of Longding Group, right?"

Brother Hai's expression suddenly changed, and the other older ones immediately sat up straight and asked:

"Is he from Longding?"

"Well, Mr. Chen from Longding. It was he who helped Longding get the piece of land in Yanghu, Shencheng."

The faces of several people changed again, and they shouted: "So he is Chen Xiao! Chen Xu, how is your relationship with him? Can you recommend him to us? The people in Shencheng now trust Long Ding to an unbelievable level! "

"If we can establish a relationship with Mr. Chen from Longding, we..."

Before those people could finish speaking, Chen Xu replied: "We all have the surname Chen. According to our seniority, I have to call him uncle."

"That's great. Since he is your uncle, it will be easier to deal with your problems with us!"

Brother Hai was already a little anxious, but the other older ones frowned:
"You said he is your uncle? Which uncle is yours?"

"That's the cousin who arrested my brother-in-law!" Chen Xu said with a smile.

For a moment, Uncle Zhang, Uncle Huang, and Uncle Li were all embarrassed because Chen Xu called them uncles.

In fact, before Chen Xu met Chen Xiao, he already knew that these friends who Chen Xianzu had known would not help him at all.

So he came back again just to tease these people.

It's just that those people are all old foxes, so how can they not know what Chen Xu is thinking.

Uncle Zhang among them smiled and said:
"Xiao Xu, distant water cannot quench the near thirst. Please ask us to inject funds for you to continue to fight against Zong Yuanmao, but have you ever thought that if you find your cousin, all you need is a word from him, Zong Yuanmao Is it possible to let you go?"

Why didn't Chen Xu know?
But before Chen Xianzu went to jail, he warned him very solemnly.

If you want to think well, you must stay away from Chen Xiao.

It’s best to disappear from Chen Xiao’s sight forever!

Chen Xu was afraid that Chen Xiao would think too much about this chance encounter, let alone ask for it?

Chen Xu did not respond to those people's teasing and ridicule.

He won't do that, and he doesn't dare to do that.

He should be obedient and die completely from Chen Xiao's world.

He can't even deal with Zong Yuanmao. If he angers Chen Xiao, how can he continue to maintain those businesses?
Chen Xu thought seriously, but he still couldn't help feeling a little unwilling and impulsive in his heart.

"If I go to beg him, will he be accommodating to me because he is a relative of the same clan?"

"After all, I am innocent!"

"As long as I beg him, as long as he shows a little affection, as long as he says a word, my life will no longer be so high-pressure!"

Chen Xu felt as if a hole had been opened in some solid defense line. But before he could make up his mind, someone suddenly patted his arm.

It was Uncle Huang, one of those people before.

"Chen Xu, is that person just now really Chen Xiao from Long Ding? It was he who solved several major cases in Shen City and allowed Long Ding to gain a foothold in Shen City?"

Chen Xu looked at Huang Zhaozhong and replied: "So what if it is, so what if it isn't?"

Huang Zhaozhong smiled faintly: "Young people should keep calm. Who hasn't been humiliated when they were young? Tortured by difficulties? Good things come hard! Although we did ridicule you just now, what we said is not unreasonable."

"A man is capable of bending and stretching, so think about it. This is the only thing I can do to help you as Mr. Xu's friend."

Huang Zhaozhong said and turned to leave.

Chen Xu looked at his back and fell into deep thought for a moment.

He was thinking that Huang Zhaozhong was really so good that he came here to say these things to him?

If he really values ​​his friendship with Xu Zhengsheng, then this is the only way he can help?
And in his words, he seemed to be very interested in Chen Xiao!

Thinking of this, Chen Xu's eyes flashed brightly.

After all the people he met before left, he returned to the hotel.

However, he was smart and did not choose to go directly to Chen Xiao. Instead, he left a note with a line of words written on it, and then handed it to the hotel front desk to pass it on to Chen Xiao.

After doing all this, Chen Xu also walked away.

But as soon as he walked out of the hotel, Xiaoji's figure appeared from the other side.

His eyes saw everything Chen Xu did, and he dialed Chen Xiao's number:
"Brother Chen, Chen Xu has left. But he seemed to have left a piece of paper at the front desk. I think it should be given to you. In addition, the people he met seemed unwilling to help him, but when Chen Xu was angry When you were leaving, someone seemed to ask about you."

Chen Xiao, who was making a sweet video with Lin Xi in the hotel room, couldn't help but reply:
"I'll call the front desk later and see if there's anything left for me."

"it is good."

After the two ended the phone call.

Lin Xi at the other end of the video said, "It seems like you are really on guard all the time."

"You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others! When Chen Xu appeared, at least I couldn't tell what his purpose was. But now it seems that he is not lying. Moreover, my eldest nephew It’s really clever!”

Chen Xiao's words were not a joke, but a heartfelt evaluation.

Lin Xi also nodded in agreement: "He did not choose to come to you in person, but left you a piece of paper. That piece of paper should have some information! I guess it may be to remind you to pay attention to the person who inquires about you! "

"We'll find out later, but Chen Xu doesn't seem to be planning to completely disappear from my world."

"Then what do you think?"

"In the past, I always thought it would be better if he didn't appear around me, but now I suddenly remembered Zhang Bureau's evaluation of the "Murder Notes" left by Chen Yan."

"What did he say?"

"He compared the "Murder Notes" to the magic skills in martial arts novels. He said that those with evil intentions only become demons after practicing them, while those with righteous minds have magic skills that are also gong!"

When Chen Xiao made such a metaphor, Lin Xi immediately understood what Chen Xiao meant: "Do you think Chen Xu will be a magician?"

"To be precise, Chen Xu has actually done nothing. He may hate me because of Chen Ding and Chen Xianzu, but if I let him completely disappear from my sight, will it make it harder for me to understand his identity?" idea?"

"So I think instead of forgetting about him, it's better to pay attention to him. That way, I won't be unprepared when he really has something on his mind!" Chen Xiao paused for a moment, and then said:
"Of course, I also want to see what he left for me."

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, Xiao Ji happened to come upstairs with the piece of paper with the message written on it.

Chen Xiao opened the paper and looked at it, then said to Lin Xi with a smile: "There are indeed two brushes, my wife... Guess what he wrote for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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