Chapter 400 Curse, completely crazy!
Lin Xi’s words.

Chen Xiao's memory couldn't help but return to his previous life.

As a reborn person, the thing that Chen Xiao regrets most is why he didn't like criminal cases in his previous life.

If he had only paid more attention in his previous life, he would have known clearly who the murderer of the case was when he was reborn.

However, the Jinguang Tomb Case is a case that Chen Xiao rarely paid attention to in his previous life!
If Chen Xiao remembers that case correctly, it should have been solved in 2018.

That is to say, there are still more than ten years left before this year.

From the police reports reported at the time, Chen Xiao was able to determine that there were six murderers in total based on his current memory!

The names of the six people in the police information report are: Zhang, Zhang, Ke, Wan and two single-name Deng.

In the notice, the real names of several people were not written.

Chen Xiao only paid so much attention to this.

Although Chen Xiao couldn't help but feel a pang of regret after thinking about it, such information could obviously make him a few steps ahead!
Unfortunately, all Chen Xiao can say to Lin Xi now is the words Jinguang Tomb.

After all, the Golden Light Tomb has appeared in previous news and documentaries.

But even so, Lin Xi couldn't help but said curiously:

"How do you know it's from the Golden Light Tomb?"

"I watched a documentary about the Golden Light Tomb out of boredom. I remember it was said on TV that the Golden Light Tomb had been robbed, but nothing was lost inside! It was also said that several tomb robbers were found in the Jinguang Tomb. The corpse of a thief!"

"So you've seen that documentary. How did you know?" Lin Xi suddenly realized.

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "Yeah, but didn't it say that the robbery of Jinguang Tomb might have happened in the 90s? Why did the superiors suddenly restart the investigation?"

"I'm not sure. Director Zhang only said that the relevant units in the province received a call. The caller said that the people who died that year were not tomb robbers, and that a valuable treasure was stolen from the ancient tomb. !”

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but said: "Has the identity of the caller been found out?"

"It couldn't be checked. The phone was not purchased from a regular operating company, and it was not under his real name. After making the call, the person destroyed the card."

"And on the phone, the man was vaguely threatening. If the provincial capital could not find out clearly, he would announce the news. After all, before this, several of the deceased in the Golden Light Tomb had been considered to be tomb robbers. ”

"Now that several unjust lives have suddenly appeared, the higher-ups have to pay attention. The most important thing is that the person has notified the family members of the deceased, and now the family members are all squatting outside the unit demanding explanations!"

Chen Xiao understood and asked a question that didn't sound that important:

"Did the person on the phone say what the missing treasure was?"

"I don't know about this. Maybe I won't know for sure until I join the task force."

Chen Xiao didn't ask any more questions.

The two of them sat by the river for a while. After Chen Xiao felt that the night wind was blowing a little cold on his body, he took Lin Xi home first.

After Lin Xi fell asleep, Chen Xiao began to recall some other reports about Jinguang Tomb in his previous life.

In his memory.

The Jinguang Tomb is located in a town called Sanxian under the jurisdiction of the provincial capital of Jiang Province.

Because the mountain is often illuminated by the setting sun at sunset, the mountain where the ancient tomb is located has always been called Jinguang Mountain.

At the foot of Jinguang Mountain, there is Jinguang Village.

However, later, through archaeological discoveries, it was discovered that the owner of the tomb was a marquis in ancient times, so the name of the tomb was changed to Jinguanghou Tomb. In the reports of his previous life, Chen Xiao did not find any information that the deceased persons found were not tomb robbers.

So after thinking about this, Chen Xiao also wondered if someone was deliberately causing trouble?
"It's a pity that I don't know why I restarted the investigation of Jin Guanghou's tomb in my previous life!"

Chen Xiao sighed in his heart, but immediately a new question appeared in his mind:
"In her previous life, did Xiaoxi take part in the case of Jin Guanghou's tomb?"

Chen Xiao also had no answer to this question.

Because in the past 17 years, Chen Xiao and Lin Xi had not seen each other for many years.

Chen Xiao did not think about these issues anymore, but continued to analyze the details of the Jinguang Tomb that he knew.

"The reports from the previous life did not clearly state whether the dead ones were tomb robbers, so there are two possibilities."

"First of all, they are tomb robbers, so I didn't go into details after they were identified."

"Second, they are not tomb robbers. But they hid themselves because they felt it was unnecessary or it was difficult to explain to the public for other reasons."

Chen Xiao thought about it and felt that this was very important information and he had to find a way to convey it to Lin Xi.

In that case, Lin Xi can be a few steps ahead after reporting to the task force.

Then there are the key clues about the cracking of the Golden Light Tomb in the previous life!
In this regard, Chen Xiao saw a lot of information in the news comment area about police reports.

After all, the Internet was already very developed at that time.

And with the dawn of the big data era, that news was seen by many locals.

Because there are local people, various magical legends also appear in the comment area.

Chen Xiao automatically ignored the comments about ghosts and things like sharing gold and acupuncture points.

But thinking about it, Chen Xiao quickly remembered one of the highly liked comments.

That comment was a guess about the lost treasure in the tomb.

Chen Xiaoji's original comments are incomplete, but he recalled two or three key pieces of information.

One mentioned immortality!
There is also the curse mentioned!

Some people say that an ancient medicine was lost in the ancient tomb. That medicine can make people live longer, and even live forever!
This statement is absurd to Chen Xiao, but it is extremely attractive to some specific groups of people!

Then there were comments about curses. Chen Xiao remembered that at that time, he also liked and replied to the people who proposed such ideas.

The man said that the priceless treasures in the ancient tomb were not lost, and an altar was also found in the ancient tomb.

There were many jade sacrifices in the bronze plates on the altar, but there was nothing in the bronze plate in the middle.

Moreover, the bronze plate was covered with runes. After translation, I learned that it was a method that could undo a certain curse!
Chen Xiao remembers clearly that the reason why he liked the other party at that time was because he felt that the other party was so good at making up things, and he replied:

"I was very opposed to my husband withdrawing from the world of tomb robbing novels back then!"

Thinking of his previous reply, Chen Xiao suddenly grinned.

However, his smile now is not the same ridicule as before, but he feels that the person who wrote this comment is probably not the editor.

The floor owner in the comment building is very likely to be a very important insider in the Jin Guanghou tomb case!

Chen Xiao tried hard to recall, and finally remembered his online name: Completely crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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