Chapter 399 Golden Tomb!
The morning of the second day.

Chen Xiao took Liu Dayou and Xiao Ji to meet Qiu Huasheng at the airport.

Then the group took a flight back to Dongzhou.

As soon as they left the airport, Chen Xiao saw Lin Xizheng in formal attire and a group of people waiting for them.

And behind them were a group of reporters.

Lin Xi discovered Chen Xiao immediately, but she was not as excited as before.

Just taking advantage of the camera not paying attention, he put his hand in front of his belly and waved gently.

Chen Xiao also gave her a vague gesture, and then the two of them walked to the crowd picking up the plane.

A leader from Dongzhou City was the main representative and was the first to come forward to welcome Qiu Huasheng.

Then he shook hands with Chen Xiao and said thank you: "Mr. Chen, thank you very much for your great contribution to our hometown!"

After the leader finished speaking, the reporters who followed him immediately took direct shots at Chen Xiao.

After Chen Xiao said some very formal words, he shook hands with the airport pick-up group one by one.

Even with Lin Xi, it was just a scratch, as formal as possible.

After they got into the car one after another, Lin Xi sat in the car with Chen Xiao.

Lin Xi kept telling Chen Xiao what to do next, and Chen Xiao nodded frequently, which made Xiao Ji, who was following the car, feel uncomfortable all over.

Finally, the car arrived at the investment negotiation venue set up in the city.

While resting, Chen Xiao finally couldn't help but pull Lin Xi aside:
"When will it end?"

"We have a meeting later, and we have to go to some more meaningful places in our city. You are the biggest contributor to this investment, so we must come together, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xiao immediately narrowed his eyes: "Okay, Officer Lin, from now until 0 o'clock tomorrow, you have to keep calling me Mr. Chen."

"Just shout, no one is afraid of whom." Lin Xi said without any fear, then looked at the time and said:

"Hurry up, we have to do business today. Besides, you have created such a good opportunity for Dongzhou, so more people should know about it. How can you do good deeds without leaving your name behind!"

Whether it is from the perspective of Chen Xiao and Lin Xi, or from the official perspective.

Chen Xiaola's investment is good news for the entire Dongzhou City.

Not only can it provide local employment, but it can also bring huge tax revenue to the local area.

If the company eventually becomes bigger and stronger, it can even become the city's business card.

Think about what you did before.

Because of him, Dongzhou is building a food city.

Because of him, it was officially decided to build a lobster base in Dongzhou.

Because of him, home appliances to the countryside spread across the country from Qingxi and Dongzhou.

So whether it's the city leaders or the people around Chen Xiao.

It seems that they have forgotten that he was once a street kid with nothing to do.

At the meeting, the leaders once again welcomed Qiu Huasheng and once again praised and thanked Chen Xiao.

When the meetings and various visits are over, all the business is over.

Chen Xiao drove Lin Xi back home after a busy day.

Lin Xi was a little tired. After returning home, she lay on Chen Xiao's body and didn't want to move.

However, Chen Xiaolong became very energetic and asked while drinking water:

"When did mom and dad go back?" "They went back yesterday. You know their character. No matter who the four of them are, they can't stay in the city."

Chen Xiao nodded, looked at the time, and asked, "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll cook it for you."

Lin Xi shook his head: "Idiot, do you think I will let the gentleman who came back with honors return home and cook for himself?"

After saying that, Lin Xi stood up, hugged Chen Xiao gently and said, "Just have a good rest tonight. I have bought, washed, cut and cut the vegetables in the morning. After I finish them, I will drink some wine with you." "

Chen Xiao could feel Lin Xi's feelings for him.

So I didn't refuse and just sat at home with the TV on and waiting for dinner.

Soon, Lin Xi prepared the meal and fed Mr. Chen Xiao until he was full.

After drinking and eating, the two came to the square by the river again.

I still remember the last time I came to the riverside, where Chen Xiao met Liu Dayou.

But luckily this time, I didn’t encounter anyone selling pirated discs.

As they walked, Lin Xi also said: "After you made the plan, Team Xie has been following your requirements. However, the city was a little unwilling at first, and Team Xie even encountered some obstacles in his execution."

“But those obstacles and difficulties all disappear after you get the investment.”

Lin Xi said with a smile, then leaned her head on Chen Xiao's shoulder and said, "Do you know what Captain Xie said?"

Chen Xiao looked over with interest, and Lin Xi said: "He didn't praise you, but he said that you have a magic power in you. A magic power that can make all difficulties and obstacles retreat when the critical moment comes!"

"It seems that all the troubles have been solved. I have to go to the company tomorrow to have a look."

Chen Xiao replied, and Lin Xi sat down on a chair without saying anything more.

Chen Xiao knew that Lin Xi liked the way they were alone together.

Not much chatting, just quietly feeling the caress of the breeze.

Very comfortable and cozy.

It's so comfortable that one wishes time would pass slower, and then slower.

However, I don’t know how much time passed before Lin Xi suddenly whispered:
"It's a pity that I have to investigate a case starting tomorrow. I will probably be very busy next time."

"You are the deputy team now, so it is normal to be busy. Don't worry, as long as I have nothing to do, I will be at home waiting for you to come back. Of course, if you need me to join, I promise to follow you."

"No, take a good rest when you should. This time I want to challenge myself."

Lin Xi's eyes showed determination.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but wonder: "Is the case difficult?"

"Yes, and it is an unsolved case that I have never come into contact with on my own. Originally, the case did not occur in Dongzhou, and it has been many years. But this time, for some unknown reason, the province suddenly requested to restart the investigation of that case. "

"Director Zhang felt that if there was really a breakthrough in that case, it would be of great help to me. So, I kept fighting with the leaders of the city, and finally decided that Dongzhou would arrange for me to join the task force established by the province! "

When Chen Xiao heard this, he said almost without thinking: "Since it is a task force established by the province and it is so important to you, how about we stay the same as last time in Yangguan?"

Lin Xi shook his head: "No for now, give me a chance to try it alone. I can't hide under your wings forever, right? Besides, that case is really special."

"What special method?"

"Because other departments are involved, and criminals also have another criminal behavior when committing crimes-grave robbing!"

When Chen Xiao heard about the unique point of tomb robbing, he immediately had a memory in his mind:

"You're not talking about the golden tomb on the outskirts of the provincial capital, are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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