I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 398 Little Teddy, playing with the phone!

Chapter 398 Little Teddy, playing with the phone!
At this time, Chen Xiao actually acted secretly, which made Lin Xi narrow his eyes and laugh.

She felt that Chen Xiao would definitely feel more uncomfortable if she gave up halfway!
When Chen Xiao, who was in front of the computer, saw that Lin Xi didn't reply and looked at him with a smile, he immediately reacted.

"Here, this is the note Chen Xu left for me. Can you read it clearly?"

Lin Xi looked at the note on the video and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Huang Zhaozhong: Male, born on the eighth day of August 1964 (suspected)."

"I first lived in Haicheng and have a Haicheng household registration. My ancestral home is Hushan City, Ningzhou (doubtful)."

"Now he is the boss of Haicheng Zhaolitong, which has more than 200 stores in China."

"History of fortune: I started in the sand business in my ancestral home of Hushan City. (Suspicious)"

"My uncle once commented: There is quick wit, but success is also due to quick wit, and in the end, it will be defeated by quick wit."

"I hope Uncle Xiao will pay attention. This person seems to be very interested in you!"

Looking at the content on the note, Lin Xi said seriously:

"Before I saw this note, I predicted that he would leave the last words. But the overall content of the note, I feel that there is a high probability that he will ask you for something."

"Unexpectedly, he didn't say anything, but revealed the information about Huang Zhaozhong. The most important thing is that he actually marked a suspicious word at the end of many pieces of information."

Chen Xiao nodded:

"Yeah, the most surprising thing is the question. He didn't say anything special about Huang Zhaozhong. It was a completely objective evaluation. The last sentence was to explain why he left me the note."

"He is very careful in his contact with me."

"I'm very cautious, but what do you think of Chen Xianzu's evaluation of Huang Zhaozhong?" Lin Xi asked back.

Chen Xiao pondered for a moment and said: "I don't think there is anything to think about. Some people rely on quick wits to be smooth most of their lives. Quick wit is a good thing, but it has the characteristics of a double-edged sword. Once quick wit makes him If you grasp the wrong direction, you may lose everything overnight.”

"But his downfall has nothing to do with me. He is interested in that area of ​​Shencheng, so it's normal for him to inquire about me. However, Chen Xu deliberately left this note, so Huang Zhaozhong should be asking about criminal investigation and homicide cases. on crime-related issues.”

"Chen Xu actually revealed his thoughts on the entire note. He suspected that Huang Zhaozhong had a problem. And the two of them are now on bad terms, so Chen Xu was actually asking me for help, but he took this very subtle way. way to deliver it.”

Hearing this, Lin Xi couldn't help but say:
"Are you, the old Chen family, so good at beating around the bush?"

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "Speaking of it, the old Chen family really has a lot of talents, but it's just a pity..."

"What do you decide to do about Chen Xu's tactful request?"

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said, "I want to try his skills."

"Well, you can do whatever you want. Oh, by the way... when will you come back tomorrow? The leader told me that he wants me to go to the airport to greet Mr. Chen on behalf of the city!"

"It's about 11 noon. Officer Lin will go out in plain clothes tomorrow?"

"I won't tell you, bye~."

Lin Xi quickly hung up the video.

Seeing the reminder that the video was over, Chen Xiao smiled silently and closed the computer.

Lying on the bed, Chen Xiao deliberately cleared his mind.

But he didn't know if he was used to the intense thinking of a detective, or if he really had nothing to do.

He began to think about everything he had experienced.

I don’t know how long I had been thinking about it, but Chen Xiao was interrupted by a text message.

The text message was from Luo Dali: "Good brother, can you come back tomorrow?"

"Yes, clean it..." Chen Xiao looked at the text on the phone and couldn't help but be surprised.

Finally, he deleted the three unclean words "wash clean" and replied: "Yes, the good boy has finally grown up and learned to miss his brother who is running around outside."

The text message was sent, and soon Luo Dali's phone call came.

When Chen Xiao saw this, he said speechlessly: "Is there something wrong with you? Since we are on the phone and sending text messages, and we have a lot of ink in our stomachs, don't you have any idea?"

Luo Dali chuckled and said, "Isn't that a habit I got from my previous relationship with Xiaoxiu?"

"Well, if you have something to say, come on, if you have a fart, hurry up. I have a flight tomorrow morning."

"Okay, it will be great if you can come back tomorrow. As long as you come back, I will feel at ease. Otherwise, if you are not present on the engagement day on the 6th, I will always feel that something is missing."

Luo Dali stopped laughing and joking, but his tone was extremely serious.

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "Stop talking nonsense, when did you see me and say nothing?"

"Well, do you want me to pick you up tomorrow? I'll take that slut with me so you can train him properly."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but be curious: "Your sister-in-law will pick me up tomorrow, but what's going on with the knife man?"

"That guy is simply a god. In the past two days when I saw him without you, he always looked like a little teddy with his cell phone, so I followed him for a while this morning. Guess what I discovered!"


"He actually sneaked into Lanshan Lake Villa!"

Chen Xiao knew this place, Lanshan Lake Villa.

Back then, he and Luo Dali went there for a walk when they had nothing to do, promising that one day they would buy a large villa in this wealthy area.

Although Chen Xiao is fully capable now, he has forgotten his original intention.

But why did the knife man sneak into Lanshan Lake Villa?

"Did he sneak into Lanshan Lake Villa and cause chaos?" Chen Xiao asked, and Luo Dali immediately said:
"Yes, do you remember Che Hongguang? He was the wealthy businessman who humiliated my father and was then put into a sack and beaten by us!"

The memory hit Chen Xiao instantly, making him unable to help but say:
"Of course I remember, after our brothers beat him up, that bastard dug a hole and sent us to the detention center! But what happened to Dao Man and him? It's not like Che Hongguang is thinking about filming Sifu every day. Are you flattering me?"

Chen Xiao asked with a smile, and Luo Dali also smiled obscenely and said, "Didn't you forget that when my dad invited him to dinner, there was someone beside him?"

"His wife, we both gave her a very charming comment at the time..."

Before Chen Xiao finished speaking, his eyes widened and he said in shock:
"Can't you?"

"That's right! On the day you left, my dad and Che Hongguang met again, and there was a little friction between the two parties. It happened that the knife man was also there at the time, so we fought hard against three."

"Afterwards, I was a little worried, but who knew it had only been two days. The knife man took advantage of the red light of the car and went to work, and immediately slipped into his house, and then...then I couldn't bear to look at him!"

Chen Xiao didn't know what to say for a moment.

In fact, he regretted letting Dao Nan and Xiao Ji go to Xiangdu together.

If he had not gone to Xiangdu, Dao Man would not have met Lu Yuling.

Without meeting Lu Yuling, he would not be able to appreciate the kindness of his eldest sister.

Don’t realize….

"Forget it, let me have a good talk with him when we get back." Chen Xiao said with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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