Chapter 401 The sand you can’t hold

Lin Xi hopes to prove his ability through Jinguang Tomb.

Chen Xiao didn't want to interfere with her thoughts, but when he could do something for Lin Xi, Chen Xiao felt that he shouldn't be lazy.

In one night, Chen Xiao sorted out many memories from his past life.

Of course, there were some comments about later generations that reminded Chen Xiao to cover up and change his story with the power of sophistry.

Wait until the next morning.

When Lin Xi woke up and prepared to go to work, she immediately discovered the information left by Chen Xiao on the desk.

Looking at those lines of words, the corners of Lin Xi's mouth were full of sweetness.

After gently pecking Chen Xiao on the lips, Chen Xiao hugged her and asked:

"When will you go to the provincial capital?"

"If nothing else happens, we'll leave in the afternoon."

"Can you keep up with the energy?"

Lin Xi is also very busy these days, especially because she is busy with more than just investigating cases.

Lin Xi nodded confidently: "It doesn't matter whose daughter-in-law I am, I am very capable!"

Chen Xiao grinned: "Then go ahead. I'll go find you for dinner at noon."

"Let's see whose house you go to for lunch. For dinner, Director Zhang has already agreed with me that you can take Dayou and the others there in the evening."

"Okay, if you miss me in the provincial capital, I will kill you immediately."

"I know, husband, I'm going to work."


Not long after Lin Xi left, Chen Xiao got up.

After washing up, Chen Xiao went to the company.

Regarding the formation of the company, Chen Xiao had always planned it, but the person who executed it was Xie Wensheng.

As for the name of the company, Chen Xiao once wanted to combine his and Lin Xi's names, but in the end Lin Xi proposed the concept of Dong'an.

The two words don't sound special.

But these two simple words clearly summarized the meaning of what they wanted to do.

Safe Dongzhou!

Chen Xiao walked into Dong'an and Xie Wensheng was answering the phone.

When he saw Chen Xiaolai, his face clearly showed surprise.

Chen Xiao signaled him to go ahead and waited silently.

A few minutes later, Xie Wensheng finished the call and walked over with a happy face.

"Mr. Chen, I'm so happy to see you!"

Xie Wensheng said with a smile, while Chen Xiao smiled and said: "Brother Sheng, are you still so polite to me?"

"We are brothers in daily life, but in the company you are the boss. These are the rules! Without rules, there will be no success!"

Chen Xiao smiled knowingly and agreed with Xie Wensheng's statement.

After the latter sat down, Chen Xiao asked, "Where is the sword man?"

"Xiao Dao can't stay in the company forever. We have a clear division of labor now. I assign tasks and he executes them. In addition, he is also responsible for recruiting troops."

After saying that, Xie Wensheng gave a thumbs up and said: "It's good to be young. Xiaodao hasn't been able to catch a breath in the past few days since you left, but he is like a cow that never collapses when tired, and he accomplishes everything beautifully. Bright!”

"Men, if you are not energetic when you are young, you will become powerless when you are old." Chen Xiao said something cryptic, while Xie Wensheng seemed not to understand the meaning and said:

"Now the company has recruited about ten people, and each of them is professionally qualified. However, we need a large number of employees in the early stage, and I don't dare to rush it. I would rather have a shortage than an overabundance!"

"I agree with this idea. What we have to do is not done in a day or two, and we cannot ruin our future plans just for the sake of temporary success."

Chen Xiao became serious, and Xie Wensheng immediately brought the recent results in front of him.

After checking it, Chen Xiao couldn't help but praise Xie Wensheng: "I knew I was looking for the right person when I asked you to handle this matter! Sure enough, after you improved my plan, I think it is perfect!"

Xie Wensheng seemed to be relieved: "As long as you are satisfied, really... Although it has only been a few days, I have always felt that the burden on my shoulders is very heavy, and I am afraid that I will betray your trust."

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Brother Sheng, let's not talk about this between us. Can your body handle it?"

"Hey, don't worry about it. How can a big man be so squeamish!" Xie Wensheng patted his chest, and Chen Xiao carefully observed his expression.

Under the power of capture, it can be seen that Xie Wensheng is still a little weak.

Just when Chen Xiao wanted to remind him to pay more attention to his health, another person walked into the office:
"Mr. Xie, what you told me..."

The person who came in was the knife man.

He stopped mid-sentence because he saw Chen Xiao.

"Chen...Mr. Chen, you're back!" Dao Nan changed his title in time, which also gave Chen Xiao a new understanding of Xie Wensheng's formulation of rules.

Chen Xiao nodded, looked at Xie Wensheng again and said:

"Brother Sheng, after our initial layout plan is completed, you can take a few days off. This cannot be refused, because what you said has no rules and no rules. Naturally, I am the boss of Dong'an and I have the final say."

Xie Wensheng smiled bitterly: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Chen Xiao stood up: "Okay, I'll talk to the knife man first."

With that said, Chen Xiao walked out.

The knife man followed closely behind.

When the two of them arrived outside Dong'an, Chen Xiao took out a cigarette from his pocket and threw it to Dao Man.

When the knife man saw this, he said in surprise: "Brother, when did you draw it?"

"Get out of here, I'll keep a spare one here. Tell me what's going on with you lately."

Chen Xiao was still a little worried about the sword man's condition.

Although Xie Wensheng admired him very much, Chen Xiao was afraid that something would happen if the knife man touched a woman's belly.

But when Dao Man heard this, he said with a serious face: "I follow Mr. Xie's instructions every day, brother... I have worked very hard during this period, and I have definitely not been delayed!"

"I know you're not holding back, I'm asking about your trip to Lanshan Lake Villa!"

"Holy crap, how did you know that?"

Chen Xiao pointed at Dong'an and sneered: "Dongan was established just to give some monsters and monsters no place to hide. How do you think I knew that?"

The knife man scratched his head in embarrassment, but soon he said seriously:

"Brother, you may not think I'm young, but I know how to care for others!"

"So, are you here to care for Che Hongguang's wife?"

"Isn't it nice to have one more person to love her?" The knife man replied almost without any hesitation.

Chen Xiao was answered so directly and directly that he didn't know what to say for a while.

Soon, before he could speak, the knife man said with a serious face:

"Brother, you understand me, but you don't understand her. Sister Aili is very miserable! Just like Brother Dali said, as a man, you shouldn't just watch a woman suffer. But I am different from him. He feels sorry for those who are younger than him, but I feel sorry for those who are older than me!”

"What about your sister Ling?"

The knife man looked at Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao thought to himself: "You have nothing to say, right? I have to reverse your collapsed view of love!"

Just as he was thinking about it, the knife man looked at him for a while and said seriously:

"Some women are like a handful of sand. The tighter you hold it, the faster it slips away. It's better to just lift her up and let her go!"

Chen Xiao was stunned: "Who taught you this?"

"Brother Dali!"

Chen Xiao: “…….”

(End of this chapter)

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